Police Scotland tell Celtic fans to behave

As far as I'm aware the authorities wanted football going on to keep up the public's morale back in 1914-18.

As soon as WW2 was declared, they wanted football to go on but was decreed and deemed unofficial also capacities were slashed initially and then relaxed as the war continued.

Plus, the club would look foolish claiming seven titles now, when we've ignored them and have never counted them as official anyway.

Aa an aisde, I doubt any of this present board have a clue about this part in our history anyway.

But the thing is, they have caused carnage in the previous two years also destroying a listed building. But the boot has to rope in Rangers?

Honestly, I'd ban any so called Rangers fan who votes for the natsis from Ibrox.
Interesting point from a tour of Ibrox yesterday.
Although we can't claim the war titles officially, sixty two flags are displayed on the walls of the trophy room.
Football fan in comical wrestling match with Police Scotland.
Watch as the local football fan playfully kicks a police officer as they both enjoyed a game of tag.

Daily Coverup©️

That's the perfect example of how far they are out of control. They think they are a protected species because they are a protected species.

I doubt that incident will be highlighted by the media.

Still we could cling to the notion that the poisoned dwarves Harvie and Dornan will be on the case at Holyrood.

It'll be a surprise if this incident even gets to court.

Arrests following Celtic title celebrations in Glasgow​

Around 25,000 people gathered in Merchant City, Glasgow on Saturday, 18 May, 2024, to celebrate Celtic winning the Scottish Premiership title.

Working alongside partners, a proportionate policing plan was in place to maintain public safety and minimise disruption to local businesses and communities.

Following the match, crowds gathered in the Glasgow Cross area of the city for a prolonged period of time.

Across the day, there were 19 arrests for various offences and enquiries remain ongoing into a number of incidents.

Four police officers were injured during disorder and received medical treatment.

Superintendent John Menzies said: "I would like to thank our partner agencies and the wider public for their support.

"Unfortunately, we experienced some disorder including the use of pyrotechnics and alcohol-related offences. We took robust action to prevent these escalating.

"Violence and assaults on members of the public or police officers is completely unacceptable and we continue to work to identify those responsible."

Just the usual end of season celebration by the Scottish referees but this year it was a Double celebration of the title and Collum’s appointment as Ayotollah
I put up her social media account on this thread and asked her why she hasn't condemned Celtic fans for their behaviour and assaults on police officers. It would be good though if others did the same and flooded social media (X/Twitter) with questions to her as to why she has said nothing.
Will we see apologies from celtc f.c. with an offer to foot the bill for the clean up , or a demand from Alison Thewliss SNP Central. for same ? Will wee Paddy Harvey and the other poisoned dwarf Dornan stand up in Holyrood and demand the club be shut down...? Will John Swinney condemn the celtc fans behaviour. ? This is the third instance of unacceptable hooligan behaviour in as many years by the tims without anything being done.
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Will we see apologies from celtc f.c. and an offer to foot the bill for the clean up , by a demand from Alison Thewliss SNP Central. ? Will wee Paddy Harvey stand up in Holyrood and demand the club shut down...? Will John Swinney condemn the celtc fans behaviour. ? This is the third instance of this behaviour in as many years without anything being done.
Have you asked them all to do that? I've contacted all apart from Celtic and asked exactly what you suggest and would suggest others do the same. Even bring it to their attention on social media X/Twitter and ask them there just to embarrass them into answering. All the images that kept and videos that kept appearing on here on Saturday, I kept tweeting to the media and eventually they appeared because I just kept retweeting the same things again and again.
Narrative started that the council should have provided a 'fanzone' so Ra Sellik fans are totally blameless... watch this grow legs over the next few days
Heard that.

Shamelessly predictable

How about Celtic fund it rather than the Glasgow tax payer? No laughing - There’s a first time for everything
Have you asked them all to do that? I've contacted all apart from Celtic and asked exactly what you suggest and would suggest others do the same. Even bring it to their attention on social media X/Twitter and ask them there just to embarrass them into answering. All the images that kept and videos that kept appearing on here on Saturday, I kept tweeting to the media and eventually they appeared because I just kept retweeting the same things again and again.
Fair play mate, as an add on, get out and vote them out when the time comes. We only begin turning the tide on the rancid cesspit this country has become by voting out these people that hate everything about us, then holding their replacements responsible for ensuring a fair society.
Narrative started that the council should have provided a 'fanzone' so Ra Sellik fans are totally blameless... watch this grow legs over the next few days
I've answered a few of the rats on X that have suggested that and said to them that they should have organised and paid for it themselves then or just before like decent human beings
Clear up the garbage and waste, then address the litter problem.
The scum of the earth boozed /coked up creating mayhem, water cannons and tear gas problem solved.
Don't hold your breath waiting for the condemnation?
Interesting point from a tour of Ibrox yesterday.
Although we can't claim the war titles officially, sixty two flags are displayed on the walls of the trophy room.
Have you asked them all to do that? I've contacted all apart from Celtic and asked exactly what you suggest and would suggest others do the same. Even bring it to their attention on social media X/Twitter and ask them there just to embarrass them into answering. All the images that kept and videos that kept appearing on here on Saturday, I kept tweeting to the media and eventually they appeared because I just kept retweeting the same things again and again.
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Have you asked them all to do that? I've contacted all apart from Celtic and asked exactly what you suggest and would suggest others do the same. Even bring it to their attention on social media X/Twitter and ask them there just to embarrass them into answering. All the images that kept and videos that kept appearing on here on Saturday, I kept tweeting to the media and eventually they appeared because I just kept retweeting the same things again and again.
Unfortunately I'm blocked by Sturgeon, Thewliss, Dornan and Yousless ( who just refuses to answer)
GCC also refuse to reply to emails I sent regarding their reluctance to fly our Union flag but have no such reluctance about proposing the flying of the Palestinian flag. . I am not on any of the media sites as in my experience it's full of arseholes I will be sending an email regarding this latest gathering of the unwashed to Swinney but don't expect a speedy reply if one at all.
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Interesting point from a tour of Ibrox yesterday.
Although we can't claim the war titles officially, sixty two flags are displayed on the walls of the trophy room.
Celtc f.c. history records don't record the 8-1defeat on New Years day 1943 to Rangers as they reckon it doesn't count , but somehow record the celtc goalscorer that day ( Duncan) in their all-time scoring records against Rangers... :cool:
There's something very odd about Susan Aitken's comments - they must be using this as a cover something they have coming down the road for us.

