Match Thread Dundee v Rangers Friday 24 Nov, ***Match Thread***

This board better have something up their sleeves to clean this mess up.

An absolute fucking disaster of a football team.
Miller blows a chance then Wilson hiding behind one of their attackers. Two guys Murty refuses to drop making big mistakes within minutes of each other at 1-1. This is on him
Aberdeen x2 with this tean led by Murty doesn’t fill me with confidence we could be fighting for 4th place while we gamble this season away.
We should be protesting at the front doors if we had any spine as a support. We have accepted mediocrity
Anyone who bought a season ticket deserves a refund from the Board as they seem to have written off this season when the supporters are expected to still turn up in numbers every week
We are a full laughing stock. Rip the pish out of Allen, and he rips our defence a new one!

Complete pish!

This board need to do something we are a mid/bottom table team here