INM has inspectors appointed to it by Irish State

Perhaps our leader will request a retrospective look at any(if any)fit and proper persons diligence has been carried out and if not, why not.After all a huge fuss was made over his status(eh Mr English-we know you look in).All in the name of Sporting Integrity you understand.
I have been critical of Dave King’s apparent inactivity. I will be ecstatic to be proven wrong.

This looks like a clever man building a case.
Their greatest deflection tactic is always the counter argument, be it denial, law suits or counter accusations.

They are always of the opinion that as soon as they are accused of anything they blame the accuser. By doing so, they immediately become the innocent party.

It's their religion, as soon as they sin, they confess and are then absolved.

As soon as they are caught breaking the law they become the victim.

Strange strange dangerous and immoral cult!
Their greatest deflection tactic is always the counter argument, be it denial, law suits or counter accusations.

They are always of the opinion that as soon as they are accused of anything they blame the accuser. By doing so, they immediately become the innocent party.

It's their religion, as soon as they sin, they confess and are then absolved.

As soon as they are caught breaking the law they become the victim.

Strange strange dangerous and immoral cult!

The perfect summary of how these people operate.

It's a built in defence mechanism that clicks into action when they are caught bang to rights.
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They'll be too busy covering their tracks or digging the dirt for something on Dave King !

QUOTE="Superrangers, post: 1524233, member: 885"]Why when there are dubious goings on, investigations into business process, governance, tax, etc. is Desmond’s name never far away.

And more importantly why are are the Scottish media and footballing authorities not doing their job and investigating also?[/QUOTE]

So corporate governance scandal engulfing INM, whose chairman is the chairman of the SPFL, and whose largest (not minority) shareholders are also the largest (not minority) shareholders of Celtic plc

No corporate governance issues at SPFL though. None at all.

It's laughable

You actually couldn't make this shit up :D
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There seems to be a history of corporate governance issues at INM and some would appear to be linked to the influence of a certain shareholder.

The idea that the Board of a public company would not have a relationship with their major shareholders - and by major I mean anyone with 5% of more - is risible. The job of the Board is to represent the interests of the owners of the company (the shareholders) and exercise a supervisory role over management.
Hmmm I really do wonder what links Mr Desmond has to a certain Mr Ashley. There’s your next cross to go digging....
The Rangers one or the Celtic one??????????
Not made a celtic one yet it's still processing not been needed, upto now they've been the poor club who started only for charity and the poor well the Catholic poor anyway. They have been above the law and pride themselves on " Sporting Integrity " nothing to see here.
Hmmm I really do wonder what links Mr Desmond has to a certain Mr Ashley. There’s your next cross to go digging....

These guys all know each other and will do business together if there is enough money in it.

In many respects King is an outsider because he made his dosh in South Africa. So they don't really know what to expect from him although the alarm bells should have started ringing after he saw off Ashley.
Desmond is a right dodgy cunt isn't he?

Maybe the SFA could get their fit and proper persons tests out again?
The tims are always going on about DK not being a fit and proper person because of the South African tax case ,the main difference them is that DK got caught .
The number of dodgy deals involving this one in Ireland , the Latvian money laundering bank , and Betdaq a few years ago an online betting operation which was branded a rogue operation by Australian authorities and of course the Panama papers .
A dodgy c#nt that quite clearly is a massive understatement however hopefully it is only a matter of time before he slips and some regulatory authority nails him:rolleyes:
O'Brien and Desmond have clearly got major influence over INM. In fact, the company themselves have even acknowledged that, by insisting that the Desmond nominated board member should not be considered independent because of his links to Desmond and because of the size of Desmond's shareholding.

So, for the SPFL to now claim that MacLennan working for a company where both O'Brien and Desmond have acknowledged influence over company affairs (INM), and where both of them are major shareholders in INM and Celtic plc, doesn't create any conflict is, frankly, laughable.

That's the relevance of this important story. It shows that Desmond and O'Brien are major shareholders in INM. It shows they have huge clout and influence over the dealings of that company and, consequently, huge clout over the behaviour of the staff in INM. It shows that MacLennan, as an employee of INM, must be influenced by the views of O'Brien and Desmond.

Given that O'Brien and Desmond are both major shareholders in Celtic, as well as INM, how can MacLennan possibly not be conflicted on all matters relating to Rangers, Celtic's biggest rivals.

You then link this whole mess to the SPFL denials of any conflict of interest and then subsequent claims that potential conflicts having been notified to the SPFL board anyway in January, before the Stock Exchange even had it announced that MacLennan was being appointed chairman of INM, and this is an utter disgrace.

Somebody is lying through their teeth here. That's why an independent investigation into the whole matter and the SPFL involvement is required
O'Brien and Desmond have clearly got major influence over INM. In fact, the company themselves have even acknowledged that, by insisting that the Desmond nominated board member should not be considered independent because of his links to Desmond and because of the size of Desmond's shareholding.

So, for the SPFL to now claim that MacLennan working for a company where both O'Brien and Desmond have acknowledged influence over company affairs (INM), and where both of them are major shareholders in INM and Celtic plc, doesn't create any conflict is, frankly, laughable.

