Celtic face threat of multimillion pound compensation claim(The Times)

I see The Times Michael Grant has added his piece:

“Victims deserve justice
Celtic’s attempt to shake off decades of child sex abuse at Celtic Boys Club by insisting that the feeder club were a separate entity always stretched credibility. This week an independent review ordered by the SFA found that no club should distance themselves from closely affiliated youth clubs.
That has empowered lawyers for about 20 people who intend to raise legal actions against Celtic — the nightmarish outcome they were desperate to avoid. But this isn’t about Celtic or PR. Nor should it be about ammunition for rivals who affect compassion when all they want is for Celtic to be trashed. Justice should mean accountability and proportionate compensation for every claimant found to deserve it.”

Isn’t about Celtic? Poor little Celtic, huh Michael?

Just a mentally challenged being a mentally challenged.
What a surprise.
They are all fucking sick in the head.

This is a far more serious issue than our tax case but I dont recall him, or a single other press mentally challenged, back then demanding the cessation of the constant trashing of our club.
Michael Grant
“Victims deserve justice”
We all agree this is first and foremost
Justice should mean accountability and proportionate compensation for every claimant found to deserve it.”
You and your fellow journalists Michael have been in a privileged position regards accountability
Why have you and your fellow work colleagues failed the victims for so long regards accountability
The names of the guilty have been known for decades
This hasn’t just arrived on your doorstep
You and all your friends have happily sat on your hands and watched from the side lines
From where I sit, it is my opinion you and your colleagues have had to be dragged to the table screaming
I find it sickening the way and the lengths journalists have went to to protect a group of people who abused young boys and those guilty of the cover up
Either Investigative journalism is non existent in Scotland or it is something far more sinister
I will go for the latter

Exactly this. If we, as ordinary men in the street Rangers fans, knew of this shameless behaviour without any real insider insight into that vile cesspit that was going on for decades then every single media man, especially the mentally challenged ones, who slavishly followed celtc's agenda most certainly knew.
They have to accept blame for their part in the cover up.
It's in their DNA, if a cover up is good enough for their church and it's leader then it's good enough for them.

Why hasn't just one come forward during the intervening years, even recently as it has become more apparent that the cat was getting out of the bag? Why not one?

You can't tell me that it has nothing to do with their upbringing; if they have 'confessed' to their church they do not believe they are accountable to mere mortals.

That article by Michael Grant is symptomatic of the real malaise. Finally, it's being acknowledged that abuse took place and the victims must get justice. But that justice seems to have limits. It is recognised that employees of Celtic and its affiliates were responsible. But the next step is a very difficult one for that club's apologists to make. And that is the responsibility that lies with the club itself, and not just individuals.

I recently left a place of work where fans of that club outnumber everyone else. I had to avoid social events because the conversation always got round to comments about dodgy priests, comments that indicated these people thought deviance among priests was something to laugh about. It dawned on me that they accept that as part of the organisation, but in doing so they show that they don't actually think there's that much wrong with it. It's a wee joke, and you just make a comment about father so and so being one to watch and then get on with it.

One of them actually refuses to listen to Michael Jackson because of his behaviour, and talks about how difficult it is to separate the music from the man. Yet he rarely misses their matches, and appears to make no connection between the team he watches and the club's continuing attempts to cover up the cover up.

They do seem to suffer from a selective blindness, but I can't help drawing the conclusion that the abuse we're all so sickened by doesn't have the same effect on them because they have convinced themselves, or have been convinced by others, that it really isn't that bad.

I'm shaking as I type this. And I find that in conversation I'm so angry that I stumble over the words if I try to challenge them. I commend those of you on here who manage that so much better than I.
a quick glance on twitter and ive seen a few threads started by celtic fans saying we are obsessed with child abuse , the usual point scoring arguments, obviously they are now worried and you will hear the "point scoring" argument more frequently now , its their best deflection tactic

They can say what they friggin like.

We sat for years & listened to their SHITE because of a tax avoidance policy that went wrong when the law changed.

This is about one of the WORST CRIMES POSSIBLE IN LIFE, and they try to fight it.

Truly immoral & repugnant people. From top to bottom.
That article by Michael Grant is symptomatic of the real malaise. Finally, it's being acknowledged that abuse took place and the victims must get justice. But that justice seems to have limits. It is recognised that employees of Celtic and its affiliates were responsible. But the next step is a very difficult one for that club's apologists to make. And that is the responsibility that lies with the club itself, and not just individuals.

I recently left a place of work where fans of that club outnumber everyone else. I had to avoid social events because the conversation always got round to comments about dodgy priests, comments that indicated these people thought deviance among priests was something to laugh about. It dawned on me that they accept that as part of the organisation, but in doing so they show that they don't actually think there's that much wrong with it. It's a wee joke, and you just make a comment about father so and so being one to watch and then get on with it.

One of them actually refuses to listen to Michael Jackson because of his behaviour, and talks about how difficult it is to separate the music from the man. Yet he rarely misses their matches, and appears to make no connection between the team he watches and the club's continuing attempts to cover up the cover up.

They do seem to suffer from a selective blindness, but I can't help drawing the conclusion that the abuse we're all so sickened by doesn't have the same effect on them because they have convinced themselves, or have been convinced by others, that it really isn't that bad.

I'm shaking as I type this. And I find that in conversation I'm so angry that I stumble over the words if I try to challenge them. I commend those of you on here who manage that so much better than I.

