Interesting interview with Arteta


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This particular nugget
After his time in Scotland, a 24-year-old Arteta moved to Spanish side Real Sociedad in the hope of keeping his family together after his parents said they were getting divorced.

“I felt so guilty. I didn't know if that was because of me and trying to pursue my dream. I feel very responsible for that,” he says.

“I never felt that it was the right call [to move back to Spain], but I had a duty and I wanted to reconnect my parents and my family again.

“It was a disaster. It never worked in that sense. I never felt connected in any moment."
He copped a lot of flack from us at the time because the chat was homesick and then he finds himself at Everton soon after.

At the end of the day, these guys are just human like the rest of us and have things going on in life that we aren't privvy to - nor do we deserve to be.

Guy obvioiusly thought being at home might help his family before realising it was out of his hands.
You wouldn't begrudge anyone a move on to a better league. He did it in a sneaky way though.

Don't think he mentioned his folks separating as being the issue at the time, but that's his business TBF, sure he said it was the weather. Then months later ended up in sunny Liverpool.

Glad City are going to win it :D saw a clip of him on Instagram having a half time rant, came across as wee numpty.

Clearly doing well though.
The biggest disappointment when Arteta left was the fact we didn't even make our money back on him. Was obvious he was going to play at the top level.
Yeah that was my recollection.

The issue wasn’t as much with his reasoning for leaving, it was Martin Bain’s school of business management. Sign him for £6m and sell a more experienced player for £2.5m 2 years down the road.
No way he was 24 when he moved to Sociedad. He was 21 when he scored the penalty v Dunfemline and left a year later Ballague ya wee prick.
That explains a lot. He was an excellent signing at the time, clearly seen as a future star by Barca. I can’t kid on I wasn’t disappointed that he went, as he seemed to be the right fit, but seeing that about his family, I can fully understand.
And although I was disappointed, like most ex Rangers I kept an eye out for him. What a great career he carved out. Now he is one of the top managers in the EPL.
He clearly remains a bear, as he congratulated us on 55 at one of his press conferences at the time. Who knows he maybe want to come back and manage a big club before he finishes?
Arteta leaves Rangers to save his parents marriage - is this the Sunday Sport?

He was a sneaky so and so, he was home for a short period then went to Everton at Rangers expense.
He should have just stuck to his original excuse.

Now we are to believe he rushed home and in between training, football games etc he was trying to save his parents marriage, gave up after a few months and then went to Everton :D :D
Arteta leaves Rangers to save his parents marriage - is this the Sunday Sport?

He was a sneaky so and so, he was home for a short period then went to Everton at Rangers expense.
He should have just stuck to his original excuse.

Now we are to believe he rushed home and in between training, football games etc he was trying to save his parents marriage, gave up after a few months and then went to Everton :D :D
Mental that you think he would remember or even care enough to make a lie up 20 years later.
You wouldn't begrudge anyone a move on to a better league. He did it in a sneaky way though.

Don't think he mentioned his folks separating as being the issue at the time, but that's his business TBF, sure he said it was the weather. Then months later ended up in sunny Liverpool.

Glad City are going to win it :D saw a clip of him on Instagram having a half time rant, came across as wee numpty.

Clearly doing well though.
Thing is people don't like sharing family issues and personal details etc

How many of us have issues in relationships and don't say anything for escape just try go through it to gets to much.

I'm not saying it was the case but I can see why at the time you wouldn't broadcast it as it would have been all over the news

Arteta leaves rangers to try save parents marriage.

Or rangers caused the breakup of artetas parents
Etc etc
Mental that you think he would remember or even care enough to make a lie up 20 years later.
I'm not saying he is lying, I'm saying his two excuses now appear pretty lame since he ended up at Everton (not Spain) within the next transfer window. However, he wasn't really getting a game at Real Sociedad by the looks of things. Played 3 times for them. Maybe I'm being harsh on him :confused:

This particular nugget

He copped a lot of flack from us at the time because the chat was homesick and then he finds himself at Everton soon after.

At the end of the day, these guys are just human like the rest of us and have things going on in life that we aren't privvy to - nor do we deserve to be.

