25 victims in class action against Celtic

May they finally get some measure of justice and recognition for the years of torment and the robbing of their childhood.

I know it can never replace what was taken from them but I hope they get lots of money.

Shame on Celtc Football Club for what these people have been put through and further tortured by their denial, aided and abetted by politicians and press alike. :mad:
I would be very careful bears on what is said on threads like this so as not to give them the opportunity or ammunition to try and make this a blue v green battle.

This is a battle between green and the victims of some horrific abuse.

Let’s not score cheap points and devalue the work that has been done on this.

The ones that have survived deserve the dignity and support of all for taking this fight on to the end, many haven’t made it to the end of the journey.

Box clever people.
Can someone briefly explain to a layman like myself the possible outcome of this?
All they wanted was an admittance and an apology. This should never have happened and more to the point, should never have continued to happen.
This is a stain on Scottish football, Scottish Society, Scottish governance and Scottish Law.
Children were failed, we must do better as a whole.
I feel comfortable appropriate steps were taken by Rangers to take action at the time. With Celtic I don't think anyone can believe they would take appropriate steps, measures, actions even now.
I hope the claimants receive EVERYTHING they desire from the case.
Would they desire Celtic to be shut down for institutional child abuse, possibly not. Should they be shut down 100%
And so it begins. This is just the start.
I hope it's quick BN, I don't think it will be. You will know better than me but these rats seem determined to go down with their ship in a protracted affair of separate entity non admittance. Fear the worst but hope for the best and the affected deserve the best
Hope they finally get the justice they seek and deserve. They must have been to hell and back over the years. The lack of support from the authorities, both football and political, plus the virtual media blackout, has been shameful.
The political abandonment is the biggest story of all !! I hope the victims get the clarity and justification of their fight against a systematic abuse, and a cover up of gargantuan proportions. At last they will be outed for the disgusting behaviour that went on behind their doors.
The political abandonment is the biggest story of all !! I hope the victims get the clarity and justification of their fight against a systematic abuse, and a cover up of gargantuan proportions. At last they will be outed for the disgusting behaviour that went on behind their doors.
Scottish Government hold a child abuse enquiry but exempt Religion and sport...what do you mean the biggest perpetrator's are a football team and the Catholic church?
This is our country and it is disgusting
This has been decades since these scum were first reported on, in the fight against child abusers. The Scottish government, police, football authorities and press have withheld information on these crimes.
Just as bad as the perpetrators and the club who covers it up to this day.