Moving away from Ibrox if a better stadium could be built?

Not for me and to be honest, other than games against then and the odd fellow big team coming for a Euro game, we’d never fill it.

Ibrox now, Ibrox Forever……
We have one of the most iconic main stands in World football. By all means demolish the other three stands and build a megabrox bowl but the main stand stays. So ……naw.
We have one of the most iconic main stands in world football. By all means demolish the other three stands and build a megabrox bowl but the Main Stand stays. So….naw!
Interesting to note that The Pederasts over at the Piggery/Crime Scene never utter a word about that place. If they moved out of their tin pan alley dump tomorrow most of them would never bat an eye.
Ibrox is unique in world football. A jewel.
At the moment I'm sitting in the Veltins Arena in Germany. It's a cracking stadium, easy to access by public transport and with plenty of parking. Directly in front of me is a purpose built TV camera position. The roof is closed tonight.
Suppose the possibility arose, and financially, it was paid off within ten years and with league wins during that period, could you countenance Rangers moving out of Ibrox if it was to an easily accessible, suburban, 80,000 seat stadium?
Enjoy The Veltins Arena pal…..well not be moving from Ibrox.
Even if it was acceptable to the fans, and for the sake of discussion, where could it be built? Not far from the motorway network. Easy spur from the railway coming from the east and south, but not too far from Govan.

The Renfra’ Rangers on the KG5 pitches.
Da phuck!?
If this were to happen then main stand would have to be moved brick by brick to new site.
Even then I'm still only 5% in favour
Why would anyone want to move from one of the greatest stadiums on earth
Would you keep your feet in a pair of shoes even though you had outgrown them? Rangers the football club is more important than a building for me. So yes, if the club grows, then I have no problem leaving Ibrox. I would however want Ramger's to always own the main stand part of the stadium.
If it guarantees long term success and prosperity then yes.

But be realistic, we cannot afford a ten million player let alone a 600m plus stadium.

There is zero money in Scottish football in case you haven't noticed.

Pie sky etc
At the moment I'm sitting in the Veltins Arena in Germany. It's a cracking stadium, easy to access by public transport and with plenty of parking. Directly in front of me is a purpose built TV camera position. The roof is closed tonight.
Suppose the possibility arose, and financially, it was paid off within ten years and with league wins during that period, could you countenance Rangers moving out of Ibrox if it was to an easily accessible, suburban, 80,000 seat stadium?

Ibrox won’t last forever & is already a bit of a state in parts.
Haven’t read through the entire thread but the minimum cost per seat for a new stadium would be something like £5,000.

If a 70,000 seat stadium was envisaged it would cost £350 million.

It’s pie-in-the-sky even before we think of the hurdles the club would face from the authorities in Scotland.
Nah no way. It’s a special place where lots of us have a ton of special memories, some of them with loved ones who’re no longer here. It would be really sad to lose that, and losing that incredible main stand would be a sin too. For all that we’ve been continually let down by the playing side, Ibrox stadium is one of the things that I’m still hugely proud of, and it still takes my breath away. I’ll go longer routes round town just so I can drive down Edmiston Drive and see it for a few seconds.
At the moment I'm sitting in the Veltins Arena in Germany. It's a cracking stadium, easy to access by public transport and with plenty of parking. Directly in front of me is a purpose built TV camera position. The roof is closed tonight.
Suppose the possibility arose, and financially, it was paid off within ten years and with league wins during that period, could you countenance Rangers moving out of Ibrox if it was to an easily accessible, suburban, 80,000 seat stadium?
It's too expensive to build a stadium from scratch with the money in our league. We should expand Ibrox but only once we're back to consistently winning the league as it would take years to get a return on investment.
If we got taken over by a billionaire Rangers fan who wanted to spend all their money on Rangers and planning / land purchase wasn't an issue then taking the land between Ibrox right down to Govan Road and building a giant new modern stadium and retail / leisure units (Rangers Village) would be good for the match day and non-match day experience.

Retain the Ibrox main stand and down size the 3 other stands and have the women and B/Youth teams play there. Have an avenue with statues of our legends between old and new Ibrox.

