Memories of our nine in a row

The People

Well-Known Member
The money we were spending, the players we brought in every season , the titles and other trophies

It was a great time to be a bear

And I’ve deliberately left out David Murray’s financial skullduggery
My last year at high school we did 8IAR.

Won the league every year I was there, strolling in on Monday morning with a big smile seeing the few rats that didn’t go to their own school pig sick.

What a time to be alive
I was on the cccs at the time and a few mates didn't go to away games back then so I got them to register as a group and I bought the tickets.

The game against united was a postponed game as it was a cup weekend and we could have won the league against Motherwell and then I would have been left with four tickets.

Cue us getting beat and me being the most popular guy that mid week.

Went up with the Black Bull bus from Cambuslang and remember raiding a hotel just outside Dundee after the game and emptying all their cans and bottles for the bus home.(All paid for I should add)

Got dropped back in Cambuslang after midnight and ended up getting home in the back of a city building van.
Got my first season ticket 88/89 Season. Leathered Celtic twice at Ibrox (9-2 if you aggregate the scores) and didn't see us 'lose' the title until I was 16. 11 out of 12 Championships won, that was how I grew up through (almost) my entire school years. Only a few years before the team had been playing in front on paltry crowds and those who did brave it were seeing us finish miles behind the winners. For kids the same age now they are experiencing similar number in reverse.

You don't even consider how lucky you are at the time but, it truly was a magical period to be a Bluenose and it's even more special to me now as I done almost all of it with my Granny, who is sadly no longer with us.
There's a slight point of contention in my mind that we never built for the future, created a proper academy etc.

At the end of 92/3 with Hagen and McSwegan coming through after the CL run it looked like we were on the verge of becoming the perfect machine.

I had visions of us forming rivalries with Marseille and Bayern and Celtic being forever relegated to a sideshow from the past.


It was a fantastic time. I was lucky to go to many games a season in most of them.

If I had to choose a persinal highlight from each season:

Coming home from the game we won the league at Ibrox against Hearts in 1989 when Sterland scored twice and thinking how amazing it was to see Rangers win the league at Ibrox.
One of my all time favourite football memories.

Listening to the Old Firm game on the radio and hearing Mo score the winner.

Definitely the New Year game when Walters scored from a corner, a great thing to have seen live. Wasn't there on the final day v Aberdeen.

Again, winning the league at Ibrox, beating St Mirren 4-0. Or was that just the day we got the trophy? Magic either way.

Scott Nisbet's goal. A real "I was there!" moment lol.

Winning 4-2 at the Piggery and the absolute madness of it. Was my first visit there and it both exhilrating and terrifying! Great stuff.

Opening day. That run from Laudrup.
A thing of beauty.

7-0 v Hibs. It was so cold I thought I was going to get frostbite!

Was ill for most of that season but did manage to attend one league game at Ibrox.
The one Motherwell beat us 2-0 to stop us clinching the title!
The 9iar season was the first one I had an ST with my son. I remember standing outside Ibrox with him on the day we played Motherwell and telling him to remember this day as it was going to be special. Did we not go and get beat 2-0.
The titles were like Easter, you knew it was coming but unsure when exactly.

Donald Findlay said it best at the end of the 5IAR video - "this team does not know how to lose" and it was very true.

The amount of times we appeared to be up against it with injuries, suspensions or whatever going into the big games and coming out with the result was incredible. A squad of players that would run through a brick wall for The Gaffer.

I highly doubt we will see such a "perfect storm" again.
McCoist, Hateley, Goram, Gough, Gazza and Laudrup, what a time to be a young Rangers fan. Never seen us lose a game in person from 1987 until 1998 until that lousy Kilmarnock game in May 98!(Granted I didn't get to as many games back then)
Forever grateful for messrs marlborough,holmes,souness & smith for rebuilding our team and sending us on our journey to 9IAR ,even plaudits for murray for funding it,till he fucked it up.
Best years of consistancy and supporting the team,seen the treble teams of 76 & 78 but this was a different level.
The away days,flag days,ticker tape days at the piggery were magical.
The thing I remember from that time was players that you were actually sad when they left and the fact kids had idols to admire.
Just a golden era to be a Rangers supporter. The memories (some hazy!) of trophy after trophy, players like Laudrup and Gazza, Coisty in his pomp, big Goughie driving us on, Walter in the dugout, amazing away days and Euro swallys throughout most of my 20s and 30s, will live with me forever. Season 1992/93 was just immense. Said to my mate walking out of the Piggery after winning the treble that we'd never see another season like it. Sadly, that's been proven to be true. In fact, I turn 60 this year and I was looking back at the different eras of my lifetime. It was quite interesting (to me anyway). From when I was born at the start of the 1964/65 season, until Souness arrived at the end of the 1985/86 season, so 22 years, we won 17 domestic trophies (3 league, 6 SC and 8 LC). Despite all our trials and tribulations in recent times, someone born in 2002 and who turns 22 this year has been around in a time when we've won 16 domestic trophies so far (6 leagues, 4 SC and 6 LC). If we win on Saturday, the trophy count in my first 22 years and last 22 years is the same. Obviously younger me also had a European win and a final loss, while older me has had 2 losing European finals. In short, today's younger supporters are really no worse off in terms of domestic trophy wins, than those of us born in the mid-60s were. Quite sobering that in my 60 years, we've only truly had a sustained period of dominance for those 16 years in the middle, from season 1986/87 - 2001/2002, when we won 27 domestic trophies (12 leagues, 6 SC and 9 LC). It's no wonder we're raising a statue to the man at the heart of the vast majority of that period of dominance and did so again for his relatively brief second stint in charge. We're seriously overdue another sustained period of dominance. It might not look likely, but in the midst of that disastrous 1985/86 season, you'd have been put in a straightjacket if you'd suggested that we were about to dominate Scottish football for the best part of a generation, so who knows what's round the corner.
Getting picked up at the house at 4am by the wee RSC minibus.
Going on the boat with my da and his mates.
Blue Star Club before the games.
Being absolutely buzzing about seeing Ally, Gazza, Laudrup and Albertz hand out another doing to some shitty team.
The thought of us not being champions honestly never crossed my young mind. Until we weren't.
All in all - what a time to be a young Rangers fan growing up
As a lad who was born in 1989, we had already begun the run to the ‘9’ watching all the season reviews every year, listening to games on the radio with my Dad @MillarBrandWilson.
I was very fortunate to grow up during such a period which seen us become so successful.
It’s always great looking back on those great times but as all would agree we need to get back to winning titles and trophies more often.

Even back then the Rangers merchandise throughout the club was a lot better.
After seeing a video in Woolworths with the title 4 in a row I thought at that point we could do 9.
I put a bet on with a tim for 100 notes and wound him up every year. Even telling him he could pay it up 20 quid or so a year to save him shelling out the cash at 9.
Made his excuses, married , new kid etc and never paid up . Daft coont as I would have bet double for us doing 10.