How are they going to pull this off next Saturday

I don't see us winning it not with the players available and the atrocious form of so many currently in the squad.
Ive a bad feeling the hammering we could easily have received in our previous 2 Old firm games could well be coming next weekend.
They chucked it after the 3-3 game.
They don’t believe or have any bottle that’s the reason we need a clear out.
If you think otherwise and you want to keep the leadership team you’ll be watching them win the league next season as well.
We aren’t it’s that simple there is too many holes to fill right now and players falling off a cliff in terms of performance.

Next week we can all write the script miss chances have a defensive nonsense lose multiple goals right after each other and then do the brave fight back thing.

You got a ticket? Happily take it off your hands if you do!
I don't think todays game ends 3 - 3 if Davies is still on the pitch, but Tav gives me the fear at RB
The scum must be praying he is playing ,which he will be of course ,so I don't hold out much hope,also agree with the poster that said most of them have chucked it.
We've lulled them into a false sense of security by playing shite for the last few weeks. Come next Saturday, Tav will be back to his marauding best, and Dessers has been instructed to stop deliberately fluffing his chances.
Tav won't mate wake up and smell the coffee his marauding days are long gone.
I was going to say our only chance is if they're still pished from celebrating but even a half cut Celtic would give these chancers a game.
What is it with all this "they" patter?
Just when did we start referring to our team as "them"?
And while I'm at it, what ever happened to the "No Surrender" attitude when our backs are against the wall?
I'm realistic enough to know that we'll be up against it next week but one thing's for sure, the team will need our 100% support on social media, phone-ins and letters pages in the build up and 110% at the game, particularly if we find ourselves a goal down.
One last glorious push and we can certainly finish the season on a high!
Ffs, are we back to thinking we’re playing Real Madrid again?

It’s a cup final against a team we can usually score against, who have just had St Mirren stick a couple by them and in a one off game at a neutral venue for a trophy.

This place can suck the life out of you.
Don't think anyone thinks they're a great team. They are far from it.

But unfortunately for us, they have got the beating of this team. Only Gerrard had the beating of them over however many seasons it's been.

But you're right it's a one off game and anything can happen but sorry for not feeling confident about our chances.
%^*& knows.

As bad as it feels just now, there’s still an underlying sense of impending doom in the air too.

Can this squad, for once, respond to the utter pish ripping we’re all having to endure?
In my opinion, we’ll not pull it off next weekend. They’ll beat us as they have for the last few years when it matters. That’s painful to say. I will still go to the game, but, and I’m the most positive person, we need a massive rebuild, and fwiw I think big Phil is the man to do so. But I’m going for a day out with my mates next weekend and I don’t expect a cup double. I’m depressed thinking about it.
It’s going to be interesting to see how Clement sets up next week to see tactically if he’s learned anything from previous games and if he does and has right personnel I believe we can win the cup.
Depends on the injuries - is there any chance of getting some bodies back?

We're on some shite form and threw away the league. However despite that the old firm games this season all hinged on refereeing decisions at key moments. I'm usually pretty pessimistic but i genuinely don't think teams are that far apart.
Please say none of the guys who have thrown in the towel after watching a dead rubber with guys coming back from injuries and no one wanting injured for next week have got tickets for the final?

**** me
Are you only entitled to a ticket if you think Rangers are going to win?
After watching today most have chucked it .'doesn't bode well for next week
How can you say that based on today? The game was a dead rubber. With half an eye on a cup final next week. Completely different mentalities for both games. You think they'll chuck it next week just because they "chucked it" in your eyes today?

We're underdogs next week because like it or not they are at present a better side. Which will most likely be the main factor next week.
If any these players feel just a touch as bad as we feel just now they would be running through brick walls for the team and as Gerrard use to say leave everything out there.

That’s all we ask give everything.
A couple of things that would help us: any sense of defiance from the players, a chunk of complacency with our opponents.

Last week’s game had a strong sense from both the players and a lot of us watching of just waiting for the inevitability of them scoring first, but maybe having a split crowd will change the whole thing up.

I don’t know, but I have more hope next week than I had going in to last week, tbh.

They are favourites, it would be silly pretending otherwise, but it’s not like they have handed out a series of scuddings to us, all the games have been close and I think next week will be the same.

Dessers needs to have one of his better days though and not a repeat of today, we will create chances for him, I’m sure of it.
The only guy that prevented it being a scudding was Jack Butland. On numerous occasions.
It’ll be one hell of a day if we do. I don’t think we’ll do it, however, this might be the time when they pull it off. It ain’t over yet.
The only guy that prevented it being a scudding was Jack Butland. On numerous occasions.

XG for that game was 2.66 v 1.03 and that includes the penalty they missed.

They didn't really create that many good chances despite them having an extra man. First half was more or less even in the regard.
In 45 years of following Rangers for the first time ever I am actually wishing we didn’t reach this cup final, that’s how much faith I have in these guys. They won’t be pulling anything off next Saturday and sadly from my take on things the only reasonable expectation is for them to at least try their hardest and keep the score line respectable but even that could be asking for too much from this group? As ever, please prove me wildly off the mark!
Knowing us I wouldn't be shocked if we pulled off a game of the season performance.

We're certainly capable of it when we want.

Injuries have completely fucked us over though. Professional athletes made of candy floss.
They aren’t going to pull it off.

The team that takes to the pitch will be a combination of players that are shite, players that have checked out, and players that are petrified of the team they are playing.

It will be a routine win for the filth sadly. I’d genuinely have more hope of them losing if they were playing Hearts.

Said this in the pub last week watching the game, they must absolutely love playing us.
We're Rangers. We can achieve anything if things conspire on the day. They can and I remain confident they will. Let's do the double.
I wish I was on what you’re on :p
Nothing mate....but I did have a mushroom risotto and a rather strange tasting brownie that Mrs Cutlass prepared for me after she saw me so disappointed after todays result.
I'll have to go now as for some strange reason I feel that my brains are dripping out of my nose onto my keyboard.

Gonna log off now stick some Grateful Dead on!

;) :D