Ibroxonia today

Do the UB have a deal with the club to get tickets for every away game or are they just lucky in the draws ? Sounded superb today
Was brilliant. I like the song but didn't think it translated very well to games the last few its been sung. Changed my opinion at the game today it was excellent and spread beyond the UB which helped
We are just talking about the atmosphere today, not how or who gets tickets
It wasn’t a hard question to answer , the atmosphere was superb through the tv, I stopped going to away grounds in 2010 after 35 years of missing very few when it was easier to get tickets.
It must be very hard to get tickets at present and was only interested if the group had a deal to have representation at every away game . Not got an issue if they do by the way.
It wasn’t a hard question to answer , the atmosphere was superb through the tv, I stopped going to away grounds in 2010 after 35 years of missing very few when it was easier to get tickets.
It must be very hard to get tickets at present and was only interested if the group had a deal to have representation at every away game . Not got an issue if they do by the way.

No deal with the club (as far as I know). Many of them will be high up in their RSCs as they travel every week with tickets or not.

There may also have been a few in the home end who managed their way into the Rangers end :D
No deal with the club (as far as I know). Many of them will be high up in their RSCs as they travel every week with tickets or not.

There may also have been a few in the home end who managed their way into the Rangers end :D
Saw a couple do exactly that
The dreaded 50p thing notwithstanding, I thought the Rangers crowd did brilliantly today all things considered and found the passionate rendition of Ibroxonia quite emotive. The sentiments and tone of it were perfect for this time.
I was surprised at the Killie game that quite a few supporters outwith the Union Bears actually knew most of the lyrics - a sure sign that it will catch on as an Ibrox favourite given its recent introduction in such a short time. However, the ‘Jimmy Baxter’ line should be changed to ‘Slim Jim Baxter’ in my opinion. I don’t think many Gers fans ever referred to Jim as Jimmy.
I’ve always wanted us to have a slower song, like the Derry’s walls amazing grace version we sung against Munich. Unfortunately, we struggle to sing in Unison.

Glad Ibroxonia has made a comeback.