Loser who threw the object

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It was fu*king assault mate.

If he'd struck him on the temple, he could've killed him.

Arrested, criminal record and ban the cretin from Ibrox for life.

Mate, don't worry it's being dealt with, his pals gave him a talking to, nae need for any further action :)


Sentenced to 4 hours.
People will have seen him doing this and either know him or know roughly what seat he was in.
Get him shopped to the club and lets get him dealt with.

For anyone who thinks we shouldn't shop one of our own, ask yourself about the effect his acctions will have on us. Ask yourself why our travelling fans get treated so shabbily at away grounds.

Also, imagine whatever he threw hit one of our fans and not the linesman.

Get the ned shopped and banned.
Agree with your sentiment, but on what basis do you make that conclusion?
In a polite way, this is full of rockets and mentally challengeds.. It as not a mentally challenged at the game and the guy that tossed whatever it was is a rocket.

I'd bet you he is a member on here.
This is going to be my last post on this thread because it is obvious to see that my opinion goes against what most people think and that is fair enough. I can’t have 9 different arguements all at the same time.

I will leave it at the boy has done wrong. He should never have done it. I don’t think he should be arrested because of it but a word in his ear would suffice. Maybe you disagree, that is fair enough, and maybe you are right, and again that is fair enough. To me though I don’t think a moment of idiocy deserves potentially losing your job over.
Any object other than a mobile, the dickhead will be lifted straight away. If a mobile phone, Inspector McClouseau of the Polis Scotland will be in charge and he has nothing to worry about
This is going to be my last post on this thread because it is obvious to see that my opinion goes against what most people think and that is fair enough. I can’t have 9 different arguements all at the same time.

I will leave it at the boy has done wrong. He should never have done it. I don’t think he should be arrested because of it but a word in his ear would suffice. Maybe you disagree, that is fair enough, and maybe you are right, and again that is fair enough. To me though I don’t think a moment of idiocy deserves potentially losing your job over.
I agree
I'd be willing to wager good money that this absolute prick will be named and shamed within 24 hours, if not earlier by the time the Rags go to print in the early hours.

The general theme of this thread will tell us why. Because every decent Rangers supporter wants him dealt with.

In recent years we are still waiting for the exposure of Juan ghuy the lighter thrower. The mobile thrower at Novo, and the guy who bottled a young Rangers supporter outside Hampden.

It's up to other's to determine how reasons behind that is allowed to happen.
This is going to be my last post on this thread because it is obvious to see that my opinion goes against what most people think and that is fair enough. I can’t have 9 different arguements all at the same time.

I will leave it at the boy has done wrong. He should never have done it. I don’t think he should be arrested because of it but a word in his ear would suffice. Maybe you disagree, that is fair enough, and maybe you are right, and again that is fair enough. To me though I don’t think a moment of idiocy deserves potentially losing your job over.

He's split his head open.
It’s just off the national news , highlighting the incident. He’s brought the club into shame and he has committed an assault.
There is no option here he should present himself to the police at the earliest opportunity and have the courts deal with him before he’s named on social media.
The club should then deal with him as they see fit.
This is going to be my last post on this thread because it is obvious to see that my opinion goes against what most people think and that is fair enough. I can’t have 9 different arguements all at the same time.

I will leave it at the boy has done wrong. He should never have done it. I don’t think he should be arrested because of it but a word in his ear would suffice. Maybe you disagree, that is fair enough, and maybe you are right, and again that is fair enough. To me though I don’t think a moment of idiocy deserves potentially losing your job over.

I think that's fair enough, i haven't seen rfcjonnya say wahoo gaun yersel son. Everyone agree's the fella done wrong from being idiotic to thuggish. The severity of his punishment is what i think is more at debate.
I think that's fair enough, i haven't seen rfcjonnya say wahoo gaun yersel son. Everyone agree's the fella done wrong from being idiotic to thuggish. The severity of his punishment is what i think is more at debate.

You throw something and it causes an injury to someone which draws blood you deserve all you get. This isn't Petrov and a plastic cup.
Anyone who condones that is as much a prick as the prick that did it.
It's indefensible and drags our good name into mentally challenged like levels
It's feeding into the narrative that Rangers fans are scum and they should be treated like it. It's going to paint us in a bad light for those who already want to magnify any single non-event or issue and use it to drive that narrative. Remember the stories about some brainless wonders kicking over a sandcastle?

