Do you still have faith in Phil?

Will Phil get this right?

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Has anybody seen how his teams played in Belgium and Monaco? I've searched YouTube over and over and can't find anything. I would truly love to see the players he brought in to Brugge and what way he had them playing. Anybody got any information on where to find this footage?
Absolutely zero today was the final straw for me.

3 games in a row given the mentally challengeds a 2 goal head start and not changed the midfield where the game is one.

He’s gone full Pedro with some of his subs and interviews now to.

He’s a defeat away against them for the majority of the support realising he is not the man for the job.
2 weeks time then
The people saying no style of play and tactics

He hasn't the players to play his style so tried to win by any means possible
We need a 6'6 striker for his 'style'.
We could have saved a fortune on wages and just gave the job to wee Martindale, same style and tactics.
Let's not forget the team for today leaked out early afternoon yesterday. I think there's been a few home truths since the Motherwell game and a lot of them have chucked it. There's more than a few guys there on a no f*cks given tour imo.

That said, he doesn't deserve a free pass. Bringing Ross McCausland on today was beyond baffling; subbing Silva equally so.
We are not going to be patient with Clement, the support is scunnered with players that are not good enough in key positions. Tav is a shocking defender, Goldson looks done, Lundstram is miles off it, Dessers isn’t good enough.

Massive close season coming up.
While a lot of what you say is true, there's very little evidence to suggest he hasn't just benefitted from the same bounce that both Gio and Beale did before the wheels came off.

Beale didn't manage to win a trophy but he didn't have the benefit of entering at a stage where celtic had already been eliminated.

He's managed to keep pace with celtic in the league but they've hardly been pulling up trees themselves. And when it came to the crunch, questions were asked of him as a manager that he didn't have the answers for.

Some of his decisions in the last few weeks have been more than questionable. Scott Wright in the old firm game at Ibrox. Lawrence over Cantwell, a mistake he repeated today.

Yes, we've had injuries. Yes, the squad lacks quality. But it's his job to find answers. Motherwell, Ross County and Dundee were inexcusable. A bad result in a title run in can happen but three? With two defeats against your only rivals on top of that? Obviously there's going to be questions.

And another thing. We are crap. No style of play, no patterns, no energy, no press. We don't look one bit drilled or coached. I appreciate that he came in during the season but it's been months and it looks like, ball dinked around the back before a long diagonal into the corner.

The leeway he does get is that he's inherited the worst Rangers squad since Gerrard. Recruitment has been horrific. If that isn't sorted, he won't succeed, it's as simple as that. We've already committed a small fortune to signing Diomande, a player himself with everything to prove. We need players in pretty much every area of the pitch and while every signing is a gamble, we're going to need a very high success rate.

The cup final is absolutely massive for Clement now. Win it and a slow start next year could be forgiven as long as it looked like there was progress and he was building something. He'd have 2 trophies and a fair amount of goodwill in the bank.

Lose the game, a slow start in the league and the first old firm at the piggery, having lost the 4 previous ones? We've seen that movie enough times in the last few years.

Why did Gerrard get so much time? We were good to watch. We got at teams, played on the front foot. Competed with celtic, at least in a one off game, from pretty much the moment he walked in the door. And we were constantly improving. We had set backs, shat the bed a few times but you could at least see what the gameplan was.
There's a lot of what you say true too but there was also a lot of criticism of Gerrard and particularly our playing style and following the successive losses to Hearts and Hamilton if it weren't for covid he'd have been under intense pressure as the fans were starting to turn. He got another summer and in his 3rd season and 6th transfer window we went undefeated in winning the league playing fantastic football with a collection of players who knew each others strengths and weaknesses inside out.

Clement, despite some questionable selections and decisions, has still taken more points (just) than any other team in the league since arriving. He has won a cup we hadn't won in over a decade. He has taken the league to the last few games of the season from starting 7 points behind. We have another cup final in 2 weeks. He's done the above without being able to play anything even close to his strongest eleven two games in a row amid the worst and most consistent injury crisis we've ever seen. As for games vs them we've drew one and been reduced to 10 men in the other two and still finished the stronger and only lost by one each time despite said injury issues. Now some want him out. Bonkers.

