Roger Mitchell compares Rangers fans celebrating to ISIS destroying Palmyra

Do u know what I think the issue is? Also the root cause for this glorious seethe we had witnessed, is they had managed to convince themselves they are top dogs. They had thought themselves the biggest and most supported club in the country. This last 10 days or so, has just reminded them, who exactly are the big dogs. They we were done, and they are not taking it well.
Whoever's on twitter, get on there and ask him if he has any shame in using the girls murder with bringing football fans into it.

Ask him if this young womens family are happy with the likes of him using her death for political point scoring.

No use going on there and calling him this and that, then going on about his tears. That just plays into these peoples hands. Just shame him, because the fact is, this behaviour is sick, using this girls death is as low as it gets.
What a complete arsehole he is, sold Scottish football down the river with his stupid idea for a SPFL TV channel and then had to grab on to a contract for 2 buttons and some magic beans.
What a complete arsehole he is, sold Scottish football down the river with his stupid idea for a SPFL TV channel and then had to grab on to a contract for 2 buttons and some magic beans.
Much like Doncaster and the deal he made with Sky for not playing out the League last Season.
Isn’t it rather obvious that when the filth are being handed everything on a plate in the context of a national set up which they have rigged from politics to media to sport to the judiciary...Scotland is the bestest little country in the world.

Yet the moment that filth are reduced to their natural position of second fiddle to us, Scotland is a cesspit controlled by Protestant, mason bigots. Further the streets are not safe for the likes of Bernadette and whatever disingenuous bint decides to cynically vent their spleen in regard to a matter that has absolutely nothing to do with football, let alone Rangers or indeed Scotland.

Roger the rat is just another filth place man cynically and disingenuously venting his very raw and aching spleen to a phalanx of f*ckwits marching to the same distorted tune of disaffection. They had a short period of actually, physically and verbally attacking their own club but have as expected reverted exactly to type as gypsies, tramps and thieves with a level of paranoia and entitlement which is off the scale.

One can see on a daily basis the crassness and corruption wrought on political, business, legal and media practices in Scotland. It’s what they do, they rig the game, tilt the table whilst crying foul and claiming victim status. And the more they do it, the more they get to control us, it’s pernicious and must be arrested along with its ringleaders.
How does Rangers celebrating a title win equate to bigotry? The only problem Scotland has with sectarianism or bigotry is obsessives like this guy who can't handle Rangers winning or Celtic losing, along with the media who exaggerate the problem to sell papers and grab headlines.
The lad in the photo could take legal action against him for using the picture of him that tweet.
Rangers supporters compared to ISIS in Palmyra!!

I must have been in a coma last week then when Rangers supporters murdered 400 people many of whom were women and children at Ibrox. I also must have been blowing Z's when Rangers supporters beheaded fellow citizens who weren't Rangers supporters in Edminston Drive.

How did I miss the rampaging, armed and explosive-laden Rangers supporters causing the mass destruction of archaeological sites and buildings of antiquity in the Glasgow area?

Is this guy Roger Mitchell (whomever he is or whomever he is trying to be) for real? He clearly is 'not the full shilling' and is more to be 'pitied than scolded'.

Update: Good God, I have just found out that he held a post within the hierarchy of Scottish Football!! I'm away for an extremely large G & T then a lie down to contemplate what constitutes a hate crime in Scotland.
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It's beyond mental tims say the SFA was controlled by Rangers when this utter raging jake of a human being was in charge.

How does that line up with the mental voices in their head?
One group gets all jovial, cheers, sings and accidentally breaks a few benches.

The other group plants suicide bombers everywhere, murders men, women and children. Beheads journalists. Rapes women.

Perhaps someone can assist with pointing out the comparison.
Does anyone have a link to the original tweet? I can’t find it.
The original tweet. Not a great deal of folk who’ve replied to him agree with his ridiculous and scandalous comments.

