Police Scotland tell Celtic fans to behave

Ive lived in Glasgow my whole life and I had no idea there was 300-400 marches every year. Thats a lot of marches! Where she getting this stat from?

That’s a hate crime , her comments about an Orange Parade are designed to stir up sectarian hatred by calling them Anti Catholic marches

Can you imagine the outcry if we were to refer to RC schools as Anti Protestant places of education

Get her reported , remember the rules of the new hate crime bill are if you’re offended report it
Hate crime reported
I see the filth were allowed to walk up with the League trophy before a ball has been kicked, and before any presentation.

Is this a new thing or is it just to allow that lot to do as they please?
The Monday after their 2022 title "celebration'' I walked down Toll Cross. Glass smashed everywhere. Was disgusting.

Funny how the council, hollyrood and the media had lots to say about our celebrations the year before but adopt a vow of silence when its the mentally challengeds.

A few hundred Rangers fans walking to a game together: “lawless and intimidating”.

Yet several thousand Celtic fans gathering is ok apparently.

Unfortunately had to go in to the city centre this morning at 10 and there was already an infestation of them everywhere. There will definitely be trouble today, perhaps more so than last year given the weather.
Can you imagine this was us? Batons drawn and streets and parks cordoned off.

That should be enough to worry them.
No doubt another secret clean up by cleansing workers during the night will get the east end of city centre hovel back in it's usual manky state.
Just off the bus from Hamilton to Blantyre and the driver was saying the whole city centre has been shut down.
Favouritism or two tier policing. ?
Just off the bus from Hamilton to Blantyre and the driver was saying the whole city centre has been shut down.
Favouritism or two tier policing. ?

Probably those drunk peasant scum just walking in the middle of the road, and holding up traffic.

The cops have been nowhere to be seen today.
Let’s hope the local business owners are as vociferous in their condemnations as they were over us celebrating in George square

Especially the owner of la vita in queen st
I have a female relative enjoying lunch beside George Sq right now. She says it's quiet but I've suggested she finish and get away from the area ASAP.
The Monday after their 2022 title "celebration'' I walked down Toll Cross. Glass smashed everywhere. Was disgusting.

Funny how the council, hollyrood and the media had lots to say about our celebrations the year before but adopt a vow of silence when its the mentally challengeds.
I travel through there in the morning and I can confirm it was carnage after they had destroyed it,
That bus shelter was a nightmare!
Just off the bus from Hamilton to Blantyre and the driver was saying the whole city centre has been shut down.
Favouritism or two tier policing. ?
buses going through gallowgate and trongate stop at 12.30 today because of this, the amount of green and grey walking about tronggate at the back of 10 drinking cargos is unreal, is the no drinking in the street law done away with, compare this to the day of the big walk and the no nonsense over the top policing, today with the weather and the amount of drinking early doors, add in the lowlife scum involved, i think we are about to see their worst rioting yet, of course you will not hear about this for weeks on end and have arrests years after the event, after a day or two it will all be forgotten as if it never happened.
Correct and I’m sure GCC will have plenty of volunteers to help clean up the aftermatch without any sort of criticism.
Obligatory photos tomorrow of a couple of that lot putting a handful of cans into a tiny plastic bag so it looks like they were cleaning up after themselves.
It’ll be a river of vomit pish and bodily fluids later.

A Warzone.
Tim on Tim violence, nothing surer...I was in town earlier coming from work around 11am and it was infested with them.
I got on a bus home pronto as the sight of those cretins annoy me.
I hope they make a total James Hunt of themselves as usual,not that the mhedia will report it :mad:
When we win the League, don’t laugh, I hope the club do their celebrations around Ibrox this taking into the city centre has proved to be a disaster. Wanton vandalism, drunks everywhere, sectarian singing and glorifying the IRA. Why should the general public put up with their Saturday out being ruined. The clubs have got to speak out, as well as the politicians, the police and the Scottish Government.

I hope we have some under cover agents out there today to show what the public have to put up with. I have a feeling after today there will be a lot of people saying enough is enough.
Wonder if all the Twitter luvvies who acted like the world was ending when we done it will be moaning today….
That’s a hate crime , her comments about an Orange Parade are designed to stir up sectarian hatred by calling them Anti Catholic marches

Can you imagine the outcry if we were to refer to RC schools as Anti Protestant places of education

Get her reported , remember the rules of the new hate crime bill are if you’re offended report it
Use of the dehumanising word "infested" to describe legitimate marches representing a specific community as well. Not that I'd object to it being used against her and her employment at Glasgow University.
Belter of a day for it annoyingly. From memory our 55 celebrations were also a great day weather wise.

Hope they have a shite time.