Jermain Defoe appreciation thread

I was absolutely thrilled to see Defoe score against those kunts, and the wee man looked emotional after it aswell. If that's to be his last game against them it was a very fitting end, although I wanted Roofe to complete the hat-trick I was delighted Defoe finally got what he wanted against them.
His RTV interview
I jumped the highest and cheered the loudest when that one went in. The wife called it when he came on too. Perfect ending to the last old firm game of the season.
When you look back on the years of supporting Rangers and there are players you just feel so privelaged to have watched. Jermain Defoe is up there with Ray Wilkins for me. I love Gazza, Laudrup, McCoist and the likes but sometimes a player comes along and the respect you have for them cannot be described.
Even If we keep Salt Baeffalo and Hagi, with the addition of Sakala, I could see a spot for Defoe next season...

ST- Morelos, Itten, Defoe (Player Coach)
LW- Kent/Wright
RW- Sakala/Roofe
CAM- Aribo/Hagi
Just watched a clip of the goal again. Brilliant finish.

It all starts from a Soro bad pass but Christie makes a poor half-arsed attempt at collecting it. He then makes absolutely no effort in trying to win it back nor track any of the runners. According to Pat Bonner , he was brought on to 'provide energy' in closing down a 36 year old Steve Davies who had played all of the 92 minutes of the game at that point. Yet he didn't try to close down or tackle anyone there.
He has completely chucked it and adds another good omen for next year.
He loved his goal and so did we

I’d 100% give him another year

He’s scored 24 goals in 50 Rangers games

That’s an amazing return

His goal today was a masterclass of a quality goal scorer

JD is undoubtedly the best goal scorer in this league. He’s awesome and whilst in his twilight of his career he’s still got the quality and professional attitude to keep on for another season
Mind blowing class striker.
If Defoe does leave he will be the first player I will genuinely miss since we lost the likes of Davis and McGregor
Absolutely loved seeing him score at the death yesterday. You could see it meant so much to him. Top class bloke.
Can't help but feel that our disappointment in the cups could have been prevented if we'd given him the cup games?