Will we win the cup?

Do these players have it in them to beat celtic this season and win the Scottish Cup?

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On the basis we’ve not laid a glove on them and half the squad have checked out, I’m seeing nothing that points me to a Rangers win. I know the battle fever will kick in, on the day I’ll believe in my heart we will do it, my head just tells me “prepare for another let down and another loser medal to add to the collection”.
If a poor Aberdeen team can take 3 off them at Hampden then we should be more than capable of doing the same. Like all old firms the first team to score will have a big advantage so hopefully we don't sit back like the last few games against them.
As is often the case, an FF poll is a bit confused.

I would answer YES to the poll question, “do they have it in them”, but NO to the title of the thread. So I haven’t voted.

We’ll just need to guess which of the two questions voters are answering.
Yes, they have it in them. In a few key positions we have pound-for-pound better players. The question is whether they have the mentality and will to win.
Can we win it? Yes, of course we can.

Will we win it? That's a whole different question but the gun-to-head answer given would be No.

However, we can win it. :)
My heart say yes but my head says no. I think if we can get our midfield right then we have a chance. I would play Sterling and raskin as holders and dio further forward as I think he is more effective when playing in that role, also carries a threat from edge of box. Sima, dessers and macausland start up front.
The same folk that think we will win will be the same ones that were predicting two goal wins at Parkhead last weekend and us absolutely pumping them at Ibrox a few weeks back.

Only Rangers supporting blind optimists will think we are winning next week. Anyone with a shred of realism / sense will be fully expecting a filth win sadly.
If we go at them we'll have a chance unfortunately we'll sit off them and wait until we're 2 nil down before we go at them.
Think it's going to be very difficult to win on Saturday. But hopefully we can put on a performance and not let themselves down or our wonderful support. I'm going for a 1_0 to Rangers.
As the most pessimistic bassa in the world I’ve voted yes because what I vote has no bearing on the outcome and to head to Hampdump without at least a grain of hope would be completely unstaunch.
If we make enough bold changes we have a chance. If we go again with what we have tried before, I expect the same outcome.
There is nothing at all to suggest that we are suddenly not going to wet the bed when playing that mob
Been let down too many times by players who are not good enough and frankly don't look as if they care

Anyone who says otherwise is a deluded optimist or a staunch no surrender uber fan kidding themselves on in an effort to appear a better supporter than the rest of us
Heart says yes of course we will. I’ve voted with my brain though and said no. I just can’t see it sadly.
That Celtic team treat games against Rangers where there's something at stake like a Champions League final whereas our players have panic attacks at the thought of playing them. So no we won't win it.

And please spare me the tired 'don't watch it then' crap because clearly the players performances over the season haven't given us any confidence they can pull it off.
It’s an Old Firm cup final at Hampden. There is no evidence to suggest we will win but we will, course we will.
There's no other vote but yes , otherwise nobody would watch it , and for all those people voting no I'm sure you will watch .
It’s not impossible, but I’d be really shocked just on the basis that too many of our players don’t have what it takes, particularly when it comes to mentality.