Plans for next Saturday

We have 3 tickets but 4 regular goers so I stupidly said in a moment of dejection after last old firm, I’ll not go so two daughters and nephew going, I hope we win but if we do I’ll get called a jinx and they’ll insist I give up all my tickets
We have 3 tickets but 4 regular goers so I stupidly said in a moment of dejection after last old firm, I’ll not go so two daughters and nephew going, I hope we win but if we do I’ll get called a jinx and they’ll insist I give up all my tickets
They won’t be the only ones if we win B-)
Weatherspoons for breakfast, up to the holepark for a few beers, bus to hampden then back to the blackbull
Leave the house about half 6. A66 then up the 74. Hotel about 10. Throw bag in. Stroll down PRW. Pay respects to Sir Walter at the new statute. Louden for opening. No chance of a ticket so Edmiston House for the screening at one. Drink unhealthy amounts of lager. Photos outside Ibrox when squad return to present the trophy to the gathered bears.
If Carlsberg did Saturdays.
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Usual saturday morning grocery shopping. Probably have rolls on venison square sausage for lunch. Watch the game on TV.
Venison square sausage sounds brilliant, mate. Brother in law who is a Heart's season ticket holder coming round, with a few Rangers mates to watch on TV
Venison square sausage sounds brilliant, mate. Brother in law who is a Heart's season ticket holder coming round, with a few Rangers mates to watch on TV

Woodmill game.

They don't have the square sausage on their website for ordering yet. Got it at Bowhouse last weekend and it's the first time I've seen it at their stall. Had it for brunch today and it was great, so a tasty brunch for the cup final.
On the bevy from 9am. Bus at 1230 enjoying some cultural singing with like minded bears.

I'll be absolutely steaming if we can pull it off.
Starting on the bevy 12.30 in Clarkston then do doubt make our way down Shawlands.

Bank holiday weekend so win or lose I'll be in the dog house on Sunday.
Heading to Ibrox for walters statue unveiling then into town to drink as much as possible to numb the pain of whats to come
For the last 13 years l had the hunger but lets not kid ourselves on we have had so many false Dawn's its getting monotonous,we have to win to build on it we didn't after 55 we are being made,as always, also rans,jesus we are Rangers,the board have to get rid of the blazers and become part of the working man supporter.The players play for our team for maybe 4 or 5 years max our support are in for the long haul, life WATP
Back early hours of Saturday morning from Tenerife. Wee gym session when I get up, some breakfast then off to the pub to get warmed up.
9 holes in the morning, then off to my mates for his birthday. Will be in mixed company and sure game will be on but if the weather is decent I’ll probably spend majority of my time outside enjoying the sun rather than watching the inevitable.
Up early walk the boy then home shower ready to go. Train up to the city around 11 with my daughter Saturday so will head to John Moore for some grub and juice for the wean and means I get get some beer!
Got some friends and family over for it, hoping for the same weather as this weekend and set up a tv in the garden. If it goes sideways then flick over to the fa cup final
Help out at our bowling club as we have a bus of good bluenose bears from Polmont, then head up to Cambuslang masonic to watch game and hopefully a few celebration beers
No ticket and therefore will be nowhere near Hampden. I will be in an extremely agitated state from Friday evening and, no doubts, absolutely unbearable from the moment I awake on Saturday morning. I intend to get out of the house and out of my wife's way when the game is on. I expect it will be for a long walk through the local woods when the game is on. Other than that I'll try not to let the occasion prey too much on my mind.
Watching at home, not so long ago I thought this would be for a treble, then those careless stupid points were dropped against poor opposition.
Surely that’s enough to motivate this squad?
Get up from Liverpool at 11:30. Home to drop my luggage and then straight to Church on the Hill. Drink with my mates who have tickets, watch the game in the pub and drink more with my mates afterwards.
Will Church on the Hill show the game? Going up without a ticket and may need somewhere to watch
Are some people really not going to watch? I find that hard to believe.
Surely anyone that can be arsed reading and posting on a Rangers forum will be watching a cup final against our biggest rivals.

The guy saying he’ll probably spend most of the time outside not watching the game, I mean, what the fucks the point even bothering with Rangers at all?
Probably waking up at the crack of dawn with nerves, potter about in the morning to kill time and then head over to Hampden fairly early.

Post-game really depends on how the game goes (not optimistic right now) but either way I reckon I'll probably have a headache on Sunday morning, glad it’s a bank holiday weekend.