Now they've got a bleeding official and a nationwide audience.

And it was reported on UK BBC news. But strangely not on scottish BBC news. Quite amazing actually.
An absolute piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be associated with our club.

Surely with the amount of cameras there they'll be spotted no bother
Bottom line is that throwing a coin at the linesman can cause serious injury and the incident will be used to criticise both our club and our wider support. It’s idiotic in the extreme and the t**t responsible needs to be identified and held responsible. We’d demand that if it was an idiot from another club’s support, so we can’t be hypocritical and defend it in this case. I’m annoyed at the insipid performance from our team today but this is every bit as annoying and can only be negative for our club. Not sure what goes through people’s heads to think it’s acceptable or a good idea. It’s just stupid.
I'd be willing to wager good money that this absolute prick will be named and shamed within 24 hours, if not earlier by the time the Rags go to print in the early hours.

The general theme of this thread will tell us why. Because every decent Rangers supporter wants him dealt with.

In recent years we are still waiting for the exposure of Juan ghuy the lighter thrower. The mobile thrower at Novo, and the guy who bottled a young Rangers supporter outside Hampden.

It's up to other's to determine how reasons behind that is allowed to happen.
I don't generally give a fck about what people sing at football, words don't hurt people and taking offence at a naughty song is for me the sign of an immature mind.
Indeed even the sign of an immature society that has lost all perspective.
But throwing objects like this are beyond the pale.

The Filth have a long history of throwing stuff at officials and players and they would do all they can to cover it up and look after the guilty as they do in so many other areas of their criminality.
We don't do this, and we shouldn't ever want to.
Root fckers like this person out of the support or it will be the rest of our supporters who have to suffer the consequences of this criminal's actions.....sadly.
Literally said in my post, fûck getting one of our own a banning order which is probably a moment of madness by him. Wouldn’t even bother opening a thread if it was about tims. I disagree with what the boy has done but I stand by that I dont think anyone should be grassing on him.

Absolutely f***ing despair at comments like this. This rshole isn’t a real rangers supporter - he’s needing to go and “support” another team, brings every true fan and the club down with scummy actions like this. To protect him is just as scummy IMO.
Ignoring the hole-digging by some on here, I really can't for the life of me understand what the guy is thinking? Is he genuinely expecting the linesman to turn round and say "thank you, I'll take this coin to the napper under advisement and give your side favourable decisions for the rest of the match".
We have an element in the support who are only here again as we are doing well. True bears have no time for clowns like this. Every team has assholes in it. Hopefully someone will name and shame him. He deserves everything he gets coming to him. I guarantee that Rangers will want him banned.
You throw something and it causes an injury to someone which draws blood you deserve all you get. This isn't Petrov and a plastic cup.

That's what i'm saying, the debate is what does he deserve to get. What is "all" in your book ?

No one is defending the guy for what he done. So you say he deserve's all he gets. We all agree on that.

rfcJohnnya was wanting it stopped short of the guy losing his living. That was his point.

Others i think want the fella executed at dawn, i draw the line at that. But i agree with you, he deserves all he gets.
Mate, don't worry it's being dealt with, his pals gave him a talking to, nae need for any further action :)


Sentenced to 4 hours.

I know the person who spent three months in jail for hitting the lady's front bottom Charnley at the spoon burners stadium.
This is just the same and he should rot in a jail for the same amount of time.
Scum bastard.
There were coins raining down on Candeas as he took a corner at the piggery in front of the green brigade . He pointed to them landing then the camera swiftly moved away from him. Anyone can look it up if you want proof . Several coins.

It is just sheer luck more than anything that none of them connected .

So excuse me if I don’t take any moral lecturing from any Yahoo dimwit trying to gain the high ground here .

This guy today is going to be named and hounded as he’s been the “ unlucky” one who’s thrown something and it’s connected and caused damage . It was only a matter of time before this happened.

The bottom line is if you are big and hard enough to throw objects at people to hurt them then you have to take the consequences . I do feel some sympathy because the reaction is going to be way OTT but that’s life and he will need to pay the piper now.