That's the relevance of this important story. It shows that Desmond and O'Brien are major shareholders in INM. It shows they have huge clout and influence over the dealings of that company and, consequently, huge clout over the behaviour of the staff in INM. It shows that MacLennan, as an employee of INM, must be influenced by the views of O'Brien and Desmond.

Given that O'Brien and Desmond are both major shareholders in Celtic, as well as INM, how can MacLennan possibly not be conflicted on all matters relating to Rangers, Celtic's biggest rivals.

You then link this whole mess to the SPFL denials of any conflict of interest and then subsequent claims that potential conflicts having been notified to the SPFL board anyway in January, before the Stock Exchange even had it announced that MacLennan was being appointed chairman of INM, and this is an utter disgrace.

Somebody is lying through their teeth here. That's why an independent investigation into the whole matter and the SPFL involvement is required

I doubt that the SPFL gave any conflict of interest concerns even a minute's thought. MacLennan was proposed by Nolan, had a good CV, was acceptable to Celtic and nobody else raised any objections.

Now they have been caught out they are scrambling to justify their decision after the fact.
wonderfully ironic, we could not have planned this even if we tried, ,their own shallow words from yesterday ,shoved right back down their throats and we didn't have to do a thing,, I have got the feeling that somewhere in spfl offices, Doncaster will be sitting with his stupid looking head in his hands
There seems to be a history of corporate governance issues at INM and some would appear to be linked to the influence of a certain shareholder.

The idea that the Board of a public company would not have a relationship with their major shareholders - and by major I mean anyone with 5% of more - is risible. The job of the Board is to represent the interests of the owners of the company (the shareholders) and exercise a supervisory role over management.
Well.... interesting to say the very least. "range of potentially unlawful conduct" & "matters it would prefer the public did not hear". Judge ripped them a new one right enough. Basically accusing them of trying to 'sweep sweep'. Sound familiar?

So what's your take on this now? Does it shed any more light onto what we were discussing before about the amount of ex KPMG employees at IMG? Either facilitating 'unlawful conduct' or damage limitation after the fact perhaps?

EDIT: on second thoughts it might be a bit unfair asking you that given it's an active ongoing investigation. However, I'm sure you could still maybe give an opinion in a general sense, not specifically about this case of course.
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Well.... interesting to say the very least. "range of potentially unlawful conduct" & "matters it would prefer the public did not hear". Judge ripped them a new one right enough. Basically accusing them of trying to 'sweep sweep'. Sound familiar?

So what's your take on this now? Does it shed any more light onto what we were discussing before about the amount of ex KPMG employees at IMG? Either facilitating 'unlawful conduct' or damage limitation after the fact perhaps?

EDIT: on second thoughts it might be a bit unfair asking you that given it's an active ongoing investigation. However, I'm sure you could still maybe give an opinion in a general sense, not specifically about this case of course.

Clearly, one of the issues at INM is the influence of one shareholder in particular. We have also noted the number of ex-KPMG people on the board although all of them do bring skills and experience to the table. Equally, the ex-KPMG people do not necessarily have any financial links to their former employer.

But it is a tough sell because being ex-KPMG does not mean that they have any kind of vested interest in KPMG's business today. It may just be a happy coincidence and proving anything untoward is probably impossible.

Given that they are the auditors, I would be looking at the role of KPMG in that shareholder's wider business, the extent to which they might be a preferred advisor and whether that might give rise to a conflict of interest and their ability to serve independently the other shareholders.

Edit: I have changed this around a bit after my first draft to try and make my thoughts a bit clearer.
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I do have a strong feeling King has quite a bit of information to hand regards this and is testing them to see how far they're prepared to lodge themselves in the mud.
They'll deny everything and he'll release a little more..
They'll deny everything.... and he'll release a little more
Just heard them discussing this subject on the radio.the two main shareholders are and I quote “O’Brien and his close friend dermot Desmond are the largest shareholders in inm”
They are being investigated over a serious data breach and there failed attempt to take over another radio station called newstalk.
Maybe everyone at this department of the Irish Government is a Rangers fan. I'm sure Desmond will be sure to write a letter asking them.
Just heard them discussing this subject on the radio.the two main shareholders are and I quote “O’Brien and his close friend dermot Desmond are the largest shareholders in inm”
They are being investigated over a serious data breach and there failed attempt to take over another radio station called newstalk.
Doesn't sound very fit and proper to me and we all know how important that is to the SFA.

Investigations and punishment must surely follow. Better rev up those "low-level paper gatherers" you corrupt, Rangers hating wankers. Your reckoning has arrived and his name is Dave.
Doesn't sound very fit and proper to me and we all know how important that is to the SFA.