Great post mate.
It makes my head spin reading all this and then trying to speak or write about it. More power to you.

There are so many of us working on this that I think that helps Alergy. Maybe 40+ people all helping each other & supporting each other, so that really helps.

When one guy has an off day then somebody else steps up & leads.

I’ve personally never been as proud of the bears as a community.
They can say what they friggin like.

We sat for years & listened to their SHITE because of a tax avoidance policy that went wrong when the law changed.

This is about one of the WORST CRIMES POSSIBLE IN LIFE, and they try to fight it.

Truly immoral & repugnant people. From top to bottom.

they have the highest % of fans with a degree in business and law all of them qualifying in 2012
It's in their DNA, if a cover up is good enough for their church and it's leader then it's good enough for them.

Why hasn't just one come forward during the intervening years, even recently as it has become more apparent that the cat was getting out of the bag? Why not one?

You can't tell me that it has nothing to do with their upbringing; if they have 'confessed' to their church they do not believe they are accountable to mere mortals.


The whole point of their church was to win the hearts and minds of the people to stay loyal to Rome, as it became clear to the powers that be in the 5th century that military conquest wasn’t working and generation after generation was rising up against Rome.

It’s the most sophisticated brainwashing cult in Human history, they’ve had 2000 years of practice.
a quick glance on twitter and ive seen a few threads started by celtic fans saying we are obsessed with child abuse , the usual point scoring arguments, obviously they are now worried and you will hear the "point scoring" argument more frequently now , its their best deflection tactic

They're not quite so arrogant now and are starting to worry about the sheer enormity of what is unfolding despite decades of their denial, water muddying and plain old covering up.
Keep up the pressure at every turn.
Don't fall for their pathetic diversionary tactics of attempts at blaming other clubs.
They're not quite so arrogant now and are starting to worry about the sheer enormity of what is unfolding despite decades of their denial, water muddying and plain old covering up.
Keep up the pressure at every turn.
Don't fall for their pathetic diversionary tactics of attempts at blaming other clubs.
This is a tactic used in every country where their cult have been found guilty of child abuse. They will continue to deny and deflect.

They will explore every avenue they think possible that will stop them being placed in front of the appropriate authorities. They will even turn against one another. They have no shame.
Celtic FC could face legal action over Boys Club sex abuse scandal within weeks.


Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The long arm of the law is about to catch up with Celtic FC.
How the fcuk can they still claim this...
Celtic FC were contacted for comment yesterday. They previously expressed “deep regret” for the victims but described the boys’ club as an “entirely separate organisation”

The SFA have already stated that they are not a separate entity am I correct in thinking that they are going to challenge this in court...I sincerely hope and all the cover up is exposed...
Wow never heard of this before.
Very interesting! If I'm reading that right Walker took offence to a dirty child abuser getting the bullet? Nice email to Sky pending. Equally though where/when did Macari throw him under the bus? Lou has obviously disagreed about Andy Wankers view and would have some morals beneficial to those that need assistance most. i e the abused and their families
I hope this guy has the balls to stand and fight for every last penny for his clients and draws their evidence out in FULL in court,no quarter given,no sporting integrity showed to that club.

Kim Leslie of Digby Brown ripped Celtic's legal team a new one. They were dragged kicking and screaming before finally admitting defeat. Even then, they attempted to keep it all hush-hush.

And now that they can no longer hide behind their ridiculous separate entity stance, I fully expect McGuire to absolutely obliterate them in court.
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They're not quite so arrogant now and are starting to worry about the sheer enormity of what is unfolding despite decades of their denial, water muddying and plain old covering up.

For them, the game is almost up. The penny has finally dropped that they're not walking away from this scot-free.

Wonder who they'll throw under the bus as they look for a scapegoat?
This quote from Micheal Grant

[/Victims deserve justice
Celtic’s attempt to shake off decades of child sex abuse at Celtic Boys Club by insisting that the feeder club were a separate entity always stretched credibility. This week an independent review ordered by the SFA found that no club should distance themselves from closely affiliated youth clubs.
That has empowered lawyers for about 20 people who intend to raise legal actions against Celtic — the nightmarish outcome they were desperate to avoid. But this isn’t about Celtic or PR. Nor should it be about ammunition for rivals who affect compassion when all they want is for Celtic to be trashed. Justice should mean accountability and proportionate compensation for every claimant found to deserve it.QUOTE]
They're not quite so arrogant now and are starting to worry about the sheer enormity of what is unfolding despite decades of their denial, water muddying and plain old covering up.
Keep up the pressure at every turn.
Don't fall for their pathetic diversionary tactics of attempts at blaming other clubs.

Where you seeing that EH ?
a quick glance on twitter and ive seen a few threads started by celtic fans saying we are obsessed with child abuse , the usual point scoring arguments, obviously they are now worried and you will hear the "point scoring" argument more frequently now , its their best deflection tactic
That argument will not hold water against the victims, families, and friends. When this goes to trial it will be people from their own community they will see bearing witness to the crimes of Celtic. If being obsessed means you are willing to fight for victims then guilty as charged.

When I was in 8th grade I was molested by a female teacher. I was able to fight her off for the most part. For 15 years I told no one. I only felt with it when it was causing issues in my marriage and other ptsd issues from my military services.

Lots of people will have experienced something similar to this. An adult taking advantage of a child in their care is the most evil thing I can think of. Any decent human would want the people who commit or enable this crime drawn and quartered.