A small mercy that the official seems okay and the incident summed up today we were pathetic on and off the park .
Where we can be different from scumtic is by us, whether it’s the club or fans, identifying this idiot. Get the headline out there that we don’t stand for it and any fan doing that will be found out and dealt with by a life ban from the club and then leave the rest up to the Police etc
If the person can convince it was a moment of madness or too much drink and shows genuine remorse then a wee removal of his season ticket or a ban for a year would be suffice.
I don't generally give a fck about what people sing at football, words don't hurt people and taking offence at a naughty song is for me the sign of an immature mind.
Indeed even the sign of an immature society that has lost all perspective.
But throwing objects like this are beyond the pale.

The Filth have a long history of throwing stuff at officials and players and they would do all they can to cover it up and look after the guilty as they do in so many other areas of their criminality.
We don't do this, and we shouldn't ever want to.
Root fckers like this person out of the support or it will be the rest of our supporters who have to suffer the consequences of this criminal's actions.....sadly.

I'll tell you something, If I seen an adult Rangers 'supporter' cause injury to a 10 year old Celtic supporter then you couldn't get me to the cop shop quick enough to shop him. That's if I didn't get hold of him first.

I'd much rather take the undoubted bad press and heat coming our way right now and get this cretin brought to book than have him sheltered the way that the scumbags do when one of their neanderthals do similar.
This is going to be my last post on this thread because it is obvious to see that my opinion goes against what most people think and that is fair enough. I can’t have 9 different arguements all at the same time.

I will leave it at the boy has done wrong. He should never have done it. I don’t think he should be arrested because of it but a word in his ear would suffice. Maybe you disagree, that is fair enough, and maybe you are right, and again that is fair enough. To me though I don’t think a moment of idiocy deserves potentially losing your job over.

If you didn't know the guy and it was you that got hit with the coin. Would you be happy if the guy that done it just got a wee word in his ear?
Must be taking their boycott of us quite seriously. :)

It was amazing both ways Papac.

Have you ever seen BBC National News highlight that a player or official got coined ? It’s obviously a disgrace but to show that on National BBC news amazed me. Sinister.
Where we can be different from scumtic is by us, whether it’s the club or fans, identifying this idiot. Get the headline out there that we don’t stand for it and any fan doing that will be found out and dealt with by a life ban from the club and then leave the rest up to the Police etc

Agree 100%.
The thing I don't get is why? I've been steaming, full of hatred, emotion etc at old firm games and the like, and in situations where you could maybe see yourself doing something you'll regret.

But today? Why? He didn't even give a wrong decision, just seems like a complete fanny to me fck all to do with emotion.
People on here suggesting "mentally challengeds in disguise"

Honestly heard it all now, batshit mental to levels even their fans don't hit often.

Yes but it gets the mentally challengeds out of the woodwork bristling with indignation.
There were coins raining down on Candeas as he took a corner at the piggery in front of the green brigade . He pointed to them landing then the camera swiftly moved away from him. Anyone can look it up if you want proof . Several coins.

It is just sheer luck more than anything that none of them connected .

So excuse me if I don’t take any moral lecturing from any Yahoo dimwit trying to gain the high ground here .

This guy today is going to be named and hounded as he’s been the “ unlucky” one who’s thrown something and it’s connected and caused damage . It was only a matter of time before this happened.

The bottom line is if you are big and hard enough to throw objects at people to hurt them then you have to take the consequences . I do feel some sympathy because the reaction is going to be way OTT but that’s life and he will need to pay the piper now.

A small mercy that the official seems okay and the incident summed up today we were pathetic on and off the park .

Everyone saw Candeas having coins, lighters etc thrown at him but that does not excuse the action of the ned within our ranks today.

Im hopeful you've said "unlucky" sarcastically, there's nothing unlucky about it as his intent in throwing something was obviously to connect and therefor cause damage.
He certainly doesn have to face the consequences for his behaviour and ned action, hopefully it sees him given a ban by the club for at least the rest of this season.
If the person can convince it was a moment of madness or too much drink and shows genuine remorse then a wee removal of his season ticket or a ban for a year would be suffice.

If some drunk came into your place of work and cracked you in the jaw for no reason, you ok with him saying sorry and a slap on the wrist?
No, but are you so uneducated to not realise I knew this with the fact I gave a sarcastic reply.

I see you are wanting an arguement but I won’t give it to you. I have expressed my opinion that the person throwing the coin undertook some shocking behaviour but I still don’t think he should be arrested.
With your moral compass, I'd ban you as well.
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