But extremely unlikely and the prospect of a new stadium would only be viable if we were to get into the Premier League or some sort of Super League in the future.
At the moment I'm sitting in the Veltins Arena in Germany. It's a cracking stadium, easy to access by public transport and with plenty of parking. Directly in front of me is a purpose built TV camera position. The roof is closed tonight.
Suppose the possibility arose, and financially, it was paid off within ten years and with league wins during that period, could you countenance Rangers moving out of Ibrox if it was to an easily accessible, suburban, 80,000 seat stadium?
Never, our stadium is a thing of beauty.
At the moment I'm sitting in the Veltins Arena in Germany. It's a cracking stadium, easy to access by public transport and with plenty of parking. Directly in front of me is a purpose built TV camera position. The roof is closed tonight.
Suppose the possibility arose, and financially, it was paid off within ten years and with league wins during that period, could you countenance Rangers moving out of Ibrox if it was to an easily accessible, suburban, 80,000 seat stadium?
I'm against it and don't think it would be needed. You'd have to keep the main stand red brick as well it's just too iconic,
These days I only really watch football for Rangers and if we ever moved home, I would be seriously considering just giving it up. Our stadium is one of the things that makes us unique compared to other clubs.
At the moment I'm sitting in the Veltins Arena in Germany. It's a cracking stadium, easy to access by public transport and with plenty of parking. Directly in front of me is a purpose built TV camera position. The roof is closed tonight.
Suppose the possibility arose, and financially, it was paid off within ten years and with league wins during that period, could you countenance Rangers moving out of Ibrox if it was to an easily accessible, suburban, 80,000 seat stadium?
There are FOUR underground stations within easy walking distance of the stadium

Easy walking distance from a main bus route (PRW)

The M8 practically runs by the stadium

It’s possibly the most easily accessible 50,000 stadium in the UK

The Main Stand is a beautiful historical listed building. The interior is irreplaceable!

We own the land around the stadium so if the funds were available (they’re not) we could easily build a new stadium around the Main Stand on the Ibrox footprint.

Why would we move away?
Aye, why not. If it improves the clubs chances of being successful for the next 200 years who are we to say the next generation aren’t to get that.
The area around the stadium needs to be upgraded. If that were to happen and there was better transport links then where we are just now would be great.

Get the stadium expansion kicked off and hopefully the area will pick up if we can get our friends at the council to work on the regeneration of the area.
If and big massive IF we had the money to build a new stadium we would have the money to properly redevelop Ibrox to gain the seat numbers we would like to have.

That would be my preferred option.

If that wasn’t an option and some how we would be building a 100000 seater it would be a big question to answer.

Brain over heart battle
We should have been buying up the land around us so we can grow on the current site . In particular the industrial areas at the back of the Govan and Broomloan .
Interesting question. I'd be more in favour of redeveloping the existing area and keeping the main stand.

The responses are interesting when taken in context of people's responses to the likes of relocating the singing section though. We all agree Ibrox is our home and we have an emotional attachment to it, so why is it seen as silly that people have emotional attachments to their seats which could mean they don't want to give them up?
It's the three other stands that are the problem.

Ideally you would knock them down and build a proper, flowing set of stands.

Each of our four corners lets the stadium down badly.
i am the same. but the big question is

but where? next to the docks? in some greenfield site, a brownfield site???

you can guarantee then glasgow council will demand carbon neutral transport links with minimal car use even if we chose the fuckign shetland islands.

then of course the money to pay for it.
I’d demolish 3 sides and keep the main stand and build a 3 sided bowl into the main stand. Would even prefer to remove the club deck if the bowl could be big enough and return the main stand to it original state.

Obviously pie in the sky stuff, but that’s what I’d do.
Rebuild in place would be ideal but we’ll simply never have the money for it.

Moving entirely would be hard to stomach but we’d get used to it… eventually :(
Remember those European nights when the spider-cam tracked the length of the stand? Why would anyone to give that up for a new-build? The soul of the club is in Ibrox so make it better by all means, but there's more to our stadium than the concrete and glass designers could ever hope to capture elsewhere.
Would need to be something spectacular as the main stand will take some beating. But if it was better as the OP says then 100%!