Gazza responds to Noel Gallagher saying Foden will be 3 times the player Gazza was

Don't think it's unreasonable to speculate he will have a much better career than Gazza. He's already got 6 Premiership medals amongst other club honours (including a Champions League) for goodness sake. He may or may not go on to achieve something on the international stage. He is now roughly the same age Gazza was at Italia 90. If Man City put him up for transfer I reckon he'd get a move to the likes of Real Madrid or another super club certainly more prominent than Lazio were when Gazza went to them
Gazza had a good spell with Newcastle, was fundamental in getting Spurs to an FA Cup final before blowing up in the final and damaging himself through a moment of madness, came back to have a great 2 seasons with us and a couple of international tournaments where he had a real impact but not enough to win either of them.
2/3/4 times the player is a meaningless statement but I think it takes some huge nostalgia bias to claim Gazza was a much better player.
Part of it is nostalgia but part of it is just excitement. Foden is obviously modern day world class but I'm never turning on the Tele to watch him play if I'm honest. Ronaldinho probably wasn't as good as Messi or Ronaldo but if he's on the box you're rushing home to see him ... Gazza was the same. Foden can play brilliantly and score great goals but will people be talking about him 20 years after he retires ?
I love Gazza but come on, Foden already has multiple EPL titles and a Champions League. Of course 3 times the player is mince but Foden will do a lot more in the game than Gazza did.
Foden will win more trophies guaranteed he's surrounded by class players I believe gazza had more skill and if he'd managed to stay on the straight and narrow would have been up there with the world's best(at the time)
Foden is an incredible player but we're living in an era of wall to wall TV coverage of football.

There were fewer televised games during Gazza's heyday, so being able to watch him on TV was more of an event. People remember the matches and where they were when they watched them.

Also there is a lot of antipathy towards Man City. They are not the underdogs. Foden is tainted by association.

When Gazza played in England before his time with us he was at Newcastle and Spurs. Big clubs, but not hugely successful clubs. They weren't racking up titles.

Foden has already won a lot more than Gazza did, but he won't be revered by the general public the way Gazza is.
Gazza was a world class player who at one time could have walked into any dressing room in the world.

He is the best midfielder I have ever saw in the flesh.

By the time he came to us he was basically finished but he still tore it up here.

The Gallagher brothers are a pair of loudmouth twats.
Foden will win more trophies guaranteed he's surrounded by class players I believe gazza had more skill and if he'd managed to stay on the straight and narrow would have been up there with the world's best(at the time)

Unfortunately football now is so tactical and rigid that I don’t think a player like Gazza could ever emerge again. They would have their individual skill and flair coached out of them.
He'll end his career with at least 3 x the medals that Gazza had.

Thankfully though, i dont have to concern myself with such pointless comparisons. Nothing will ever beat the buzz of being at Ibrox the day Gazza secured 8iaR for example.
Djimi Traore has a Champions League Winners medal, trophies aren't everything. Foden has a way to go to be classed as being better than Rooney let alone Gazza or a Hoddle for natural ability
As good as Foden is (and he'll win well more than Gazza ever did), I've never watched him and felt he was on a different wavelength to the rest of the players around him in the same way Gazza was. Watching Gazza he was often several steps ahead of other players (mentally) in his play, an absolute football genius. Had an amazing way of seeing how the next few seconds would play out before it happened, and it made him a different level to everyone else. Foden (and this isn't his fault) doesn't have that same ability.
I love Gazza but come on, Foden already has multiple EPL titles and a Champions League. Of course 3 times the player is mince but Foden will do a lot more in the game than Gazza did.

Gerrard met Gascoigne at Ibrox and said to the players nobody here could lace Gascoigne's boots.

Foden is a cracking player but is not any better than Steven Gerrard was, or Harry Kane or Paul Gascoigne.
Gazza last played for England 26 years ago. Everyone still talks about him as a once in a generation talent.

Will folk still be talking about Foden 26 years after his last England game?

Btw - what is "three times the player". Three times more England appearances? Three times more goals? Three more dribbles per game?
Impossible to compare players of a different era. So much has changed from equipment, playing fields, ball, refereeing standards, coaching , fitness levels etc etc, How would Foden do in ankle deep mud with a ball with laces and a knee high tackle was only a foul if the guy was bleeding Vs How would the stars of bygone years deal with the professionalism, skill speed and fitness of today.
My answer is that they were some of the best in the world in their day
I find it hard to really compare when you play in a team that just buys the best in the world and youve got tthe best helping you.Same goes for pep.He says he might.need to move on,doesn't know what his challenge is now.Ok pep why don't you take the sheff united job next see how you get on.
You can say that a million times and it still wouldn’t be true
I don't mind Noel but thought he'd have more self-awareness than to become an unofficial City mascot. I mean, he always has been, but not to the same degree he is now.

