How do we reverse this trend ?

Two things.

1. Get rid of the serial losers whose arses collapse anytime we play them.
2. Sign hungry, athletic skillful players similar to Sterling.

Our recruitment and succession planning has been fucking abysmal. Hanging onto players that are way past their sell by date and adding more shite on top of it.
It's hard to see it changing tbh.

Especially with them about to get the guts of 40m just for turning up in the CL.
That's all they need to do when they play us ....10 points out of 12 we've gifted them same old same old.....P.C. Well past the honeymoon period . So much for having fun.?.. :eek:
Captain sterling and find players of the same ilk. Anyone that thinks a draw is acceptable against anyone is not required.
I dont post often on here to many bed wetters on here!! heres my opinion Better players cost money money we dont have to rebuild this squad probably need to sell butland and sterling for stupid money