Sunday’s football (except our game)

Caption contest.

" They've snussed me out "
ha ha ha ha haaaaaa ha ha ha haaa haha ha hahahahahahahahahahahah ha ha ha ha ha oh me oh my hAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahahah

(pause for breath)

hahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahoh my goodnesshahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaahaaaa ross fecking county hahahahahahaha at homeHa ha Ha ha
Pic of Pete sitting there gutted funny, lovely.

Must admit Ross have been excellent this is a classic example of how important it is to work hard and want it. Its a fair result.

Sacked in the evening hes getting sacked in the evening.
This is undoubtedly brilliant viewing for us but I am of the belief it benefits us to have Lennon in charge as long as possible.

I'm acutely aware that as hilarious as these losses are, none are in the league. We need him to drop more league points at least before he's fired!!
The second goal the beggar defence was just like the silhouettes that are used in training!

Barkas is (not) a top keeper!
I was kinda hoping he’d endure until we put the final nail in in January, but there’s no way he survives this.
Listening to Man U v Southampton on 5 live. Commentator says let's hear what's happening at parkhead. Roddy Forsyth: "County have a corner, first time they've been in the Celtic half this second half.....ohh, they've scored!"

Nearly fell off my seat laughing.