Moving away from Ibrox if a better stadium could be built?

At the moment I'm sitting in the Veltins Arena in Germany. It's a cracking stadium, easy to access by public transport and with plenty of parking. Directly in front of me is a purpose built TV camera position. The roof is closed tonight.
Suppose the possibility arose, and financially, it was paid off within ten years and with league wins during that period, could you countenance Rangers moving out of Ibrox if it was to an easily accessible, suburban, 80,000 seat stadium?

FFS put the drugs down, son, and step away...
I would be for it if a few things were put in place
But again it be a big massive and probably emotionally crazy step into the new if we did
At the moment I'm sitting in the Veltins Arena in Germany. It's a cracking stadium, easy to access by public transport and with plenty of parking. Directly in front of me is a purpose built TV camera position. The roof is closed tonight.
Suppose the possibility arose, and financially, it was paid off within ten years and with league wins during that period, could you countenance Rangers moving out of Ibrox if it was to an easily accessible, suburban, 80,000 seat stadium?
The Main Stand is causing us alot of money every year in terms of upkeep due to its age.

However, I adore our stadium. It would need to be a bloody good stadium for me to stomach the move.
"As I was walking down the ???? road, I met a bunch of strangers" nah, wouldn't be the same not walking down the Copland Rd.
Ibrox Stadium is a memorial for all of those poor souls that went to football matches and never came home. We should and must never move from this place.

We should look at the surrounding area - what can be bought up, where could we move businesses too, etc and maximise the stadium footprint. And then use it - pathway to the front door, statues, supporter areas, history, etc etc.
I’ve always felt the way ahead would be to remove the roofs from the three new
stands, keep the existing front and rear sections, get rid of the roof supports in the corners and add another tier wrapping round all three with a lightweight cantilever roof.
That’s something like the Bernabeu looked before they went crazy with it, the main stand was separate from the rest with executive boxes filling the gap between them.
If we could afford to build a new stadium then we can afford to revamp Ibrox, I’d rather do that tbh
As time goes by, all these modern stadiums will look more or less the same, but our main stand is more than a building, it’s of historical value that money cannot buy
I just want us to win trophies.

If that happens at a local park, Ibrox or a new state of the art facility, I don't care.
The Main Stand is causing us alot of money every year in terms of upkeep due to its age.

However, I adore our stadium. It would need to be a bloody good stadium for me to stomach the move.
Not really that much money in the grand scheme of things. We are the last club in Britain to have the original stadium front and that should never change. We are a traditional club with traditional values and I am happy to keep the stadium as it is.
If we were to build a new stadium in another area it would feel odd and certainly set us back decades financially
Not for me.

I've done the tour, and I'm in the middle of reading the Bill Struth book at the moment. Ibrox is absolutely steeped in traditions and history.

And to be honest can you really see us filling an 80,000 stadium week in week out? European games, yes. Old Firm games, yes, but no chance against the Motherwells and St. Mirrens of this world.

I can see future generations losing interest in Scottish football and turning their attention to England. That's where the excitement and competition is.

Add the facts punters are being absolutely ripped off with ticket prices for the dross served up on the pitch, and there being more and more different types of entertainment on offer on a Saturday afternoon and it just isn't cost effective.

Swathes of empty seats isn't a good look.
The s**t tip across the city being a prime example of that when we were relegated.
I would rather increase capacity if possible, but clearly always retain the main stand facade.

Ibrox has many memories, but in modern terms, our stadium is too small - we could easily accommodate another 10,000, and if doing well possibly 20,000 for bigger games.

Much of it also looks & feels tired - in need of modernisation.

If we played in the EPL, or some sort of European super league structure, financially it would all be doable, but we don’t, so we can only afford to tinker round the edges, which is what we are now doing.
If you could build a whole stadium like the main stand then yeah..

Otherwise no, Ibrox is too iconic and synonymous with the club. I know other clubs move on from tradition at some point but one of the main appeals of Rangers is coming to Ibrox, seeing that incredible main stand and feeling the history and tradition around the place. That cannot ever be swapped for some characterless bowl in the middle of a retail estate.

Just my personal view on it.
If we leave Ibrox I hope it's after I'm long since burnt to a crisp.
All my football memories are held in the current site, my dad's ashes are there and we've got the most iconic stand in world sport.
The other stands just need modernised outside and the concourses too, all affordable on our finances.
If need be try and finance a new roof system to fill in where the screens are and maybe even a third tier on the Jardine.
How the fukk could you build a better stadium somewhere else than we already have?
It's awesome as it is, maybe needs some more capacity and cleaned up externally (and new blue seats) but it looks terrific on a Euro night. It's right next to a subway and motorway and near an airport, just add an easily sited rail station and it would be perfect logistically. The cost of any new stadium would dwarf any improvements to Ibrox other than a full rebuild (and surely no-one wants to knock down our magnificent main stand). Then there's all the pubs and cafes etc. nearby, unlikely to get that replicated in any move elsewhere.