They don’t get it

Tell me you know nothing about football without telling me you know nothing about football.
Diomande needs to go :))
Holy %^*&, we've not even made his signing permanent and he needs to go already.
I was going to say worst take so far, but you're in good company...but definitely a top 3 worst take on what's needed next season, or in your case not needed.
Diomande to go FFS :))
Well we will just have to wait and see then PEP,I’m not convinced he is doesn’t mean I don’t know anything about football and because you do rate him doesn’t mean you know anything about football either go open a can min
All about personal accolades. Nothing to do with the teams success. Taverniers highlight was becoming the top scoring defender, not winning the Cup with the team. The whole thing is rotten to the core, needs ripped down and rebuilt
Noticed the last few games Silva taking wild efforts at goal aswell when he could've squared it. You could tell he was trying to make the headlines on a personal level to get his next big move instead of giving two fecks about us as a team. There's been too many people who don't care about Rangers getting a regular game recently and thats how we ended up losing it. Wright posting his goals on insta is embarressing.
After we won 55 there were still players there who should have been out the door, instead they got a free pass from the club and many of our own supporters.

An element of our support are weak and accept mediocrity and the players are just natural losers who let us down time and time again and are absolutely clueless who don't give 2 effs.

A massive cul is needed and fans need to stop deluding themselves every season just because they can't admit the harsh reality that we are a joke.
Maybe not the right thread but nearly every time we play away from home we play in a second strip ie one week it is white, then it is black, then red etc. we never play in our traditional first team strip.

Last night Celtic played Kilmarnock at Rugby Park with both teams in their traditional strips while that walloper Bisgrove is trying to promote strips at every turn. Just and we’ll sell plenty strips James.

The guys in the boardroom definitely don’t get it and neither do the players.
Maybe not the right thread but nearly every time we play away from home we play in a second strip ie one week it is white, then it is black, then red etc. we never play in our traditional first team strip.

Last night Celtic played Kilmarnock at Rugby Park with both teams in their traditional strips while that walloper Bisgrove is trying to promote strips at every turn. Just and we’ll sell plenty strips James.

The guys in the boardroom definitely don’t get it and neither do the players.
Ffs now it’s strips?! If you don’t like them don’t buy them
What a crock of shit, give us peace
You called me a liar, I showed you the evidence, so it's a lot of shit? Happy to watch another season of him stand off guys, not stop crosses and give 'disappointed' interviews cause he scores goals. He has a highlight reel worth of goals, and an pretty dull trophy cabinet. His time is long gone. He leads by example, what example? That 2nd is good enough.
You called me a liar, I showed you the evidence, so it's a lot of shit? Happy to watch another season of him stand off guys, not stop crosses and give 'disappointed' interviews cause he scores goals. He has a highlight reel worth of goals, and a pretty dull trophy cabinet. His time is long gone. He leads by example, what example? That 2nd is good enough.
You are lying and you can’t provide any evidence that Tav only cares about personal accolades.
I think you’re looking for accolades from all the Tav haters on here.
You are lying and you can’t provide any evidence that Tav only cares about personal accolades.
I think you’re looking for accolades from all the Tav haters on here.
Of course. You've caught me. Trying to get the tav haters on side, despite the fact I've defended him in the past. I suppose its hard to watch the video with your head in the sand so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Anyone with any idea of how this season has went, should be putting out to the support who (my self included) can be over critical but support unconditionally, that this season hasn't been good enough , AGAIN.
After we won 55 there were still players there who should have been out the door, instead they got a free pass from the club and many of our own supporters.

An element of our support are weak and accept mediocrity and the players are just natural losers who let us down time and time again and are absolutely clueless who don't give 2 effs.

A massive cul is needed and fans need to stop deluding themselves every season just because they can't admit the harsh reality that we are a joke.

Could not agree more. Some of our support have absolutely lost it when it comes to standards and what we should be achieving.

There’s also an element of our support that consider a player’s time spent at our club as a virtue regardless of success.

