
It’s deemed sexual assault. It’s fkn disgraceful.
Since you know so much about the subject, surely you'll be aware that both the crime of "Rape" under Section 1 Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 and "Sexual Assault By Penetration" under Section 2 Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 both carry the exact same sentence of Life Imprisonment and a fine.

These offences under statute replaced the common law crimes of Rape, Sodomy and Indecent Assault which were used before that act came into force. Both of the statutory offences of Rape and SABP are viewed equally seriously in the eyes of the law. There is no need for any outrage about the definitions.

The lesser crimes of Sections 3 and 4 - Sexual Assault (no penetration) and Sexual Coercion can also carry the same penalty when prosecuted on indictment.

Section 3 prosecuted on indictment would be appropriate were a woman to have sex with a man without his consent.

That’s exactly it.
I’m pretty sure 90% of the guys on here could have been accused of rape in exactly these situations.
All it takes is the the girl to think-that was a mistake…shout rape and you’re in trouble.
I’ve got 3 daughters and think any genuine rapists should be shot, but in cases like goodwillie’s not clear cut.

Ched Evans is proof these things aren't clear cut.
He's an innocent man

It depends how drunk the “drunk birds” were though. I have slept with guys when drunk. I knew what I was doing and while it might not have been the best idea at the time I certainly wouldn’t have said I was raped. However you do see people who are extremely drunk to the point where they are unaware of their surroundings. Being tipsy and being in such a state that you “couldn’t bite your own fingernail “ as I saw someone say earlier are totally different things as I think most people would agree.
Edit - plus I am guessing that none of these birds ever claimed the sex was non consensual either.

Naw they just claimed he was a snide ride with a wee dick
I'd guarantee your view would change should one of your daughters be in a similar situation or at least I'd hope it would.
Think you’re missing my point.
I don’t know what goodwillie did or didn’t do-neither do you.
I’m saying it’s too easy to accuse guys of things like that now…hope my daughter would never get herself into a situation like that but if she did something she regretted I would hope she wouldn’t falsely accuse someone to ease her conscience.
Like I say, no one on here knows exactly what happened there, but if the girl got hammered, went home with them and though ‘what have I done’ it’s different to someone forcing themselves on her.
Dont know if goodwillie was p1shed in this too…if he wasn’t then I think he’s a pr1ck for taking advantage…doesn’t mean he raped her.
Think you’re missing my point.
I don’t know what goodwillie did or didn’t do-neither do you.
I’m saying it’s too easy to accuse guys of things like that now…hope my daughter would never get herself into a situation like that but if she did something she regretted I would hope she wouldn’t falsely accuse someone to ease her conscience.
Like I say, no one on here knows exactly what happened there, but if the girl got hammered, went home with them and though ‘what have I done’ it’s different to someone forcing themselves on her.
Dont know if goodwillie was p1shed in this too…if he wasn’t then I think he’s a pr1ck for taking advantage…doesn’t mean he raped her.
The balance of probability says he raped her. That's been proved in a civil court.
There's a lot of assumptions in your post. The facts were discussed in court and Goodwillie has been found to be a rapist.
I don't know what happened, neither do you but after hearing all the evidence the balance of probability was found in favour of the complainant.
It depends how drunk the “drunk birds” were though. I have slept with guys when drunk. I knew what I was doing and while it might not have been the best idea at the time I certainly wouldn’t have said I was raped. However you do see people who are extremely drunk to the point where they are unaware of their surroundings. Being tipsy and being in such a state that you “couldn’t bite your own fingernail “ as I saw someone say earlier are totally different things as I think most people would agree.
Edit - plus I am guessing that none of these birds ever claimed the sex was non consensual either.

And what would your reaction be if one of they guys had a few more pints than they normally would have, and pressed charges against you for sexual assualt, lets assume you met him at 5pm and drank with him in numerous pubs, there was cctv of him laughing at your jokes, the cctv showed that he was capable of walking by himself when the club closed, yet he says he wouldn’t have done that sober so wants charges for sexual assault pressed.

lets be honest here, he would get absolute laughed at by the police and get told not to waste there time. And you certainly wouldn’t think you should be put on the sex offenders register for it either.
The balance of probability says he raped her. That's been proved in a civil court.
There's a lot of assumptions in your post. The facts were discussed in court and Goodwillie has been found to be a rapist.
I don't know what happened, neither do you but after hearing all the evidence the balance of probability was found in favour of the complainant.
There’s a lot of uncertainty in that to ruin someone’s life.
Dont know anything about goodwillie and whether he’s a f4nny or not or just unlucky, but it’s not a criminal conviction.
Anyway, you’ve got your view I’ve got mine
She had the equivalent of alcohol in her system that would be 3 and a half times the legal limit to drive. No drugs in her system so she wasnt spiked. Judge quoted saying that even if she did consent then it doesn’t matter as she was in no state to make that decision. I dont think il be the only one who’s not been in a fit state and ended up waking up next to a horror. Does that mean she raped me then?.