Police Scotland are like the Met Police, two tier Policing. Except, Police Scotland have even more backing to do so. Doesn't help there is nowhere near enough officers never mind decent ones. The outrage would have been off the chart if that was us.

Quite surprised about Glasgow City Council shouting about it though. Thought most of them would have been taking part.
I see Paul Sweeney has come out and claimed that celebrations should be organised to avoid disruption.

This whole situation has been caused because of a hatred of Rangers. Had something been organised like Rangers had requested then we wouldn't have had this mayhem the past couple of years.
I see Paul Sweeney has come out and claimed that celebrations should be organised to avoid disruption.

This whole situation has been caused because of a hatred of Rangers. Had something been organised like Rangers had requested then we wouldn't have had this mayhem the past couple of years.

You can guarantee when we win the league next year there will be an exclusion zone & curfew set up around the city centre.
Is that a wpc or a dwarf just standing back and letting the cop fight on his own till the van reinforcements arrive?

Baton out and plough into him should have been the response! Bet the chunt never got charged and was released later.
You would be absolutely raging if you worked beside her...they want equality as well..no chance another guy stands by and watches
i see the local population nationalist political classes have been complaining .This is why Aitken and co are even commenting. Remember theres an election coming up lol
You can guarantee when we win the league next year there will be an exclusion zone & curfew set up around the city centre.

Of course there will be, now they've learned their lesson.

Rangers wanted and asked for that. Several times we warned that people needed a vehicle to celebrate the league win and nobody listen. They saw it as a political opportunity. Their political prowess has shone through once more.
There's something very odd about Susan Aitken's comments - they must be using this as a cover something they have coming down the road for us.

That's three times that I count, that the Mercat Cross has been broken into.

Once is carelessness, twice is irresponsible, but a third time is a wilful deriliction of care that someone at the council, or Police Scotland, should be asked to explain why there was no presence of authority to prevent it happening again.

As implied by Mark's words opening this post, I fear the worst if we beat that lot next Saturday and what may ensue in George Square, unless our fans wise up and heed the obvious warning that whilst the Beggars have sown, it'll be us reaping the opprobrium from the usual quarters.

Aitken and her pals will love that!
Susan Aitken says this behaviour is “unacceptable” what does this mean? They knew it was going to happen, they didn’t put in any measures in place to stop it happening, the police didn’t do anything to deal with it when it was happening, they put measures in place to clear up the mess once it did happen and their will be no repercussions. So in what way did Susan Aitken not accept it, and what she doing to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

She can't stop and won't stop it.

Rangers can stop it though, we win the cup on Saturday and they will hide. We win the league next season and their stench will not pollute our streets.

We need to start winning.
With the low key response by the police on Saturday, basically letting them do what they want.
Does anyone think there is a real chance of bother before the game on Saturday if their plan for a march from Glasgow Green to Hampden goes ahead?
For the second week running I’m having to drive in amongst them and this time it’s even worse.

I’ll be transporting them to and from Hampden on the 75.
I’m currently sitting here with my match ticket in my pocket awaiting my daughter picking it up.

Fucking depressing.

Only a victory and taking them back into the city will put a smile back on my face.

Looking forward to this part though.
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Horrible to hear. Tragic for a 27yo to have died.

Does anyone know the circumstances behind it? It wasn’t a sectarian attack, was it?
Just read the BBC report of the goings on at the Trongate on Saturday with prominent image of the KAH sticker. I then come on hear to learn of that the person killed at Saracen Street is a Rangers supporter. We don’t know the circumstances of this stabbing so it would be dangerous to jump to conclusions. Either way the powers that be need to wake up to the tensions that they are enflaming by their inaction by allowing this sore in the east end to fester.
Just seen this on BBC Scotland news.
Glasgow council staff & Celtic supporters are the same thing are they not?
Obviously the usual deflection operation to protect the image of the paedophile protecting, terrorist endorsing, social cancer of a club is in full swing.
In regards to guy stabbed.
tragic for the guy and family involved but if the tables had been turned this would be getting laid at the door of Rangers fans, much like the stabbing of the bheast in the merchant city was before it went quiet as it was bheast on bheast.