Jon Moss was very interested in the Head of Refereeing role

No chance the morbidly obese dictator of Scottish football was allowing that.
If our board aren’t actively looking at every possible avenue to get us out of this shithole of a footballing backwater they’re being negligent.
There will never be a level playing field again in this country as long as that cancer of a club are allowed to call the shots & install their placemen in every critical role in the game.
Scottish football is dead in terms of sporting integrity.
Closed shop

SFA will appoint people that Lieswell wants and the white will continue

Clement will have seen the way we are refereed compares to the scum

Tuesday was a perfect example

Ref allowed Dundee several kicks on Cantwell and only warned Sylla of Dundee

Sylla was warned and committed other fouls but he didn’t get booked before he was subbed off get.

Dessers gets a two handed push in the back and VAR didn’t even review it and zero discussion on Sky or BBC highlights show

Scottish football is corrupt and Collum will make it worse
I asume the roll was not advertised to find the best man for the job? Just internal calls between Maxwell and parkpaed to install the biggest cheat to suit the Nonces!

The SFA's "extensive recruitment process"
Collum should be hounded at every possible opportunity in the role he’s been handed on a plate until he’s forced to resign from it. Surely this has to be the appointment that makes the other clubs waken up to what the %^*& Scottish football has become.
The other clubs are a part of the gang, have you not realised that yet?
No chance the morbidly obese dictator of Scottish football was allowing that.
If our board aren’t actively looking at every possible avenue to get us out of this shithole of a footballing backwater they’re being negligent.
There will never be a level playing field again in this country as long as that cancer of a club are allowed to call the shots & install their placemen in every critical role in the game.
Scottish football is dead in terms of sporting integrity.
We missed the chance when we were relegated to the third division.
You have to get three years notice.
We should’ve resigned from the league and been the Harlem Globetrotters for a few years before getting an invitation to join another league in Europe.
We wouldn’t be in this mess now if we walked away from Scottish football back then.
They are never going to let us out.
The only way it happens is if there is a European restructure, and both us and them are part of it.
You need a covering supporting letter from 2 priests and an archbishop to even get onto the list.
Moss had no chance
There was no way that any 'outsider' was going to get near that post. That mob has control of the administrative arms of Scottish football and they are not going to relinquish that without being forced to so.
The people running Scottish football have no interest in trying to improve, they are happy to run it into the ground as long as one team continues to benefit.

Unless the other teams wise up it will never change
The only thing they’re interested in is keeping Celtic winning.
The other teams are irrelevant.
Us and them are their cash cows.
As long as we are in the league, the other teams are going to be happy.
If only we had an independent media free from beast control who would be asking what the criteria for the position was & was it advertised and which candidates applied and were interviewed.
The people running Scottish football have no interest in trying to improve, they are happy to run it into the ground as long as one team continues to benefit.

Unless the other teams wise up it will never change
The other teams have been compliant to their masters since 2012.

They believed that they would get a chance of picking up an occasional cup or dare I say it league!
If this wasn't anything other than a two bob, tinpot league the cheating to aid one club would be major news around the footballing world.
That's why an 'outsider', a genuine proper candidate, was never getting a top job, they know that nobody cares outside the cesspit. Rangers are up against a loaded dice like never before. I honestly wish we could be away from this corrupt league.
The recruitment process was a sham.

The appointment was probably in motion before Fleeting was hounded out the role.

They circled the wagons after Collum's questionable Var performance was called out.

We've still never been told who briefed Sky and Rangers that the decision given was offside before that was walked back and we were told that, inexplicably, Collum just didn't think it was a handball.

We were never told why VAR went looking for a handball, or when, for an incident that had already been dealt with.

Nothing to see here, as Rangers were accused of endangering the lives of officials and the central figure has now been appointed as the Head of refereeing.

He's replacing a guy effectively forced out mere days after celtic spat the dummy because a player was correctly red carded for kicking a guy in the face. And despite the celtic manager naming an official, repeatedly and to different broadcasters, the safety of the officials was never mentioned. Even the punishment for the manager was sufficiently lenient, apparently against previous precedent, to allow him back in the dugout in an unusually convenient time frame.

It's blindingly obvious what's going on. It's just that nobody seems to care enough or have enough influence to do anything about it. An open recruitment process covering the whole of Europe with numerous applications and the best candidate just happened to be Wullie Collum? He wasn't even a good referee ffs.
You need a covering supporting letter from 2 priests and an archbishop to even get onto the list.
Moss had no chance
That is not it. You need to be RC and give the Peter Lawell oath of I promise to work in Celtic FC's favour even if it means I have to be a little corrupt. Three hail Mary's and a Hail Hail.
No chance the morbidly obese dictator of Scottish football was allowing that.
If our board aren’t actively looking at every possible avenue to get us out of this shithole of a footballing backwater they’re being negligent.
There will never be a level playing field again in this country as long as that cancer of a club are allowed to call the shots & install their placemen in every critical role in the game.
Scottish football is dead in terms of sporting integrity.
We cannot join the EPl or any other league . No idea why posters keep on about this