Like this wouldn’t happen in any other job. You wouldn’t get to keep working for Arnold Clark if you persistently fail to sell motors. But at Rangers, some supporters see nothing wrong with consist failure and have their heads buried in the sand.

The lowering of standards I think started during the McCoist days. Clear to anyone straight away that Ally was a shite manager and we had players who couldn’t give a toss but you’d still get the Ally will get it right eventually mob every week.

At some point we need to get players and a manager in who can hit the ground running. This needing a full season to get a team right just doesn’t wash at Rangers nor at Celtic where they seem to manage it every season.

With PC I had high hopes to begin with now I think I’m a bit 50/50 with him after the collapse.

Walter took over from PLG and turned a dire Rangers team round straight away. Brought in players to shore up defence etc

Next season we need to get off to a good start. Someone that can take a hold of midfield and a striker that can convert more than 1 out of 20 chances like Dessers.

The serial losers have to go. We are never winning another league with Tav and Goldson in defence, or with Tav as captain. He must hold the record as Rangers player on the end of the most Celtic defeats, he’s been at the helm for that many I doubt he remembers them all.

I don’t think anyone at our club have cared since Walter was here. Even Coisty as much the man’s a legend instilled a couldn’t care less attitude when he brought in all the journeymen.

I’m 40 next year, grew up on 9IAR and I’d like to think that after losing to Celtic Ian Ferguson, Durrant, bomber etc would have went home in an absolute rage. I doubt our latest squad of failures give it a second thought.
Could not agree more. Some of our support have absolutely lost it when it comes to standards and what we should be achieving.

There’s also an element of our support that consider a player’s time spent at our club as a virtue regardless of success.

Like this wouldn’t happen in any other job. You wouldn’t get to keep working for Arnold Clark if you persistently fail to sell motors. But at Rangers, some supporters see nothing wrong with consist failure and have their heads buried in the sand.

The lowering of standards I think started during the McCoist days. Clear to anyone straight away that Ally was a shite manager and we had players who couldn’t give a toss but you’d still get the Ally will get it right eventually mob every week.

At some point we need to get players and a manager in who can hit the ground running. This needing a full season to get a team right just doesn’t wash at Rangers nor at Celtic where they seem to manage it every season.

With PC I had high hopes to begin with now I think I’m a bit 50/50 with him after the collapse.

Walter took over from PLG and turned a dire Rangers team round straight away. Brought in players to shore up defence etc

Next season we need to get off to a good start. Someone that can take a hold of midfield and a striker that can convert more than 1 out of 20 chances like Dessers.

The serial losers have to go. We are never winning another league with Tav and Goldson in defence, or with Tav as captain. He must hold the record as Rangers player on the end of the most Celtic defeats, he’s been at the helm for that many I doubt he remembers them all.

I don’t think anyone at our club have cared since Walter was here. Even Coisty as much the man’s a legend instilled a couldn’t care less attitude when he brought in all the journeymen.

I’m 40 next year, grew up on 9IAR and I’d like to think that after losing to Celtic Ian Ferguson, Durrant, bomber etc would have went home in an absolute rage. I doubt our latest squad of failures give it a second thought.
Spot on
Could not agree more. Some of our support have absolutely lost it when it comes to standards and what we should be achieving.

There’s also an element of our support that consider a player’s time spent at our club as a virtue regardless of success.

Like this wouldn’t happen in any other job. You wouldn’t get to keep working for Arnold Clark if you persistently fail to sell motors. But at Rangers, some supporters see nothing wrong with consist failure and have their heads buried in the sand.

The lowering of standards I think started during the McCoist days. Clear to anyone straight away that Ally was a shite manager and we had players who couldn’t give a toss but you’d still get the Ally will get it right eventually mob every week.

At some point we need to get players and a manager in who can hit the ground running. This needing a full season to get a team right just doesn’t wash at Rangers nor at Celtic where they seem to manage it every season.

With PC I had high hopes to begin with now I think I’m a bit 50/50 with him after the collapse.

Walter took over from PLG and turned a dire Rangers team round straight away. Brought in players to shore up defence etc

Next season we need to get off to a good start. Someone that can take a hold of midfield and a striker that can convert more than 1 out of 20 chances like Dessers.

