Dave King backs Rangers fans in Sydney Super Cup storm and issues Ibrox board demand

that's not the reason he isn't pumping millions is - he doesn't have any more money and is actively selling his shareholding in Rangers to recoup the money spent. so even if he did trust him, he aint got a penny to invest!
Not trying to be funny but how do you know what DKs financial situation is?
Gerrard was gone. He got a job in a mid table EPL side , his young family live down there , he spent 3/4 years here, won title 55 job done.
that's not the reason he isn't pumping millions is - he doesn't have any more money and is actively selling his shareholding in Rangers to recoup the money spent. so even if he did trust him, he aint got a penny to invest!

You must be at it. He's even said he's ready to invest again.

He sold a company for about £18m a few years ago as well...so unless his current assets are worthless I think you're a bit off..
DAVE KING has thrown his weight behind furious Rangers supporters and called on chairman Douglas Park to 'reverse the cult of personality' has developed at Ibrox.

The Light Blues board - which has been headed by Park since King stepped down in March 2020 - and the champions' executive team have come under severe criticism following the decision to sanction a controversial trip to Australia.

Giovanni van Bronckhorst's side will take part in the Sydney Super Cup and play the first ever Old Firm match outside of Glasgow in November as two A-League sides - Western Sydney Wanderers and Sydney FC - also participate in the four-team tournament.

Fans unfurled banners during the Premiership clash with St Johnstone on Wednesday night and made their feelings clear towards their board with a series of protest chants throughout the 1-0 victory.
King has harboured deep worries over events at Ibrox for some time now following Rangers' public fight with the SPFL over the cinch sponsorship deal and the departure of manager Steven Gerrard to Aston Villa in November.

And the former chairman - who voted against the re-election of Graeme Park at the AGM last year - has expressed his concern at the way in which Rangers are being managed at boardroom level as they fight to retain their top flight title.
King told Herald and Times Sport: “I am 100 per cent with all supporters on this. It is not something that I would have sanctioned if I was still on the board.
“Unfortunately, this is another in an increasingly long list of recent instances where the club has shown its indifference to supporter wishes and interests.
“The shoddy treatment of Club 1872, the firing of Mark Hateley, Richard Gough, Derek Johnstone, etc, as ambassadors, the unseemly spat with the football authorities to assist Douglas’s personal agenda, and the completely unnecessary loss of a manager that won title number 55 and would have successfully defended the title are among the concerns that have caught my attention.

“I have not spoken to Douglas since I stepped down as Chairman but, as an ordinary supporter, I call on Douglas to reverse the cult of personality that has developed at the club and to remember that the present board are temporary custodians of the club on behalf of present and future generations of supporters.
“Recent success has unfortunately created short memories and supporters have every right to be concerned.”
Reading this I've got to ask myself why would DK say stuff like this about the board. One thing that springs to mind is casting doubt on the board in an effort to boost Club 1872 membership. If this is what he's up to then it's not the right way to go about this. Look at the timing. Club 1872 are going on a drive to recruit members. It's already proven that concerns about the board will push supporters towards joining a supporters group. But in this instance it'll be difficult to make supporters think the present board are taking risks that are too great. No matter what the media are saying.
I think Dave is being hypocritical too. Talking about ugly spats involving other directors while he's the one cold shouldered by the takeover panel! His involvement in the club's takeover was ugly af to be honest. He broke rules left right and centre.
It's also been put out there that DK left the board and investors in the lurch by not meeting his commitment to the structured loss. Leaving the other directors and investors to dig deeper than they had planned to cover DK's share of the loss. If that's true then it looks terrible on him.
The stuff he's claiming about SG too, why bring it up now? Couldn't he have said something at the time? Isn't that what a concerned former chairman should have done.
I really didn't want to believe the posts appearing on FF that suggested Dave King was only concerned about selling his shares to recover his losses, and the things he claimed motivated his sale of shares to Club 1872 were shite. However, I have my doubts now.
I'll add this I'm not arsed about the Australian tournament. This is what clubs with a world wide fan base do. It makes commercial sense.
I find Dave King very wearing these days.

Seems very selfish to me, using the fans to suit his latest argument.

He’s been great for the club over many years, but he needs to respect THE CLUB at this time.
I'm a Dave King fan and always will be grateful to him for what he has done
And as an ordinary supporter he is entitled to voice his opinion like the rest of us
But I agree with what your saying to a degree ,I wish he didn't agitate as much as he seems to be doing these days ,it's not helpful to anyone .
I'm a Dave King fan and always will be grateful to him for what he has done
And as an ordinary supporter he is entitled to voice his opinion like the rest of us
But I agree with what your saying to a degree ,I wish he didn't agitate as much as he seems to be doing these days ,it's not helpful to anyone .

Same with me TP.

He’s been a legend for us.

I don’t know what’s going on but he’s not helping his legendary status recently.
It’s pretty obvious what’s happened. He got involved originally because his best bud Chris was sending him spreadsheets about how Club 1872 would get 50,000 members paying x per month. With this they could invest in the Club and, after 5 years they would be able to buy his shares and he would walk away a hero. It’s strange because Dave publicly rubbished a very similar proposal that the RST made in 2010.
It’s pretty obvious what’s happened. He got involved originally because his best bud Chris was sending him spreadsheets about how Club 1872 would get 50,000 members paying x per month. With this they could invest in the Club and, after 5 years they would be able to buy his shares and he would walk away a hero. It’s strange because Dave publicly rubbished a very similar proposal that the RST made in 2010.
Dave King doesn’t come across as someone who would take business advice from Chris.