im not gay but Goodwillie was a good looking guy, i doubt he struggled to pick up woman on a night out. If it could be proved beyond doubt that anyone has raped anyone then they deserve to be sentenced to death imo. woman who falsely accuse should have the same penalty. His careers been wrecked because he’s slept with someone who at 3 and a half times over the drink drive limit has been deemed as to drunk that even if she said yes then it doesn’t matter. I’m sure there will be hundreds of these scenarios all over the country every weekend. People getting drunk at a club and end up home with someone. I could get a few locked up if that’s what rape is.

Am I being daft here but is that even that drunk?
There’s a lot of uncertainty in that to ruin someone’s life.
Dont know anything about goodwillie and whether he’s a f4nny or not or just unlucky, but it’s not a criminal conviction.
Anyway, you’ve got your view I’ve got mine
There is no uncertainty, he is a rapist. If he wasn't then he could sue anyone who called him one. But he doesn't.
Am I being daft here but is that even that drunk?

She accepts that cctv seems to show her in bars being able to go inti her bag and used the phone etc, she accepts cctv shows her walking unaided out the last place too but says she can’t mind it, read the thing i posted, a lot of it is her saying she wouldnt have done that if she was sober. go rob a bank next time you have had a few and say to the judge, that’s not something id do if i was sober, i dont think he’d accept that excuse.
Am I being daft here but is that even that drunk?

Paragraphs 297-302 will tell you that it is.

The pursuer’s urine sample, taken at 13.15 on 2 January 2011, was found to have a urine alcohol level of 122mg/100ml, equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 91mg/100ml. On appropriate back calculation, recognising that the results of such an exercise can only be approximate, the pursuer’s blood alcohol level at 3am on 2 January 2011 was 275mg/100ml (the mid point of a range 183 ‑ 388mg/100ml), and at 4am, it was 257mg/100ml (the mid point of a range 174 ‑ 359mg/100ml).

“(130‑159 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood)
Gross motor impairment and lack of physical control. Blurred vision and major loss of balance. Euphoria is reducing and beginning dysphoria (a state of feeling unwell).

(160-199milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood)
Dysphoria predominates, nausea may appear. The drinker has the appearance of a sloppy drunk.

(200-249 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood)
Needs assistance walking; total mental confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and vomiting; possible blackout.”

Yes it is that drunk.
Since you know so much about the subject, surely you'll be aware that both the crime of "Rape" under Section 1 Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 and "Sexual Assault By Penetration" under Section 2 Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 both carry the exact same sentence of Life Imprisonment and a fine.

These offences under statute replaced the common law crimes of Rape, Sodomy and Indecent Assault which were used before that act came into force. Both of the statutory offences of Rape and SABP are viewed equally seriously in the eyes of the law. There is no need for any outrage about the definitions.

The lesser crimes of Sections 3 and 4 - Sexual Assault (no penetration) and Sexual Coercion can also carry the same penalty when prosecuted on indictment.

Section 3 prosecuted on indictment would be appropriate were a woman to have sex with a man without his consent.

What are u on about lad? Where did I say I know so much? Why are u so upset?
Hate to say it but for the seriousness of this you can not condemn a man to what he has went through if you are not 100 certain, probability is not the means to what someone should be branded a rapist.
In the eyes of the law he is not a convicted criminal for this offence if he was then i would 100% back the previous clubs he has had stance.
What really gets me though is sturgeon happy to destroy him and make sure he cant get a job elsewhere to keep her pals happy but will let convicted rapists go into a womans prison and has done for the past few years where they will be in their element, but as usual with her its not about the cause its about keeping her backers happy.
Hate to say it but for the seriousness of this you can not condemn a man to what he has went through if you are not 100 certain, probability is not the means to what someone should be branded a rapist.
In the eyes of the law he is not a convicted criminal for this offence if he was then i would 100% back the previous clubs he has had stance.
What really gets me though is sturgeon happy to destroy him and make sure he cant get a job elsewhere to keep her pals happy but will let convicted rapists go into a womans prison and has done for the past few years where they will be in their element, but as usual with her its not about the cause its about keeping her backers happy.
Well said.
Sometimes it takes victims of sexual abuse years to get the courage to speak up.
He wasn’t the victim, he was found guilty via civil proceedings, not criminal as there wasn’t enough evidence.