The serial losers have to go. We are never winning another league with Tav and Goldson in defence, or with Tav as captain. He must hold the record as Rangers player on the end of the most Celtic defeats, he’s been at the helm for that many I doubt he remembers them all.

I don’t think anyone at our club have cared since Walter was here. Even Coisty as much the man’s a legend instilled a couldn’t care less attitude when he brought in all the journeymen.

I’m 40 next year, grew up on 9IAR and I’d like to think that after losing to Celtic Ian Ferguson, Durrant, bomber etc would have went home in an absolute rage. I doubt our latest squad of failures give it a second thought.
Agree with everything you said and I'm also a similar age so been through the same period as you.

Maybe it's the younger generation accepting the pathetically low standards?
Don’t understand why as they all hurt when lost but I feel so much more anger this time round that in previous seasons.

I understand for the players it may be just a job to them but playing for Rangers is more than just a job, we have to win this league next season & every supporter/player CANNOT be accepting anything less.
Don’t understand why as they all hurt when lost but I feel so much more anger this time round that in previous seasons.

I understand for the players it may be just a job to them but playing for Rangers is more than just a job, we have to win this league next season & every supporter/player CANNOT be accepting anything less.
I think this season has just finally confirmed what we all believed about this squad - there is a weak mentality running through every fibre of them and they dont have it in them to consistently win trophies.
The night that lot win another league and Scott Wright is on instagram stories resharing photos because for once he’s actually done something of note in a game. They should be hanging their heads in shame not self promoting.
That is utterly depressing.

The very small crumb of comfort for me is that I will be nowwhere near the cesspit of social media till at least after the cup final.

I will avoid the likes of Sutton and any soundbites from the smart @rse Rodgers. Al mention of the bheasts will be avoided on tv and radio too.

The thing from a Wright perspective is that of all the players who should be hurting it should be our home grown ones.

They have royally fucked this up and should be keeping their powder dry.

They should all be absolutely raging and embarassed to have capitulated that Title challenge to that group of Bheasts.

The mentality is horribly wrong.
Don’t understand why as they all hurt when lost but I feel so much more anger this time round that in previous seasons.

I understand for the players it may be just a job to them but playing for Rangers is more than just a job, we have to win this league next season & every supporter/player CANNOT be accepting anything less.
They should all feel genuinely hurt, embarassed and ashamed for letting themselves, the fans and the club down.

At the very least they should be able to read the feckin room.
Right, so now the narrative is that we have been "begging" to have 2500 of them at Ibrox.

A new level has been reached here.
Wasn't it the board that capitulated to this after telling us they'll never be back in Ibrox.
Don't get the impression with anyone in this current squad that they go home after a bad result and feel the same way the supporters do.

We don't really have players that give absolutely everything on the park either. How often do you watch games against diddy teams and see players like the guy Sylla on Tuesday for Dundee or Gogic for St Mirren just constantly involved all over the pitch? Guys with limited ability but just working themselves into the ground to try and help their team.
We don't hate them enough. If we hated them more than they hate us there's no way we'd be begging to have 2500 of them at Ibrox.
Correct - we’re too nice for our own good - we don’t hate them enough - hatred of Rangers is drummed into them right as soon as they arrive.
People actually think that our players care about losing titles. They don't. As long as they are getting paid, win bonus,minutes played bonus, goal bonus, points bonus, free lunches, free merch and discounts on their motors they're content. They don't hurt like us.
My problem is that Ange in a month managed to get Japanese who can't even speak English to run through a brick wall for them . So it shows they don't have to be " one of us ". This window we have to get it right . Letting Kent and Morelos go for nothing was criminal. Clement had to get brutal
Could not agree more. Some of our support have absolutely lost it when it comes to standards and what we should be achieving.

There’s also an element of our support that consider a player’s time spent at our club as a virtue regardless of success.

Like this wouldn’t happen in any other job. You wouldn’t get to keep working for Arnold Clark if you persistently fail to sell motors. But at Rangers, some supporters see nothing wrong with consist failure and have their heads buried in the sand.

