Jon Moss was very interested in the Head of Refereeing role

It does in a way give us a opportunity as well

The decisions he makes and if they are seen to be dishonest against us

We already have the bias issue and can use it

Thing is I don't believe for a second the clubs weren't informed this was a possibility or coming

They just don't care showing it anymore
He is there to improve standards of var but the snarling wee lady's front bottom couldn't see a hanball on the big telly.
Scotland a laughing stock as usual.
As they said collum was the outstanding Celtic supporting candidate.
No one else had a chance.
As in all things SFA. No non catholic need apply.
Even if Collum had been the sole candidate, it's still ridiculous he got the job. It's a shame this fella never got it but it's clearly a closed shop.
No chance the morbidly obese dictator of Scottish football was allowing that.
If our board aren’t actively looking at every possible avenue to get us out of this shithole of a footballing backwater they’re being negligent.
There will never be a level playing field again in this country as long as that cancer of a club are allowed to call the shots & install their placemen in every critical role in the game.
Scottish football is dead in terms of sporting integrity.
I was actually talking to my mates about this the other day. The blatant corruption and downright cheating has been going on for years. And football in Scotland stopped being a sport in 2012.
Scottish Football is set up and run by cheats. They then sit and applaud themselves like they’re some footballing masterclass despite being allowed to commit several offences all over the pitch without punishment
Celtic have their knee on the throat of Scottish football. They are choking the life out of our game and every team in the country are doing nothing to stop them!

They want trophies and don't care about asterisk beside them or not this is why they are happy to see their fans threaten match officials and backed up by media, tabloids and ex pundits as a propaganda machine and it works as a pressurising tool to give one team ( Celtic aka The Rings FC) an unfair advantage at the expense of degrading our once true national sport!

The double act of High Heels arguing with the SFA is as simple as The Rings FC (Celtic) arguing with themselves (SFA) its just another mask to fool football masses!

Nope do nothing then nothing changes? It's over to you the rest of Scottish football what are you going to do?