Guy obvioiusly thought being at home might help his family before realising it was out of his hands.
My memory is hazy but I don't remember Arteta recieving flak.Nothing but good things as as am concerned.I wish him well and maybe one day he will be in our dugout.

This particular nugget

He copped a lot of flack from us at the time because the chat was homesick and then he finds himself at Everton soon after.

At the end of the day, these guys are just human like the rest of us and have things going on in life that we aren't privvy to - nor do we deserve to be.

Guy obvioiusly thought being at home might help his family before realising it was out of his hands.
Good share mate never seen this background before
I'm not saying he is lying, I'm saying his two excuses now appear pretty lame since he ended up at Everton (not Spain) within the next transfer window. However, he wasn't really getting a game at Real Sociedad by the looks of things. Played 3 times for them. Maybe I'm being harsh on him :confused:
Is it maybe that in that time his parents concluded there split ? It was a futile desperate attempt he seems to be saying
You wouldn't begrudge anyone a move on to a better league. He did it in a sneaky way though.

Don't think he mentioned his folks separating as being the issue at the time, but that's his business TBF, sure he said it was the weather. Then months later ended up in sunny Liverpool.

Glad City are going to win it :D saw a clip of him on Instagram having a half time rant, came across as wee numpty.

Clearly doing well though.
How would you know if he mentioned it?

You clearly are a very bitter individual.
Is it maybe that in that time his parents concluded there split ? It was a futile desperate attempt he seems to be saying
Yeah that and probably not getting into the Real team. I'll need to rethink my hate for him that I have carried for 2 decades :D:D
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This particular nugget

He copped a lot of flack from us at the time because the chat was homesick and then he finds himself at Everton soon after.

At the end of the day, these guys are just human like the rest of us and have things going on in life that we aren't privvy to - nor do we deserve to be.

Guy obvioiusly thought being at home might help his family before realising it was out of his hands.
That would make a lot of sense to be fair.
TBF, I always thought the reason he left was because he was playing midfield with Gavin Rae/Stephen Hughes/Bob Malcolm/ Emerson and god know what other dross.

I’d have faked my own death to get out of that if I was him.

This particular nugget

He copped a lot of flack from us at the time because the chat was homesick and then he finds himself at Everton soon after.

At the end of the day, these guys are just human like the rest of us and have things going on in life that we aren't privvy to - nor do we deserve to be.

Guy obvioiusly thought being at home might help his family before realising it was out of his hands.
I think you are bang on. He got the stick for homesickness and ended up just down the road shortly after.

Not that it's anyone else's business but that info being out earlier would have helped lessen the attitude towards him.

At the end of the day though he was a young man doing what he felt was right and sadly it never worked out. It's got nothing to do with other people and haters are always going to hate
The idea Rangers wouldn't have just sold him straight to Everton in the summer of 2004 which was still the period of when basically anything that wasn't nailed down was sold is a bit daft.

Some people act like it was some conspiracy that he left us only to come back to the UK a few months later. If Everton wanted him from us in June 2004 then Rangers wouldn't have stood in his way.
People still hurting 20 years later that a young Spanish lad didn't fancy spending his best years in the SPL?

I honestly don't get it. Never once have I felt anger towards him and he always speaks well of us.
If I can just add this part of the article as well.

In 2002 Arteta signed a deal to join Rangers, leaving Barcelona.

“I have never seen an atmosphere like this - look how passionate these people are,” says Arteta about his first visit to Rangers, where they were playing PSG in the Champions League.

“Best decision that we made. It was really challenging - completely different football. You have to survive or die.”
People still hurting 20 years later that a young Spanish lad didn't fancy spending his best years in the SPL?

I honestly don't get it. Never once have I felt anger towards him and he always speaks well of us.
The only anger anyone should've had was at the club for letting him go so cheaply.
Great player and evidently a very good manager now too. But can't help but feel there's something creepy about the guy. Never taken to him
He said something in the arsenal amazon show that stuck with me

It can happen, you can lose everything in this this life in a moment, seemed like he was talking from life experience
Great player and evidently a very good manager now too. But can't help but feel there's something creepy about the guy. Never taken to him

That's up there with strange takes on this board tbh mate.

Good guy, always talks highly of us, extrely talented player and doing very well in management. The Everton move left a bitter taste at the time but there's always more going on than we see.