The lowering of standards I think started during the McCoist days. Clear to anyone straight away that Ally was a shite manager and we had players who couldn’t give a toss but you’d still get the Ally will get it right eventually mob every week.

At some point we need to get players and a manager in who can hit the ground running. This needing a full season to get a team right just doesn’t wash at Rangers nor at Celtic where they seem to manage it every season.

With PC I had high hopes to begin with now I think I’m a bit 50/50 with him after the collapse.

Walter took over from PLG and turned a dire Rangers team round straight away. Brought in players to shore up defence etc

Next season we need to get off to a good start. Someone that can take a hold of midfield and a striker that can convert more than 1 out of 20 chances like Dessers.

The serial losers have to go. We are never winning another league with Tav and Goldson in defence, or with Tav as captain. He must hold the record as Rangers player on the end of the most Celtic defeats, he’s been at the helm for that many I doubt he remembers them all.

I don’t think anyone at our club have cared since Walter was here. Even Coisty as much the man’s a legend instilled a couldn’t care less attitude when he brought in all the journeymen.

I’m 40 next year, grew up on 9IAR and I’d like to think that after losing to Celtic Ian Ferguson, Durrant, bomber etc would have went home in an absolute rage. I doubt our latest squad of failures give it a second thought.
Arfield and Davis were the last who cared about the club and now we're a mess . As stated above we need a full clear out , and we need a captain . As much as I hated him and I did , Scott brown had the beggars motivated and dragged them kicking and biting to win . I'd rather 11 Scottish boys with guts then 11 euro and third rate English players who are up here for a payday any day
Arfield and Davis were the last who cared about the club and now we're a mess . As stated above we need a full clear out , and we need a captain . As much as I hated him and I did , Scott brown had the beggars motivated and dragged them kicking and biting to win . I'd rather 11 Scottish boys with guts then 11 euro and third rate English players who are up here for a payday any day
Very true and as youngsters before signing for their respective clubs Brown was one of us and Airfield one of them - but thats irrelevant, they got it. They understood. Too many of our players dont.
Wasn't it the board that capitulated to this after telling us they'll never be back in Ibrox.

Who specifically told us they would never be back at Ibrox?

The situation was never going to be a permanent arrangement. There are a combination of various parties who have input into the decision making.

And don't forget that a fair portion of our own support want the opportunity to follow Rangers everywhere, including the Piggery.

The poster I was replying to said Rangers were begging to allow their fans back into Ibrox - if ever a mistruth was posted on this forum that is it.
I mean the guy hasn't made money to retire on with us & will be unemployed in a matter of weeks.

Can forgive it in this instance when he is likely trying to drum-up interest.

EDIT - just been reminded he has another year :(

Jeezo mate weans crying now , cheers
I still have a huge feeling of anger with the way this season has ended.

All we had to do is pick up 7 points from Motherwell at home and Ross County and Dundee away and we would be going into tomorrow's game with a league.

The players should be ashamed of themselves that they let this slip not posting pics on Instagram of them scoring meaningless goals.
An absolute disgrace when you think about it. But the current squad don't care enough. Ian Ferguson, Bomber, Gough etc. - any of them would have decked Lundstram back in the dressing room for his stupidity against the Tims.
After we won 55 there were still players there who should have been out the door, instead they got a free pass from the club and many of our own supporters.

An element of our support are weak and accept mediocrity and the players are just natural losers who let us down time and time again and are absolutely clueless who don't give 2 effs.

A massive cul is needed and fans need to stop deluding themselves every season just because they can't admit the harsh reality that we are a joke.
Tavernier is the biggest one. Enough is enough with him.
Arfield and Davis were the last who cared about the club and now we're a mess . As stated above we need a full clear out , and we need a captain . As much as I hated him and I did , Scott brown had the beggars motivated and dragged them kicking and biting to win . I'd rather 11 Scottish boys with guts then 11 euro and third rate English players who are up here for a payday any day
That would be Scott Arfield, the Celtic fan and Davo who left for free? You can pick loopholes in absolutely everything if needs be.