The same people on here that bang on about it being the definition of insanity to play the same formation again and again against Celtic are the exact same ones who are now looking to replace a manager within a year when the only arguably successful manager we've had (I actually include Gio as successful and not just Gerrard in that but many don't) was given 3 years to build his team and squad when otherwise we've been changing them like Celtic of the 90's. Definition of insanity indeed.
Got to admit my preference for manager was Kevin Muscat when it was between him and Clement.

I wonder how we would be doing if Muscat did get the job. I guess we would at least be seeing a style of play that the manager wants his players to play.

Apologies for doubting you, but all posts on here are retrieavable...

You must have one you can pull up where you stated this?
I'll afford 20% to obsessed rats on the board and the other 20% as clueless.
I don't think you can have a manager who can win a trophy, turn over Betis, go toe to toe with Benfica AND turn a shower of misfits into a title race needs backing from Everyone but mainly the board.
We need a rebuild and it needs to be in the identity of Clement and Koppen
Let's not forget the team for today leaked out early afternoon yesterday. I think there's been a few home truths since the Motherwell game and a lot of them have chucked it. There's more than a few guys there on a no f*cks given tour imo.

That said, he doesn't deserve a free pass. Bringing Ross McCausland on today was beyond baffling; subbing Silva equally so.
I tend to agree with you. Not in the know, however, just a gut feeling and what we have been seeing over the last while.
Can only judge a manager after 2 transfer windows.

Don't want to end up like Man Utd n have a mish mash of players bought by different managers that dont suit the style of play of the current manager.

Also think Beales lack of a proper pre-season done us this season.

Clements done his best with what he's been dealt
People were wanting Gerrard sacked b4 55
There's a lot of what you say true too but there was also a lot of criticism of Gerrard and particularly our playing style and following the successive losses to Hearts and Hamilton if it weren't for covid he'd have been under intense pressure as the fans were starting to turn. He got another summer and in his 3rd season and 6th transfer window we went undefeated in winning the league playing fantastic football with a collection of players who knew each others strengths and weaknesses inside out.

Clement, despite some questionable selections and decisions, has still taken more points (just) than any other team in the league since arriving. He has won a cup we hadn't won in over a decade. He has taken the league to the last few games of the season from starting 7 points behind. We have another cup final in 2 weeks. He's done the above without being able to play anything even close to his strongest eleven two games in a row amid the worst and most consistent injury crisis we've ever seen. As for games vs them we've drew one and been reduced to 10 men in the other two and still finished the stronger and only lost by one each time despite said injury issues. Now some want him out. Bonkers.

The same people on here that bang on about it being the definition of insanity to play the same formation again and again against Celtic are the exact same ones who are now looking to replace a manager within a year when the only arguably successful manager we've had (I actually include Gio as successful and not just Gerrard in that but many don't) was given 3 years to build his team and squad when otherwise we've been changing them like Celtic of the 90's. Definition of insanity indeed.
Sensible post. However we have also had the league in our own hands and absolutely shat the bed and blown it. What miracle is happening in the summer with players out and in? F’@ll. The only players left of the resident shitebags will he goldson and tav if we arnt stupid enough to give lundstram a new deal. Some of clements recent lineups are giving me the fear. If yilmaz could play last 30 mins looking decent. Surely you start him take a chance? Baffling calls. His new manager bounce is over and he has thrown away the league
During his tenure, apart from Betis away (a great result) he hasn’t won any games I wouldn’t expect a Rangers manager to win, although tbf Benfica draw away also a good result.

However, he hasn’t won any I would hope to win - all OF & Benfica at home. He also has the desperately poor Motherwell & Ross games counting against him when wins were crucial.

There are also other concerns around “rotation”, team selections & subs.

In his defence he inherited a failing squad, he’s been slaughtered by an unprecedented injury list - never seen anything like it, and he could have done with a signing or 2 more in January.

My confidence is wobbling a bit, but I feel he should get the next transfer window & start the season with hopefully an improved & refreshed squad, and take it from there.
Unless people on here come up with a list of new managers and players that can come in and try the much spoken, get off to a flier, then there's no point in discussing this.

