Police Scotland tell Celtic fans to behave

Expected heatwave of 22c FFS!

Anyway, no doubt lessons will be learnt, plans will be made to reduce damage , warnings issued AGAIN after the rampage this afternoon.

And it will be jolly japes and the craic after they vandalise, break public and private property, put fear into the innocent public of the area and those stuck on buses and in the back of ambulances that have to divert because of them. :mad:
The Monday after their 2022 title "celebration'' I walked down Toll Cross. Glass smashed everywhere. Was disgusting.

Funny how the council, hollyrood and the media had lots to say about our celebrations the year before but adopt a vow of silence when its the mentally challengeds.
They will have to clean it up tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Race for life is on at the green tomorrow with saltmarket/trongate as part of the route!
Well the authorities and media are finally acknowledging what happened on those two occasions

I suppose that's progress. Maybe they're ready to finally police them like they do us within the next decade or so
See she’s been using the Saville Calculator for those figures - Republican boot basically claiming there’s a walk every day of the year with those figures. If she’s so keen on Ireland she should %^*& off back there instead of polluting our city with her terrorist supporting bile. Glasgow university should be ashamed of itself employing the likes of her
Having been in george square earlier before catching the train, i can tell you they are already setting off flares and openly drinking with the police watching on, if they don't stop it with a few dozen then they won't when there is hundreds of them.
Expected heatwave of 22c FFS!

Anyway, no doubt lessons will be learnt, plans will be made to reduce damage , warnings issued AGAIN after the rampage this afternoon.

And it will be jolly japes and the craic after they vandalise, break public and private property, put fear into the innocent public of the area and those stuck on buses and in the back of ambulances that have to divert because of them. :mad:

The Stench will be overpowering.

I feel sorry for the residents in that area having to yet again put up with the filthy hordes and their OTT behaviour. If they have already warned them then they should treat them how they treated our support at George Square and go in with batons raised and riot shields as soon as they see the tramps on the historic scotland mercat building and on top of bus shelters and on top of traffic lights which they destroyed..

The thing that also does really irk me is GCC who lie about the costs to put right the damage and destruction these animals cause.
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That’s a hate crime , her comments about an Orange Parade are designed to stir up sectarian hatred by calling them Anti Catholic marches

Can you imagine the outcry if we were to refer to RC schools as Anti Protestant places of education

Get her reported , remember the rules of the new hate crime bill are if you’re offended report it
Not a very nice person.
What is an anti catholic march out of curiosity?
Anything that’s just not Catholic apparently. You can’t celebrate your culture unless it’s in relation to hers.
Good she’s broken cover to admit she’s never cared about any of those issues when she’s protested the OO before, it’s just about who’s doing it. Bigoted boot.
See she’s been using the Saville Calculator for those figures - Republican boot basically claiming there’s a walk every day of the year with those figures. If she’s so keen on Ireland she should %^*& off back there instead of polluting our city with her terrorist supporting bile. Glasgow university should be ashamed of itself employing the likes of her
Ireland doesn’t want her; they’re anti immigrant now.
There will be damage, there will be violence, and there will be sectarianism.

What there won’t be is effective policing, over-the-top political statements and media hit-pieces condemning those in attendance.
See she’s been using the Saville Calculator for those figures - Republican boot basically claiming there’s a walk every day of the year with those figures. If she’s so keen on Ireland she should %^*& off back there instead of polluting our city with her terrorist supporting bile. Glasgow university should be ashamed of itself employing the likes of her
She should whine about pro palestinian marches but wont as they are happening just about every wk in Glasgow.
That’s a hate crime , her comments about an Orange Parade are designed to stir up sectarian hatred by calling them Anti Catholic marches

Can you imagine the outcry if we were to refer to RC schools as Anti Protestant places of education

Get her reported , remember the rules of the new hate crime bill are if you’re offended report it
Imagine if the pro palestinian marches she probably attends were described as anti Jewish marches, she would on social media polluting it with her hate.