John Spencer 92-96 / Steve Clarke 87/98 at Chelsea fc


Well-Known Member
Easy to join up the dots isn't it stevie, after his mojo statement at the press conference ,,, he knew all right. Caught Lying again.
Glad someone brought this up, surely SC spoke to John Spencer about his time at Rangers at some point in their four years together at Chelsea? I'm not having it that no conversation was had, between two WOS footballers away from home.
Maybe SC thinks a teammate is irrelevant in his selective debate or of a lower calibre than MoJo?
Glad someone brought this up, surely SC spoke to John Spencer about his time at Rangers at some point in their four years together at Chelsea? I'm not having it that no conversation was had, between two WOS footballers away from home.
Maybe SC thinks a teammate is irrelevant in his selective debate or of a lower calibre than MoJo?
There is a scale of "Cathoilicicity"
"Aye Ranjurs might have signed a cafflic but he wisnae roamin' cafflic. Oh he wis a roamin' cafflic ? aye well until ye's sign the pope, it disnae coont"
The thing is any catholic who signed for us became high profile just for the signing for the Famous so they can all go take a running %^*&.
He’s tried to be the Rosie Parks of Scottish football and made a tit of himself .