Sir Alex Ferguson mentality

Can’t say I remember that. Actually, I can’t remember much about the final full stop.

Ultimately he’d installed a winning mentality in them with an attitude like that so that they could still beat us when not at their best.

That’s what we need to get back to.
A great man manager but of his time. Wouldn’t work with the wet wipes playing today although I’m sure mentality was a big consideration to Sir Alex when signing players.
I'm sure I've seen him say he very much regrets that interview now. It was early days for him though. Funnily enough he was probably the best ever at protecting his players after a bad performance, when he was at his peak with Man U.
Read that after I posted it actually (not on here haha). Suppose it’s still an example of the type of standards he set for his players, definitely wasn’t an accident that he ended up having the level of success he had.
What i would do to have Sir Alex at Rangers right now. The greatest of them all and didn’t take any shite.

Football, and winning football especially, requires leadership. It’s all about being leaders of men and guiding them to winning trophies and being good teammates. Sir Alex was the best at that. How many great teams did that man build, purely out of leading them to glory and building teamwork, hard work and common sense as well as playing good football into the bargain.

Society has changed so much now though that players would down tools and run away to their agents and chairmen to get away from it and it’s a shame because if there are any managers out there remotely like him, they would be ran out of the game.
My first big ever cup final, great seats in the south stand.

I was 6 I think... I remember saying to my uncle, "can we stay to watch the trophy presentation?" as the game ended.

"No we fucking can't" he replied, as he marched me out of the stadium
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When they won the ECWC there were 5 of us who followed Rangers home and away sitting watching it, cheering on Aberdeen and celebrating when they scored.
"Changed days" doesn't come close.
Me my old man and 3 brothers all did exactly the same, we were cheering as if it was the Gers who won the cup.
As you say changed days indeed.
I wouldn't pish on the Bastards if they were on fire.
What i would do to have Sir Alex at Rangers right now. The greatest of them all and didn’t take any shite.
One thing for sure - referees knew they couldnt get away with anything. He would sometimes call them out directly and copped a fair few bans for it, and sometimes be quite cute in putting pressure on them. Either way, he was a master at dealing with refs.
Now if only we had someone/anyone these days with influence on the corrupt (and incompetent) scottish officials ~ the situation we face now in my opinion is almost out of control
As has been said already, if you did that now you would have every agent calling the chairman requesting transfers.
Watching it makes me realise that I don't particularly like football anymore. Players rule and do whatever they like. Most have little to no affiliation with being a fan and simply clock in/out to be paid as much as they can for as long as they can.
I remember Walter telling the story of him and Sir Alex playing chess on the way back from the Mexico world cup (I think) played for almost all the way back to London and had a good laugh. Anyway Walter won and the flight, the game and the laughs were never ever mentioned again. The guy just didn’t like losing.
Great manager , no friend of ours though at the end up. It's alleged he was mainly responsible for the dolly fans past and current attitude to our club.
Great manager , no friend of ours though at the end up. It's alleged he was mainly responsible for the dolly fans past and current attitude to our club.
He instilled a winners attitude and erased the fear of coming to Glasgow.
Not sure why you would expect an opposition manager worth his salt to be our friend.
The level of hatred that developed between us and them started when the animal Simpson tried to end the career of one of our finest sons.
Too much player power these days. Ferguson would need to adapt his style of management.
He let players go who wouldn’t conform to what he wanted regardless of who they were.

You only had to look at what happened to Becks.

Your right with too much player power, it’s easier to get rid of a manager now and bump him a couple of mil than lose a lot more on a player not happy and wanting to leave.
I love Fergie and think he was the best manager ever. I know some one here don’t like him but you cannot deny he was a genius. A tough tough man who also had a great footballing brain. What we would do for a manager like him today at rangers .
from what I’ve read about SAF, he was more a man manager than a football coach, he left the coaching to his number two, Archie Knox, Steve McClaren etc.

Where SAF was very good at was bringing in not just good players, but players with the right attitude.
Great manager , no friend of ours though at the end up. It's alleged he was mainly responsible for the dolly fans past and current attitude to our club.

Pretty sure there is a video of him while at Man Utd watching an OF game an hour or so before they kicked off. Agree with the statement above not born a winner that comes however pretty sure he was born one of us :)

Also of that age cheering when Aberdeen one the two European cups that year, think most of us did support all other Scottish Clubs apart from one, well two for me St Midden, always had a healthy dislike of them having been born where the dump of a ground now is, Auld man is from Tradeston before I get that local team p1sh.

