How do you pronounce Castore ?

It's Cas-tor

From Castor and Pollux

Or Castor Troy

Either way I can eat a peach for hours

It’s not, it’s Ca-store, after the Latin name for both brothers, Castores.
Their names were Kastor and Polydeuks in Greek, and the Dioscuri when referring to both. This was changed in Latin to Castor and Pollux, but was Castores or Gemini when referring to both. This is two brothers starting a company, it’s definitely a reference to the plural version.
Seeing as its cas-tor, I think anyone saying the other way calls our centre forward ‘Morales” or ‘’mirellez’.
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I thought it was just ca-store? Isn't that how one of the brothers said it when he was speaking to H&H a few weeks back?

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