Jason Leitch fears restrictions will last longer.

Leitch needs to be removed from his position as chief medical officer/adviser. The minute he admitted that the 500 number wasnt based on science was the minute his job became untenable. If his job isnt to explain the science and help politicians make evidence-based decisions then what is it? He should be gone.

And anything that hurts Sturgeon's popularity, as locking down football and other events undoubtedly will, is a painful but ultimately helpful thing. Its just a shame its taking this for folk to start to see through her.
This is now the 3rd season season ticket holders are affected by this. Clubs are happy to have us in so it's not their fault and they shouldn't be out of pocket due to this.

Surely there has to be some way some form of compensation can be claimed for season ticket holders. We are paying for something we aren't getting and in no other situation in life would that be acceptable.

A link to the game on RTV that we can get for £9.99 isn't enough.
I agree mate. But it shouldn’t be the clubs footing the bill it should be the bastards making these daft made up rules
Leitch needs to be removed from his position as chief medical officer/adviser. The minute he admitted that the 500 number wasnt based on science was the minute his job became untenable. If his job isnt to explain the science and help politicians make evidence-based decisions then what is it? He should be gone.

And anything that hurts Sturgeon's popularity, as locking down football and other events undoubtedly will, is a painful but ultimately helpful thing. Its just a shame its taking this for folk to start to see through her.

I half agree, but he can only advise the fuhrer, she then decides what is *best* politically.
I hope all those who voted to support the scum are now realising AGAIN, that they have been had, and about to be forced into doing the very thing they believed they voted to avoid, 500 fans and all the costs to have them with none of the profit for the rest of the season.
Can’t see us seeing many games live for the remainder of the season.

Sturgeon will do her very best to deny access for supporters so long as cases are high and she will ensure that cases remain high too.
George Square it is then.

Let's break Scotland again.
Feel for Stirling albion if played
I agree mate. But it shouldn’t be the clubs footing the bill it should be the bastards making these daft made up rules
Agree as well, but club needs ST money, I wouldn't want a refund, look at the loses due to last season.
A decent government would have spent the past year training and incentivising new hospital staff and preparing new facilities to cope with increased numbers, in order to let society continue to function. This is pretty fucking far from a good government though. Solution same as always - shut everything down. Economy down the pan, mental health of the nation screwed and all other illnesses ignored. Brutal doesn’t cover it,
Im sure he will be releasing "the science" that supports these decisions. Beyond livid at this contemptuous shite. Nothing the league could have done though. How could they possibly have known their actions would only benefit Celtic? Oh wait...
He should have stuck to doing fillings, No more than a Jumped up Dentist.

No one is surprised, I will be surprised if we get fans in before March.
I half agree, but he can only advise the fuhrer, she then decides what is *best* politically.

He admitted that the 500 wasn't based on science.

Which means either he advised differently and Sturgeon ignored him or he give Sturgeon a number that he knew she'd be happy with.

Either way he has absolutely no credibility. Either politicians are ignoring him and making shit up or he's ignoring the science to please politicians with the answers they want. That makes his position impossible in a normal world.
Can’t see us seeing many games live for the remainder of the season.

Sturgeon will do her very best to deny access for supporters so long as cases are high and she will ensure that cases remain high too.
Why would she do that? (ensureng high levels)
Annoying that fans can't get to games but talking bollox will not help AWK.
Feel for Stirling albion if played

Agree as well, but club needs ST money, I wouldn't want a refund, look at the loses due to last season.
I wouldn’t want a refund from the club either mate. It’s the scumbags that are making these made up rules
So what will scum excuse be this time? "No fans no real football" v SPL saying they're not rescheduling again. Mmmm

My guess? They will reschedule to please Nonce FC.

Well Dungcaster said last week there is no more free spaces to accommodate more call offs,it'll have to be played,otherwise he lied through his teeth.