Compliance officer CW has left the SFA - new CO incoming

Looking at the SFA Rules and Regulations it is only the Compliance Officer that can issue a Notice of Complaint. Although the judicial panel has sat and handed down punishments this year these appear to be for citings last year (there doesn't appear to have been a N.O.C since 21st December 2020 - but I could be wrong).

Until she is replaced by someone (or even an entity - the SFA were considering employing a legal firm instead) I can't see Morelos being cited in accordance with the rules regardless of whether he should be or not.

But it is Rangers and Alfie so we know they'll try something.
Of course the new CO once they have attended mass and finished watching Celtic TV could come in and work through the backlog.

Just in time to ban Alfie for the next game at Sharkheid.
Whoever the replacement is will have next to nothing come up if you google their name...................
Clare was a procurator physical deputy with a masters degree in human rights, but had no background in football, totally out of her depth.

It must be hard to find someone with a law background who also knows a lot about football.
Eniola Aluko has a law degree and will know a lot about football.

She held a Celtc Season Ticket before she took the C.O. job. So, all jokes aside, you can't say that she knew nothing about football.

She attended the University of Notre Dame, who state in their prospectus:

"The Catholic nature of Notre Dame is visibly evident in a variety of ways on campus. The 43 Holy Cross priests in residence provide a steadfast spiritual presence that extends to the residence halls, classrooms, and the quads. More than 100 Masses are celebrated each week on campus at more than 50 on-campus chapels. And more than 80 percent of Notre Dame students participate in some form of service learning, even while they study abroad. Our faith is not just a characteristic present at our founding and then slowly relegated to the past. It is an inextricable part of Notre Dame's identity today and will continue to be in the future."

As bitter as they come and good riddance.