Investigations and punishment must surely follow. Better rev up those "low-level paper gatherers" you corrupt, Rangers hating wankers. Your reckoning has arrived and his name is Dave.
The moriarty tribunal which was over mobile phone licenses makes for interesting reading and Desmond is up to his kneck in it
I've nothing against the people of the Republic of Ireland, but their country is surely one of the most corrupt in the world where politicians and businessmen are indistinguishable. Charlie "the gun runner" Haughey, Albert Reynolds, are two who spring to mind.
These cunts tried to kill Rangers which in turn would kill Scottish football, opening a door for them to possible EPL riches. They are corrupt to the core and have mhedia backers like Irish Tom and Gollum on their payroll.
I've nothing against the people of the Republic of Ireland, but their country is surely one of the most corrupt in the world where politicians and businessmen are indistinguishable. Charlie "the gun runner" Haughey, Albert Reynolds, are two who spring to mind.
Ireland is undergoing a fairly rapid transformation. Ten years ago I would agree with your assessment, but it is trending in the right direction.
The issue with the mentally challengeds is hypocrisy.
Always has been.

Dave King : “glib and shameless liar”

Dermot Desmond Latvian banking mogul and more corporate governance issues than that of Enron :fit and proper

Rangers questionable songs “disgusting bigotry create a law and get them jailed”

Celtic questionable songs “the OBFA needs repealed urgently, what about our human rights and freedom of speech?”

Rangers -establishment club shame, masons everywhere, Campbell Ogilvie is pulling the strings oppressing Celtic at every turn, Hugh Dallas sends a joke email sacked

Celtic - “associates” everywhere, chairman of the league employed by de facto owner but “where’s the problem lads? Just a wee bit of business”

And the moral is:
If your stupid weasel gub writes enough bouncy cheques then one day the chickens come back looking for a coop.

(Not co-op-that’s another story)
Pour yersel a glass and enjoy the show...

Indeed. Fit and proper person test may become an issue depending on what develops.

Also given the SPFL's insistence regarding his 'minority shareholder' status, the obvious influence he wields tells an entirely different story and surely this can't be denied now. Will they keep digging?

Looking forward to next chapter.

The SPFL stance that O'Brien and Desmond are "minority" shareholders, suggesting they have little or no influence over MacLennan in his role as chairman of INM, is an utterly ridiculous position. Completely unsustainable position.

Just heard them discussing this subject on the radio.the two main shareholders are and I quote “O’Brien and his close friend dermot Desmond are the largest shareholders in inm”
They are being investigated over a serious data breach and there failed attempt to take over another radio station called newstalk.

O'Brien's personal representative was appointed chairman of INM (Buckley, I think) and then Buckley allegedly passed data to one of O'Brien's companies, who had paid for that data and used it to gather information on other journalists, barristers and PR executives. That was the alleged data breach.

The proposed purchase of Newstalk is an issue because O'Brien owned Newstalk and allegedly put pressure on Buckley to pay over the odds for Newstalk. The deal didn't go through but Irish regulators have described the proposed deal as one that was "unfavourable for INM, but favourable for Mr O'Brien". Again, this shows the degree of influence that O'Brien has at INM and flies directly in the face of the SPFL claim that MacLennan would be under no influence and not conflicted by being chairman of a business where Celtic and IBM major shareholder O'Brien was involved. Clearly O'Brien exerts a huge amount of influence in both companies. As clear a conflict of interest as you'll ever see.

Edited. To add a little more clarity
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Anyone who follows Irish news will have known this was coming, the ODCE announced it months ago.

They believe there is the possibility of “multiple criminal offences” having been committed at INM. That’s a direct quote.
And yet.... our media seem to have managed to stay completely ignorant about all of this. Funny that o_O
Even today..... it's awfa eerily quiet.
And yet.... our media seem to have managed to stay completely ignorant about all of this. Funny that o_O
Even today..... it's awfa eerily quiet.
Suspect the media know full well that King has a case, but are terrified of commenting, knowing full well that it will be obvious to all and sundry that they are taking the Celtc side.Will be very interesting to see how this develops and the media reaction.
They claimed INM wanted to be notified so issues could be whittled down before they went to court, because there were "matters it would prefer the public did not hear".

Ha-ha they wanted time to hide the dirt .... it's no fair just turning up like this.
Just heard them discussing this subject on the radio.the two main shareholders are and I quote “O’Brien and his close friend dermot Desmond are the largest shareholders in inm”
They are being investigated over a serious data breach and there failed attempt to take over another radio station called newstalk.
Was Newstalk not the radio station owned by O'Brien and he was trying to get INM to buy them at a hugely inflated price so that he could profit?

That's the impression I got from reading an RTE article.
bit of topic , but arent these the c---s that said Juninhios EBT was cosha and didnt need investigation , corrupt feckers each and every one of them .
Was Newstalk not the radio station owned by O'Brien and he was trying to get INM to buy them at a hugely inflated price so that he could profit?

That's the impression I got from reading an RTE article.

That's what I read as well. That is one of the allegations the regulator is making against O'Brien.
I've nothing against the people of the Republic of Ireland, but their country is surely one of the most corrupt in the world where politicians and businessmen are indistinguishable. Charlie "the gun runner" Haughey, Albert Reynolds, are two who spring to mind.
Not to mention the control which the RC church had over almost every aspect of life in ROI until fairly recently until disclosure after disclosure about the horrific activities of priests and nuns became public knowledge leading to mass (no pun intended) losses of worshippers and confidence in the catholic church