People laugh at the yoyo manager clubs, we are now one of them. Keep it going and celtic will be over the horizon and far away.
He needs to be given more time but I'm struggling to think of any positives to believe he will get it right.
1. No style of play
2. Doesn't believe in a midfield
3. Not willing to learn from mistakes
4. Some strange comments in interviews recently
5. Appears to have favourites
6. Strange team selections and subs
Are what have me having doubts.

The positives are that he got us back in the title race but when broken down that was not by beating them which is when it really mattered.
I felt at first he was going to be really tough on all the players with Cantwell being hooked in the European game being an example but as I said he appears to have favourites which never sits well with me.
Given that we could win a double after the shambles he took on, I’d give him time…but the recruitment will need to be really good..they will invest in players and we will be in the bargain hunt again
I still have faith in him, however, I’m concerned he never packed the midfield today. The space left between our midfield and defence was ridiculous. We are so easy to play through. If he goes with the same set up in the CF I will be concerned.
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There's a lot of what you say true too but there was also a lot of criticism of Gerrard and particularly our playing style and following the successive losses to Hearts and Hamilton if it weren't for covid he'd have been under intense pressure as the fans were starting to turn. He got another summer and in his 3rd season and 6th transfer window we went undefeated in winning the league playing fantastic football with a collection of players who knew each others strengths and weaknesses inside out.

Clement, despite some questionable selections and decisions, has still taken more points (just) than any other team in the league since arriving. He has won a cup we hadn't won in over a decade. He has taken the league to the last few games of the season from starting 7 points behind. We have another cup final in 2 weeks. He's done the above without being able to play anything even close to his strongest eleven two games in a row amid the worst and most consistent injury crisis we've ever seen. As for games vs them we've drew one and been reduced to 10 men in the other two and still finished the stronger and only lost by one each time despite said injury issues. Now some want him out. Bonkers.

The same people on here that bang on about it being the definition of insanity to play the same formation again and again against Celtic are the exact same ones who are now looking to replace a manager within a year when the only arguably successful manager we've had (I actually include Gio as successful and not just Gerrard in that but many don't) was given 3 years to build his team and squad when otherwise we've been changing them like Celtic of the 90's. Definition of insanity indeed.
Just to be clear, I'm absolutely not wanting Clement out. It's far too early to be talking about that, he deserves the chance to mold the squad and of the face of it, what he's managed to wring out of the squad has been remarkable.

At the same time, it's also far too early to declare him our saviour. He's made numerous errors with team selection post January and we have no discernable style of play. Clement got all the credit when we were winning, he has to take a share of the blame when we lose.

The initial period when he took over couldn't have went any better but it was similar with Beale and Gio. Clement is just about at the end of the honeymoon period but a Scottish Cup may buy him a little longer.

Managers need time to effect change but there has to be signs that we're moving in the right direction. Under Gio and Beale, the opposite was true. If celtic win the Scottish cup and we're 10 points behind in the league before Halloween, the pitchforks will be out.

Gerrard did indeed get longer but as I said, we at least, for the most part, looked like a functioning football side. Maybe Covid saved his job, maybe it robbed us of an epic comeback, who knows? How long Clement gets is up to him. He speaks well enough but talk is cheap.
If your answer is anything other than Yes then you deserve to see us churn through manager after manager, winning %^*& all.

Honest to god, man. Get a grip. That squad has no business being anywhere near a title race and he’s dragged us into one before even his skill couldn’t stop these same players shitting their pants as they have form for doing. What more can he do?

The comments on his press interviews are misguided also. He’s having to convey a message to some of the weakest mentalities on the planet in our dressing room. His job isn’t to say things to make thin skinned fans feel better.
I’m just back from a weeks holiday so I’ll not say too much on the matter, but like others I’ve voted no.

Can only judge it on what I’m seeing right now and as yet, he’s shown nothing to suggest he can regularly take points off of that mob unfortunately.

No Rangers manager will survive without doing that.