The guy really needs to be called out for this. There’s no bigotry anywhere to be had, nor any terrorist behaviour and yet he has the audacity to claim both from one photograph?!

Roger the man who destroyed Scottish football and is an adherent to a vile club that has promoted bigotry for years and has been party to the biggest scandal ever in Scottish if not World football.
The original tweet. Not a great deal of folk who’ve replied to him agree with his ridiculous and scandalous comments.

The guy really needs to be called out for this. There’s no bigotry anywhere to be had, nor any terrorist behaviour and yet he has the audacity to claim both from one photograph?!

Thanks, reported the cnut. Small thing, but only recourse I have
I deliberately don't read mentally challenged news but on here some are obsessed with it. What else do you expect from a bitter mentally challenged?
Correct, a friend of ours was the commercial manager for the SFA & the SFL at the time he told us he had a deal from one of the bigger operators SKY I think? , but this clown Mitchell kept pushing Setanta .
Our friend ( who is a Thistle fan ) had no time for this muppet & he had been with the SFA since 1977 & had seen many come & go he still refers to him as " that poisonous little twat"
What was his agenda. Was he getting a brown envelope or was it because Setanta was a company based in the Irish Republic.
So a photograph of Rangers fans wearing the colours of our country is perceived as bigoted....thats bigoted Roger.

I think the drunken waste of oxygen jus wanted to write the word Juxtaposition! Senseless, dim-witted commentary from an errand boy given positions way above his ability.
That is the bog standard of people who are running the game in Scotland it's run by bitter biased Roman Catholics and the game in Scotland has been suffering for years because of people who hate like him, it starts from the apartheid schooling.
No, running Scotland as a country.

When will Protestants wake up?
The guy has turned into the football equivalent of David Icke. You can't take that seriously. He's completely lost the plot.
No wonder Scottish football is in the state it's in.
This idiot was in charge? FFS.

How the hell is it that our game is run and has been run by guys who seem to hate football and football supporters?

20 years ago you had players like Caniggia, Klos, De Boer and Flo doing their thing in Scottish football with young future stars like Ferguson, Lovenkrands and Arteta breaking through.

At least now we still have Gerrard here managing and Defoe still going strong and I think a lot of our young guys have a big future ahead of them but can you imagine what it probably should still be like?

Sh!t like this is why it's Rangers and Rangers only for me. F*ck the rest of them.

The celebrations last weekend should have been dealt with in Scotland just the same as football celebrations were dealt with at the end of last season in England and across Europe. Yes, it's not ideal so tut tut lads but such amazing scenes. Now let's move on.

Only in Scotland could you have w@nkers who supposedly ran the game up here comparing supporters celebrating to terrorists or whatever nonsense.
To think this little condescending arsewipe was in charge of Scottish Football at one time, and by the way, he is one of the more bitter ones you could ever imagine getting a gig like that.

The little prick ruined Scottish Football as a business back in the day, when he could have used the feel good factor in the game to push for more money and better coverage, he fucked the whole thing and took a poxy Setanta deal to help his Irish pals.
This was at a time when perhaps we had some of the best players, or names certainly, playing in this country and the glamour was in high amounts.

He’s a moron. A moron who ruined Scottish football. And he’s a bitter little bastard into the bargain.
Absolutely 100% spot on, a lot of people will have no clue about this guy as they weren’t born or were too young to remember anything about the dirty stinking Setanta deal he cut with the amateur Irish broadcaster which was a disaster for the Scottish game as they ultimately went bust and the SPL lost out in the long run having to go cap in hand to Sky who had been reasonably fair with the money they’d ploughed into Scottish football before mentally challenged c@nts yet again f@cked up everything they touch!
So Rangers fans celebrating something is bigotry?
This is what I’m seriously offended by.
The casual, almost unnoticed, accusation that Rangers fans are bigots just because, well, it’s just because some scumbag qunt wants to plant that thought.