"I am never happier than when the outside world has us beaten before a ball is kicked "

Quite the quote, especially in the current climate.

Perhaps it won't be our own recent failings that will decide the outcome tomorrow. Maybe, just maybe, the over confidence of our enemy will be their downfall.

Give us something special Rangers
Cracking post mate. I hope we witness something special tomorrow although I'm not confident. You never know...get after them Rangers, battle fever.
For the first time in years I’m relatively calm before a ball is kicked- no battle fever (yet) just a comforting feeling that everyone has us beaten- I don’t know but I’ve got a feeling that we will shock them as they think that the result is already a given

Anyway, I’m off to get the tunes on and see where I am around 3am after the shandies kick in
For the first time in years I’m relatively calm before a ball is kicked- no battle fever (yet) just a comforting feeling that everyone has us beaten- I don’t know but I’ve got a feeling that we will shock them as they think that the result is already a given

Anyway, I’m off to get the tunes on and see where I am around 3am after the shandies kick in
That's the glasgow Rangers story, 50P flute song. I'm with you.

Need to get to bed, fuk it, wire in.
Can we get a result? Will we? Genuinely I have no idea.

That mob think they just need to turn up. 40+ years experience tells me that thinking is often your downfall.

I also can’t shake the feeling Killie still have a say in how this season will play out.
Can we get a result? Will we? Genuinely I have no idea.

That mob think they just need to turn up. 40+ years experience tells me that thinking is often your downfall.

I also can’t shake the feeling Killie still have a say in how this season will play out.

All they've had to recently is show up. We've let them off the hook so many times it's fúckin sickening. I think ability wise we've got it in us to beat them, we just don't seem to have it mentally.
No point in sitting in and inviting it on to us. Either press them to hell at their weakest point so their backline can’t bring the ball out unchallenged, or at the very least pack the midfield. Above all, go in with the battle fever and a bit of belief….after all, this isn’t Real Madrid we’re playing.
This is for the league and if our players cannot get up for this one, then they should just forget it. Get into them from the very start.
Their convinced that this game is in the bag for them before a ball is kicked .
Brendas comments about having fun has got them all like this .

I somehow managed to get involved in a random interaction with a yahoo on the street yesterday and I'm stunned at how confident they are .

They think their turning up to take the piss for 90mins this will be their downfall.
Winning today in front of those rabid scumbags would be glorious

A late winner would be awesome

Rodgers has riled big Phil with his comments and attitude

Let’s hope our players give their all and get us a win
Lots of our senior players owe us a big performance against the scum, more importantly they owe themselves a big performance.

The team will be broken up and rebuilt in the summer, let's have something positive and leave with a real legacy. Heart, courage, desire and passion please. That's all we have ever asked.
Hopefully the players can show the same balls as the manager has in the build up to this game.

Just do it Rangers. No surrender!
I honestly don't know if we are capable, when i watch international rugby i always think why can't we do that and not leave an ounce on the park.
All I ask is that if we go down, we go down fighting. Batter into them from the very first minute, hit every tackle as if your life depended on it. For once in recent times let us set the tone, history tells us that's the way we win.
No Surrender.
This team prefer being the underdog in big games, go into a game against Betis and get a result but struggle against the likes of Limassol.

It's hopefully something we can fix going into next season but for today it suits us that everyone is writing us off.
From the first minute until the last minute, just get fooked right into these 19th Century Terrorists please Rangers.
The truth is , any team who have taken points from them this season at their shopping centre stadium, have pressed their full backs , and centre backs , their goalie is uncomfortable with the ball too.

We can score goals from open play , set plays , from a diversity of positions. We can win this game today. I also think , if the diving Japanese false prophet , wants to cheat bookings, free kicks, or penalties , we need to get a justified yellow card or red for that matter. He shouldn’t be getting up from the turf without physio support.

We are fighting for the title today. Let’s leave everything on the pitch . McCausland to support tav . The captain must lead us into the battle. No dithering in the first phase of the match, no two handed calm down gestures to colleagues displaying more expressive game management that he does at the early phase of the game .

Display our courage , fitness, and will to win., No Surrender ever!
This is for the league and if our players cannot get up for this one, then they should just forget it. Get into them from the very start.
I think our players will be well up for it but some things are outwith our control
Let's have a sweep what today's big decision against rangers will be as per last three meetings
I really hope that quote is Phil’s final words to the players before they line up in the tunnel. He should tell them to keep repeating it to themselves as they walk out.