Fingers crossed for all our sakes I’m wrong because the reality is we won’t be making a managerial change ahead of next season so whatever I feel right now, it’s Clement’s ship to steer.
League cup in the bag is a definite improvement but the team selection over the last 5-6 weeks is a bit concerning but dropping Goldson was a positive step. Main issue is the same players that got Gio and Beale sacked are likely to get big Phil the boot!!!
If they win the Scottish Cup and I believe it’s level. These players are literally playing to retain our status in the Scottish game, as if the pressure of winning a cup wasn’t enough for these wee petals.
Let's not kid ourselves, they're going to do that anyway. We are nowhere near getting into a position we had since souness came in.

They are not only getting there, they are in a more powerful position over us than they've ever been. They run the show in this country and won't let that go without a fight. Right now I feel like I did from 79 till 86 and have no answers for it. It took the revolution in 86 to get us out the rut we were in, right now I can't see anything like that any time soon. Still be a Ranger though, no choice in the matter.

His selection of Silva, Lawrence, Borna and Lundstram regularly has got me thinking why? Also his tinkering with Sterling.

And the formation.. change it ffs
I’m unsure, he dragged us up to get with in a whisker before injuries took their toll or our bottle crashed, what ever you prefer. For me it was a bridge too far with this squad.
I tell you what though, I think he talks shite at pressers, bit like Pedro.
One thing about Scottish press, they’ll latch on to his every saying and there a risk he’ll be mocked and ridiculed. They will put him under a lot of pressure.
Far from convinced.

We don’t look properly coached at all. We are a hoof ball team that leaks goals.
Against St. Mirren two weeks ago we looked as if we would never score, just like we actually didn't do against Dundee in a previous game; there is a distinct lack of creativity in the style of our play, and similarly last week against Kilmarnock we struggled at times, with a lack of creativity in our play. The loss of the first goal has been a feature as well, something that cost us against Motherwell, although after Kilmarnock got a man sent off we overcame that; we have been very fragile against lesser teams, not just Celtic, and the style we play hasn't helped that sense that we might struggle in these games. I hope this manager gets it right, but I have doubts about that and would rather express that now than next season; if he gets a summer window, we must back him throughout the season, but I wonder if those who believe right now he is the man to bring success to Rangers will back him if we don't start the sesson well, or if we lose a crucial game. In my opinion, much of the discussion about next season has to happen now, not midway through next season.
Am I certain Clement is the man? No. He has no doubt made some mistakes lately. But he's papering over some enormous cracks. Not least a team whose arses have collapsed in a way he probably didn't quite see coming a month ago (unsurprising as it may be to those of us who have watched it happen over and over again).

Yeah, he should play Sterling in the middle. My expectations today dropped as soon as I saw the teamsheet with Sterling on the right and Lawrence in the midfield three. But can anyone blame him for making a few odd choices when so few of this squad ever decisively make a position theirs? Cantwell is hardly undroppable. Lawrence has the odd bit of magic then looks like he's playing in a legends game. Raskin is feeling his way back into contention with all the assertiveness of a kid making his first steps up from the B team (though thought he was ok today when he came on). Scott Wright is chronically ineffective (outside of Hampden). Roofe.

Clement gets the benefit of the doubt for now. The impact he made when he came in overshadowed anything Beale got out the team. Beale was all smoke and mirrors. We won games but played shit football most of the time. Then the team came back from preseason in worse shape than they left off. Clement got us past Betis, won the league cup and got us in a real title race. His immediate job now is to ruthlessly clear out the dead wood and start building a new team with a winning culture and identity. We have to show up at Parkhead in the autumn with a performance that is unrecognisable when compared to the insipid, incompetent shite we have been served up in Old Firms home and away this season.
Just to be clear, I'm absolutely not wanting Clement out. It's far too early to be talking about that, he deserves the chance to mold the squad and of the face of it, what he's managed to wring out of the squad has been remarkable.

At the same time, it's also far too early to declare him our saviour. He's made numerous errors with team selection post January and we have no discernable style of play. Clement got all the credit when we were winning, he has to take a share of the blame when we lose.

The initial period when he took over couldn't have went any better but it was similar with Beale and Gio. Clement is just about at the end of the honeymoon period but a Scottish Cup may buy him a little longer.

Managers need time to effect change but there has to be signs that we're moving in the right direction. Under Gio and Beale, the opposite was true. If celtic win the Scottish cup and we're 10 points behind in the league before Halloween, the pitchforks will be out.