True story, 1st lad born in Paisley however me being a smart ass knew you can register births anywhere you want in Scotland, never read the small print as wife from Baku that did not count so he also has Paisley on his passport. Drove the wife in pain to Glasgow for the other 3 :)
He let players go who wouldn’t conform to what he wanted regardless of who they were.

You only had to look at what happened to Becks.

Your right with too much player power, it’s easier to get rid of a manager now and bump him a couple of mil than lose a lot more on a player not happy and wanting to leave.
didn't work when he let Jaap Stam go
He instilled a winners attitude and erased the fear of coming to Glasgow.
Not sure why you would expect an opposition manager worth his salt to be our friend.
The level of hatred that developed between us and them started when the animal Simpson tried to end the career of one of our finest sons.
I wasn't referring to him to be our friend whilst he was the Aberdeen manager and I'm not sure why you think I would expect him to be . Perhaps you misunderstood . Since he left our club in 1974 he wasn't / hasn't been out friend . You're right in saying he instilled a winners attitude when he joined them in 1978 . But the Simpson / Durrant assault was ten years after ( 1988 )and he had already left Aberdeen in 1986. Willie Johnstone however seemingly stood on John Mcmasters throat requiring him to get surgery in 1980. Some say that was the start of the hatred from the Aberdeen fans . But Ferguson was guilty of stirring it up in the Aberdeen press the moment he arrived at Aberdeen and for some reason the Aberdeen fans chose to dislike Rangers more so than Celtic. As I said in my post it was allegedly, that he was responsible , but you're way off the mark suggesting it was the assault on Durrant..
Slightly off topic but, as it was before my time, I’m wondering if anyone can recall the pre-match odds for Aberdeen to beat Real Madrid in that final? I know it was obviously a massive upset but learning the odds would help me towards understanding the scale of the achievement.
Slightly off topic but, as it was before my time, I’m wondering if anyone can recall the pre-match odds for Aberdeen to beat Real Madrid in that final? I know it was obviously a massive upset but learning the odds would help me towards understanding the scale of the achievement.
To help you understand the scale of that achievement they beat Bayern Munich to get to the final.
When they won the ECWC there were 5 of us who followed Rangers home and away sitting watching it, cheering on Aberdeen and celebrating when they scored.
"Changed days" doesn't come close.
That is so very sad. Everyone wants everyone else to lose in Europe these days.

Having said that, I want all of our teams to do the very best they can in European competition. Everyone apart from the 19th Century Terrorists.
Did we ever try to sign Miller or McLeish at any point? Both Rangers men supposidly, my old man reckoned that Miller was world class but I can only really remember them in their veteran stages
I love Fergie and think he was the best manager ever. I know some one here don’t like him but you cannot deny he was a genius. A tough tough man who also had a great footballing brain. What we would do for a manager like him today at rangers .
He adapted well to the changes in players over the years to adjust his management style. One thinks for sure though, the fergie in that video wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the modern game. The players would have him sacked.
I wasn't referring to him to be our friend whilst he was the Aberdeen manager and I'm not sure why you think I would expect him to be . Perhaps you misunderstood . Since he left our club in 1974 he wasn't / hasn't been out friend . You're right in saying he instilled a winners attitude when he joined them in 1978 . But the Simpson / Durrant assault was ten years after ( 1988 )and he had already left Aberdeen in 1986. Willie Johnstone however seemingly stood on John Mcmasters throat requiring him to get surgery in 1980. Some say that was the start of the hatred from the Aberdeen fans . But Ferguson was guilty of stirring it up in the Aberdeen press the moment he arrived at Aberdeen and for some reason the Aberdeen fans chose to dislike Rangers more so than Celtic. As I said in my post it was allegedly, that he was responsible , but you're way off the mark suggesting it was the assault on Durrant..
Obviously there's no definitive answer but before and after the Simpson/Durrant game our supporters club was drinking in the golf club right outside Pittodrie. Can't imagine that nowadays.
Also there was no "seemingly" about WJ standing on McMaster. It happened.
The only doubt about that incident was Bud claimed it was a case of mistaken identity.
He thought it was Willie Miller :) :)
Think he would need to run a squad of players on 6 month contracts now . Might work at Man Utd mind you and save them a fortune .