Sturgeon wasn’t the victims, she is a propagandist who seen an opportunity and nailed this boy, all because her pal wasn’t happy he was going to herb club.

If she was so determined to make an example of him, then why wait all those years knowing he was playing a lot of football over many seasons?

Just stinks way she was played like s puppet.
It depends how drunk the “drunk birds” were though. I have slept with guys when drunk. I knew what I was doing and while it might not have been the best idea at the time I certainly wouldn’t have said I was raped. However you do see people who are extremely drunk to the point where they are unaware of their surroundings. Being tipsy and being in such a state that you “couldn’t bite your own fingernail “ as I saw someone say earlier are totally different things as I think most people would agree.
Edit - plus I am guessing that none of these birds ever claimed the sex was non consensual either.

they probably all know that he wont have £500k sitting to try claim for damages.
What are u on about lad? Where did I say I know so much? Why are u so upset?
Well you seem to know that a woman having sex with a man without his consent is now the crime of Sexual Assault. Spot on. And you're the one that is upset deeming that "fkn disgraceful" even though that crime carries the same penalty as Rape and SABP.
He wasn’t the victim, he was found guilty via civil proceedings, not criminal as there wasn’t enough evidence.

Sturgeon wasn’t the victims, she is a propagandist who seen an opportunity and nailed this boy, all because her pal wasn’t happy he was going to herb club.

If she was so determined to make an example of him, then why wait all those years knowing he was playing a lot of football over many seasons?

Just stinks way she was played like s puppet.
Exactly. Just another Sturgeon pawn.

She never said a word when he played for Clyde for years...

I think it's fair to say that IF he was found guilty in a criminal court, nobody would have any sympathy for him whatsoever. But, football has very selective morals....

Declan Gallagher - baseball wielding thug
Paul McGowan - serial police assaulter
Leigh Griffiths - where do you start?
Joey Barton - cigar in someone's eye?
David Martindale - drug dealer

ALL these have been able to continue their careers - but, Goodwillie hasn't. Even though he has never been found guilty in a criminal court for that he was accused.

Hate to say it but for the seriousness of this you can not condemn a man to what he has went through if you are not 100 certain, probability is not the means to what someone should be branded a rapist.
In the eyes of the law he is not a convicted criminal for this offence if he was then i would 100% back the previous clubs he has had stance.
What really gets me though is sturgeon happy to destroy him and make sure he cant get a job elsewhere to keep her pals happy but will let convicted rapists go into a womans prison and has done for the past few years where they will be in their element, but as usual with her its not about the cause its about keeping her backers happy.

Not only that, but her close friend and mentor Salmond was caught up in his sex scandal. Then you've got the likes of Derek McKay amongst others.
Well you seem to know that a woman having sex with a man without his consent is now the crime of Sexual Assault. Spot on. And you're the one that is upset deeming that "fkn disgraceful" even though that crime carries the same penalty as Rape and SABP.
It is disgraceful it’s not called raped. I’m genuinely bewildered what ur on about.
I read the court transcript when it was published in the original Goodwillie thread when Sturgeon and her pals piped up.

Ive read it again just now and it again has the hairs on the back of my neck prickling.

Its abundantly clear why this never made it to criminal court. There is no way based on the evidence provided that a jury could find them guilty.

Lord Armstrong appears to have based his opinion on the case by the character of those involved.
He found the pursuer to be credible, and the defendants not to be.

We have to protect our women from predatory men, including those who take advantage of their drunkenness. That those men exist is an affront to humanity.

But do we not also have a moral obligation to protect our men from being accused of rape simply because they were too drunk to comprehend that the female is too drunk to consent?

The law as it stands places the entire burden of sexual consent squarely on the shoulders of the man. Is that right, or just?

Or do we, as men, have to accept that burden, in order to protect women?

I know that pursuing these cases in civil court is not the answer. Labelling people rapists "because they probably are" is dangerous territory.
So do you not think that civil courts should be a thing then?
Or just that the verdicts passed in them should be ignored

FWIW I think the judge ruled on the balance of probabilities, not a hunch

I could be wrong, but I don't think the victim has seen a red cent of her
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He wasn’t the victim, he was found guilty via civil proceedings, not criminal as there wasn’t enough evidence.

Sturgeon wasn’t the victims, she is a propagandist who seen an opportunity and nailed this boy, all because her pal wasn’t happy he was going to herb club.