Gerrard did indeed get longer but as I said, we at least, for the most part, looked like a functioning football side. Maybe Covid saved his job, maybe it robbed us of an epic comeback, who knows? How long Clement gets is up to him. He speaks well enough but talk is cheap.
Just for the sake of being equally clear I'm absolutely not saying Clement should be immune from criticism. Every manager in the history of the game makes mistakes and rightly received criticism for them. He is no different and he has clearly made mistakes along the way. However, he's on record as also saying we don't currently have the players to play in the exact manner he wants us to play in and it will take a while to achieve.

A poor manager doesn't take a collection of players that have been repeatedly and collectively described on here as lacking fitness, pace, mobility, creativity, a winning mentality, clinical finishing and any ability to defend to both cup finals, the last week of the season in a title race and to the top of their European group, after being one poor result away from going out, into the knockout rounds whilst losing more than half his squad to injury along the way.

He's a manager used to winning trophies. He's also displayed absolute ruthlessness in the past when clearing out players that don't suit what he needs them to do and bringing in players with profiles that do. He's built different title winning squads in one or two windows and achieved success quickly each time. He has sold players on for profit at each club he's been at it. He's exactly the profile of manager we have been looking for as a support for a very long time.

Given the theme of the threads today, particularly this one, he is now under increasing pressure already to win the Scottish Cup with one fit centre back, a half fit left back, no wingers and a team that are collectively on their last legs physically with some already mentally checked out as they won't be here in a few weeks time. When he had the majority of the squad fit and available we played some great stuff at times, went on a lengthy winning run, won both ugly and well, could rotate Dessers in particular in and out and closed what many regarded to be an impossible points gap. Mistakes or not, for me, he's earnt all of next season and the two transfer windows to create his squad and implement his style.

As I’ve already said, he’s been here for half a year and not improved us whatsoever.

I genuinely don’t know what style of football he wants us to play or what type of manager he is.

We’re not close enough to each other as a team in the build up, and the gaps in midfield and in the wide areas even against mediocre SPL teams is absolutely baffling.

Unfortunately I need to reference the fat Aussie when he went in to them.

They finished 20 odd points behind us and he went in and immediately imposed his style, playing jobbies like Taylor and Ralston as inverted full backs, and lead shinned throbbers like Turnbull as a box to box midfielder.

Then when he got his own players the fitted in with the style they already played with poor personnel.

I don’t trust him with a rebuild even slightly. He’s incredibly uninspiring.
The reluctance to go 3 in the middle is especially peculiar when you see he done it plenty at Club Brugge.

Why he can't see that is mystifying. I think he will eventually get over it, he has to, but I don't understand his mindset at all going into these games.

And btw, I still have faith in Clement. His work at Genk, Brugge and us for the first 6 months is enough for me to believe in him. His options to pick from has left him one hand tied behind his back. Despite the central midfield issue, if we'd had Sima and Cortes starting on either side of Dessers we'd have been much more confident, so it does have to be acknowledged how bad a hand he's been dealt with this squad. The anual season collapse had been going on long before he set foot in Glasgow.

With us 7 behind when he arrived, picking from an injury plagued and pish squad, let's be real, it was always going to be pie in the sky thinking we could pull it back, hold on to it and clinch it.
You simply have to have some concerns.

He got us to a position were we could - and should - have won the league but have capitulated, its that simple. He came in when we were 7 points behind them, currently sitting 6 behind - we will end up at least 9 behind them by the final game and that is unacceptable.
The reluctance to go 3 in the middle is especially peculiar when you see he done it plenty at Club Brugge.

Why he can't see that is mystifying. I think he will eventually get over it, he has to, but I don't understand his mindset at all going into these games.

And btw, I still have faith in Clement. His work at Genk, Brugge and us for the first 6 months is enough for me to believe in him. His options to pick from has left him one hand tied behind his back. Despite the central midfield issue, if we'd had Sima and Cortes starting on either side of Dessers we'd have been much more confident, so it does have to be acknowledged how bad a hand he's been dealt with this squad. The anual season collapse had been going on long before he set foot in Glasgow.

With us 7 behind when he arrived, picking from an injury plagued and pish squad, let's be real, it was always going to be pie in the sky thinking we could pull it back, hold on to it and clinch it.