Players care, just because we aren't winning the league they still care.
Barry Ferguson walked off the pitch with Neil Lennon (or Lenny as he likes to call him) with his arms around him after a 2 nil defeat at Parkhead during the PLG time.
Thats the game Ferguson took a free kick 20 yards from goal off Kris Boyd and proceeded to smash it off the wall then a couple of minutes later Kenny Miller bullied him as he ran through and scored he wouldn’t take a yellow for the team.
Could not agree more. Some of our support have absolutely lost it when it comes to standards and what we should be achieving.

There’s also an element of our support that consider a player’s time spent at our club as a virtue regardless of success.

Like this wouldn’t happen in any other job. You wouldn’t get to keep working for Arnold Clark if you persistently fail to sell motors. But at Rangers, some supporters see nothing wrong with consist failure and have their heads buried in the sand.

The lowering of standards I think started during the McCoist days. Clear to anyone straight away that Ally was a shite manager and we had players who couldn’t give a toss but you’d still get the Ally will get it right eventually mob every week.

At some point we need to get players and a manager in who can hit the ground running. This needing a full season to get a team right just doesn’t wash at Rangers nor at Celtic where they seem to manage it every season.

With PC I had high hopes to begin with now I think I’m a bit 50/50 with him after the collapse.

Walter took over from PLG and turned a dire Rangers team round straight away. Brought in players to shore up defence etc

Next season we need to get off to a good start. Someone that can take a hold of midfield and a striker that can convert more than 1 out of 20 chances like Dessers.

The serial losers have to go. We are never winning another league with Tav and Goldson in defence, or with Tav as captain. He must hold the record as Rangers player on the end of the most Celtic defeats, he’s been at the helm for that many I doubt he remembers them all.

I don’t think anyone at our club have cared since Walter was here. Even Coisty as much the man’s a legend instilled a couldn’t care less attitude when he brought in all the journeymen.

I’m 40 next year, grew up on 9IAR and I’d like to think that after losing to Celtic Ian Ferguson, Durrant, bomber etc would have went home in an absolute rage. I doubt our latest squad of failures give it a second thought.
Part of problem is that ScotIan football is different

Walter knew what it took to beat the others even when not playing well

It was not always silky football but strong defensively and physically.

Gerrard knew that as well but I think prob at smiths prompting

Gio/ and clement so far have a way of playing football gio was prob more solid as a team unit but still leaves us exposed but when clocks can score goals for fun it's the games that we lose silly goals that will cost us though
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Part of problem is that ScotIan football is different

Wallet knew what it took to beat the others even when not playing well

It was not always silky football but strong defensively and physically.

Gerrard knew that as well but I think prob at smiths prompting

Gio/ and clement so far have a way of playing football gio was prob more solid as a team unit but still leaves us exposed but when clocks can score goals for fun it's the games that we lose silly goals that will cost us though
Good ol Wallet
That would be Scott Arfield, the Celtic fan and Davo who left for free? You can pick loopholes in absolutely everything if needs be.

Players care, just because we aren't winning the league they still care.
I would say your having a laugh but I think you're being serious which is worse
A group of players happy to be professional footballers, winners medals round their neck is just a nice bonus moment in the rare occasion it happens.

Let's just go back two years and Seville.

After the game there were Eintrachct fans on FF praising our lot for wearing their losers medals with pride.

Nothing sums them up more eloquently.

Losers to the core.
You genuinely think Jack Butland, Tav, Souttar, Dessers, Jack, Goldson don't care at all?
You kidding?

Big Buttsy, Tav, Soutty, Dessy, Jakcy and Goldy all care right to the bank!

(Queue the defenders saying they are playing for the trophies :rolleyes:B-D)
You kidding?

Big Buttsy, Tav, Soutty, Dessy, Jakcy and Goldy all care right to the bank!

(Queue the defenders saying they are playing for the trophies :rolleyes:B-D)
Nah, I don't agree big man but fair play. Goldson could have got more money leaving last year as one example. Soapy supports us.

Why would Arfield care more than Soapy? Genuine question?