If she was so determined to make an example of him, then why wait all those years knowing he was playing a lot of football over many seasons?

Just stinks way she was played like s puppet.
Ok,you were referring to Sturgeon waiting.Not the actual victim of Goodwillie.
Fair comment re Sturgeon
Quick question just to see how this would work. If Goodwillie was actually officially charged and went through a High Court trial and the 12 person jury actually found him Not Guilty, what would be peoples opinions of him be. Would people still call him a Rapist.

Surely the fact he has never actually been to trial as there was not enough evidence to either convict or actually prove he done anything wrong, surely that would mean a lot more to some than actually going to court. The PF taking it to court means they have enough evidence and can prove it. Goodwillies case had no evidence ti prove wrongdoing.

Just was wondering as there seems to be many on here who no matter the circumstances have him guilty of criminality.
I guess some would change their minds and some would not, would it matter?

OJ went through a criminal trial for the infamous murders and was acquitted, he was subsequently found guilty in a civil prosecution.
was he guilty of the murders or not?
I say yes he was.
Does the civil case hold no merit, as the legal case had already passed judgement?
Quick question just to see how this would work. If Goodwillie was actually officially charged and went through a High Court trial and the 12 person jury actually found him Not Guilty, what would be peoples opinions of him be. Would people still call him a Rapist.

Surely the fact he has never actually been to trial as there was not enough evidence to either convict or actually prove he done anything wrong, surely that would mean a lot more to some than actually going to court. The PF taking it to court means they have enough evidence and can prove it. Goodwillies case had no evidence ti prove wrongdoing.

Just was wondering as there seems to be many on here who no matter the circumstances have him guilty of criminality.
Why did they make multiple offers to settle out of court (in the region of £115k) if they didnt do it?
For all the rights and wrongs, he should have stayed at Clyde

Nobody seemed to care for all the years he was there
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The civil case holds absolutely no criminal merit. A judge making a decision on probability means absolutely zero in regards to actual criminal guilt. In relation to OJ he was acquitted so isn't guilty of any murder. You can say he is but you are 100% wrong. You can THINK he is but without a conviction then sorry but you are wrong.
Yes I did say he was guilty of murder, apologies for that he isnt.
What I meant to say (or should have said) was that he has not been found guilty of murder in a criminal court, but he is a murderer.

Goodwillie has not been found guilty of rape in a criminal court, but he is a rapist.

Greenwood has not been found guilty of rape in a criminal court, but he is a rapist.

Griffiths has not been found guilty of noncery in a criminal court, but he is a nonce.

Just because someone has not been judged in a court of law on any given offence, It doesn't mean the offence wasn't committed.
Cause that's how the system works. The only outcome from a civil court is money. Not criminality. Not conviction. No actual police record. So if they were being sued for £500k then it makes sense to offer less money. Its not an admission of guilt. Its trying to limit the total amount.

When Murray offered to pay the EBT money for many millions less was that an admission of guilt or was that trying to limit the likelihood of being made to pay a bigger amount.

In my eyes its an admission of guilt, Murray knew he was screwed and made the offer to get it done. If failed so he then screwed us.
He wasn’t convicted of rape but lost the civil case. We can’t comment on the rights and wrongs because we don’t know the facts. The judge did know the facts though. Judge was clear that on balance of probabilities he did do it.

That is really not the issue issue is why he is being prevented from making a living. He is being repeatedly punished.
Not that I like him, or defend what he's done, but he certainly is.
I would say he is being "stalked" by a certain self-righteous, political element in society who are not willing to accept the rule of law in this case, and are aided by the sensationalist media. Tantamount to a crimal offence in itself, I would suggest.
Pity they can't apply such vigour and publicity to certain other criminal activities within Scottish football. Wonder why?
Some folk that think that the civil case against him doesn’t hold water probably thought the opposite of the Depp/Heard civil case.
Some folk that think that the civil case against him doesn’t hold water probably thought the opposite of the Depp/Heard civil case.

Apparently the judge in the civil case refused to let one of the key witnesses in the criminal case give evidence:

(I have no opinion on this just sharing what I read)
I posted the civil case earlier in the thread but here it is again


If he had been taken to court, do you think you would have found him, Guilty ,Not Guilty or Not Proven?
If you serve on a jury, and put aside your own personal feelings on a matter, as you should, and base your decision on the facts presented, as you should, I can't see how anybody could reach a Guilty decision.

This statement from the judgement is startling, and quite frankly, I cannot fathom how a Law Lord can say such a thing.