I am totally with you on all of that, but he does do some mad stuff at times. McCausland coming on today... Silva coming off.

But the fact these guys are our options show how up against it he is in the first place.
Most of us can see that this squad isn’t good enough.
My only concern is Phil keeps playing same bad players in midfield, sticks up for them when we can see the changes needed.
I really think he has underestimated what we as fans expect.
Results against them are one of the most important things, I just doubt he will change anything for the final and then he will be under pressure.
If they are 6 points ahead in September he loses his job it’s that simple.
Got to admit my preference for manager was Kevin Muscat when it was between him and Clement.

I wonder how we would be doing if Muscat did get the job. I guess we would at least be seeing a style of play that the manager wants his players to play.
Was Oliver Glasner ever a serious candidate? He's started well at Crystal Palace with a clear idea of how he wants his team to play
I’m unsure.

The lack of learning from previous mistakes against celtic, along with the generally baffling team selections and lack of tactics in the last few weeks have the alarm bells ringing.
Some of his starting line-ups are bizarre, but they worked early doors and we wrestled top spot back from them.
But in recent weeks the wheels have come off in an alarming fashion.
Despite being 1-0 up it wasn’t working at Ross County, yet he didn’t make any major changes at half time and then BOOM, the league was gone.
Yes - he inherited a bin fire of a squad this season, had to get the dressing room on the same page again and has been working with a threadbare, unfit group of players.

Phil needs to be able to have a pre season, get rid of the charlatans stealing a wage and integrating players that actually have the physical ability and mentality to execute his game plan.

After the mess that Beale left us in - ANY success this season was a bonus.
Just for the sake of being equally clear I'm absolutely not saying Clement should be immune from criticism. Every manager in the history of the game makes mistakes and rightly received criticism for them. He is no different and he has clearly made mistakes along the way. However, he's on record as also saying we don't currently have the players to play in the exact manner he wants us to play in and it will take a while to achieve.

A poor manager doesn't take a collection of players that have been repeatedly and collectively described on here as lacking fitness, pace, mobility, creativity, a winning mentality, clinical finishing and any ability to defend to both cup finals, the last week of the season in a title race and to the top of their European group, after being one poor result away from going out, into the knockout rounds whilst losing more than half his squad to injury along the way.

He's a manager used to winning trophies. He's also displayed absolute ruthlessness in the past when clearing out players that don't suit what he needs them to do and bringing in players with profiles that do. He's built different title winning squads in one or two windows and achieved success quickly each time. He has sold players on for profit at each club he's been at it. He's exactly the profile of manager we have been looking for as a support for a very long time.

Given the theme of the threads today, particularly this one, he is now under increasing pressure already to win the Scottish Cup with one fit centre back, a half fit left back, no wingers and a team that are collectively on their last legs physically with some already mentally checked out as they won't be here in a few weeks time. When he had the majority of the squad fit and available we played some great stuff at times, went on a lengthy winning run, won both ugly and well, could rotate Dessers in particular in and out and closed what many regarded to be an impossible points gap. Mistakes or not, for me, he's earnt all of next season and the two transfer windows to create his squad and implement his style.
Fair points. And to add, after losing 2 goals in quick succession yesterday, it could have easily ended up 4 or 5. The players still appear to be putting the effort in for him even if the quality is lacking.
What has he actually done that’s remarkable that Beale didn’t do? Betis away. Won a LC, without needing to beat Celtic. That lot are the worst Celtic side since Lennon’s in the Covid season, which is a large part of why we were even back in a title race in the first place.

He’s done what Beale got slated for and not won a meaningful game against that lot.

On the other hand the team are ravaged by injuries and plagued with the old cowards sprinkled with dross from Beale’s summer bonanza and Wilson’s the year before.

I’m willing to give him time, as it’s way too early to be calling for his head. But I’m not exactly blown away with what I’ve seen so far.
We've actually regressed under him as we've got to the business end of the season.

The hoof the ball stuff is tragic.
Dramatic way of saying he got everything he could out of the current crop.

He needs time and major squad changes are required - I don't know how much we'll spend but that squad needs significant overhaul and investment or we'll be looking for another manager in October/November.
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