There's nothing lamer than a rock star who becomes overly obsessed with football. Stick to the day job, lads.
Foden will go on to have a far better career. He may already have. He'll certainly have many more accomplishments.

Not sure I'd say Foden is or will be better, although he's certainly a top class footballer. And it's only an argument because for as good as Gazza was, he never hit the heights his talent deserved. Gazza should have been up there with the Zidane's, Platini's, Laudrup's and the likes. He had everything, a generational footballer.

A bit strange to say that Foden will be three times the player when, for me, Bellingham looks the closest thing I've seen for England since Gazza's hayday.

Some of the greats dont have busting trophy cabinets. It was a far more all round competitive game then. These days the big clubs are stealing your best before they are old enough to play first team football.

Maradona didnt have a massive club honor list compared to some of todays players. Yet he will always be in the greatest ever conversation.
I suppose the hyperbole is ott

But it’s not wild to say he is or will be a much better player or have more longevity or achieve more in the game. Different era/teams of course

As much as I love Gazza
I think Gazza possibly was born in te wrong era. Very little protection from refs, no media training, drinking and indulgence culture. He had all the natural ability in the world. If he acted now the way he did back then he’d problem be lucky to make it as a pro. However if he was given all the incentives and trappings and sport science the likes of foden has now and takes it onboard just think of tye player he could be.
Absolute rubbish, he isn't near his level at the moment and there's not a player who's lived that has been 3 times the player.

A sign of the times but Foden is far more "robotic" and has nowhere near as much flair or off the cuff genius. Football has changed significantly.
The Honours are a reflection of the teams they played in, not the player. Start to imagine Gascogne playing in that Manchester City team for years. That’s frightening.
Gazza last played for England 26 years ago. Everyone still talks about him as a once in a generation talent.

Will folk still be talking about Foden 26 years after his last England game?

Btw - what is "three times the player". Three times more England appearances? Three times more goals? Three more dribbles per game?
He likes Lionel Richie & the Commodores.
Gazza was the best player in the world at Italy 90

Will foden ever be able to say he is?

Foden is very good but levels to go I think
Aye. Under Pep he could be one of the best players in the world.

He’s been arguably the best player in the league this season & yet it feels like he’s still got levels to go up.

I don’t think even Foden himself would come out with the nonsense Noel did.
Wonder if Gazza looks back and thinks what might have been different if he went to Man United rather than Spurs.
Imagine him in the same team as Cantona

It’s a great question. One that would have been interesting to see but there’s every chance Ferguson would have taken a harder line on his nights out and actually moved him on after a season or two.
Gascoigne has 1 FA Cup on his list of honours outside of his time in Scotland. I think saying he could've been the best player with better attitude and lifestyle is fair, but Foden is at the elite level and Gascoigne fell short of it.
I’d say Foden is the most talented player England have had since Gascoigne but 3 times the player. No chance
Come back when he's top man at a World Cup then we will discuss !
Yeah Gazza was immense at 2 international tournaments.

90 WC and 96 Euros

I think he won young player of the tourney at italia 90.

Foden is a great player but I'd think he'd need a number of big moments in an England Jersey and some more great goals of Gazza's calibre to be up there with him.
I find it hard to really compare when you play in a team that just buys the best in the world and youve got tthe best helping you.Same goes for pep.He says he might.need to move on,doesn't know what his challenge is now.Ok pep why don't you take the sheff united job next see how you get on.
When did City buy the best in the World???
Yeah Gazza was immense at 2 international tournaments.

90 WC and 96 Euros

I think he won young player of the tourney at italia 90.

Foden is a great player but I'd think he'd need a number of big moments in an England Jersey and some more great goals of Gazza's calibre to be up there with him.
I think people need to stop viewing international tournaments that last a month as being a better benchmark than an entire domestic and European club career. I'm glad Messi won a World Cup to stop the bores thinking there was a comparison between him and Maradona, but it was already evident in one spending 20 years week in, week out at the top level and winning the top club tournaments regularly.