"... would add that, even if it was the pursuer who said “Don’t come inside me, I don’t want to have another baby”, I would not accept that such language is necessarily consistent with consensual sexual intercourse.
If you serve on a jury, and put aside your own personal feelings on a matter, as you should, and base your decision on the facts presented, as you should, I can't see how anybody could reach a Guilty decision.

This statement from the judgement is startling, and quite frankly, I cannot fathom how a Law Lord can say such a thing.

"... would add that, even if it was the pursuer who said “Don’t come inside me, I don’t want to have another baby”, I would not accept that such language is necessarily consistent with consensual sexual intercourse.
That statement would suggest to me that she was fully aware of what she was doing...
I just think the whole thing is a mess...the judge in civil cases takes a dislike to one party and will never find in that parties favour, as the law doesn't seem that he must, he makes an opinion and it is solely his opinion, that is wrong
Not that I like him, or defend what he's done, but he certainly is.
I would say he is being "stalked" by a certain self-righteous, political element in society who are not willing to accept the rule of law in this case, and are aided by the sensationalist media. Tantamount to a crimal offence in itself, I would suggest.
Pity they can't apply such vigour and publicity to certain other criminal activities within Scottish football. Wonder why?
Agree with this. It sits uncomfortably with me that this guy is being hounded by a vociferous group and being prevented from working.

Sadly though this view is then presented as supporting rapists and it absolutely is not. I don’t know the man nor want to but his actions make him look a pretty unpleasant bloke. He has never publicly expressed remorse for his behaviour as far as I know nor sought help on his attitude.

But just because he is a scumbag he shouldn’t be prevented from working or rebuilding his life.
Agree with this. It sits uncomfortably with me that this guy is being hounded by a vociferous group and being prevented from working.

Sadly though this view is then presented as supporting rapists and it absolutely is not. I don’t know the man nor want to but his actions make him look a pretty unpleasant bloke. He has never publicly expressed remorse for his behaviour as far as I know nor sought help on his attitude.

But just because he is a scumbag he shouldn’t be prevented from working or rebuilding his life.
I agree with everything to a point...

How can you show remorse for your behaviour if you haven't, in your opinion, done anything wrong?
Basically you are asking him to apologise for having sex with a woman who he claims was ok with it until she thought better. To show remorse would be an admission of guilt, wheich would lead to him being convicted of rape.
There is no uncertainty, he is a rapist. If he wasn't then he could sue anyone who called him one. But he doesn't.
See this sort of argument quite often but is proof of nothing
You cannot sue someone for telling lies about you
You have to prove that the lie has cost you
So he would to raise an expensive legal action and prove their (let's assume for this argument it is a lie) told by that individual cost him X amount of money
He can then sue for that amount of damages
Add in the fact that he may just want to put all this behind him and I think it would be more surprising than not if he sued any particular person for saying he's a rapist
I agree with everything to a point...

How can you show remorse for your behaviour if you haven't, in your opinion, done anything wrong?
Basically you are asking him to apologise for having sex with a woman who he claims was ok with it until she thought better. To show remorse would be an admission of guilt, wheich would lead to him being convicted of rape.
Think most decent human beings would regard his behaviour that night as unacceptable and think it shows an unacceptable attitude towards women. If my sons behaved like that would be beyond disappointed and would make them confront what they had done.

So think he could show remorse for what he accepts he did while in no way admitting rape.

Might have changed his current situation a lot had he done that at the time. But that to me says a lot about who he is as a person.
See this sort of argument quite often but is proof of nothing
You cannot sue someone for telling lies about you
You have to prove that the lie has cost you
So he would to raise an expensive legal action and prove their (let's assume for this argument it is a lie) told by that individual cost him X amount of money
He can then sue for that amount of damages
Add in the fact that he may just want to put all this behind him and I think it would be more surprising than not if he sued any particular person for saying he's a rapist
Ok. Why not appeal the judgment then or is he quite happy to pay the damages for something he says he didn't do and be known as a rapist? If it were me and I was innocent I'd be fighting it all the way. That tells me all I need to know about Goodwillie.
I dont know why the media keeps writing articles about him it will just bring it back to his victim. I would think she is trying as hard as she can to forget what was done to her and build a life. What does the media think it's like that Begum cant they've wrote her story and made a documentary she's fcuking loving all the cash she's making.
Think most decent human beings would regard his behaviour that night as unacceptable and think it shows an unacceptable attitude towards women. If my sons behaved like that would be beyond disappointed and would make them confront what they had done.

So think he could show remorse for what he accepts he did while in no way admitting rape.

Might have changed his current situation a lot had he done that at the time. But that to me says a lot about who he is as a person.
What did he do?