Fifth coach accused of child sex abuse at Celtic Football Club

SNP see us as the antithesis of what they stand for and see Celtic fans as their base. They can't announce an enquiry that upsets them until the UK government does it for them. It could see them out of power. In the west of Scotland it's really that cynical and disgusting. Politics is a dirty business where the truth and justice doesn't stand a chance.
Burns , Macari, Brady, Mcneil, Stein,McCann , Lawell (first time round in the early 90's )all the players and background staff......?
The coaching staff in particular, ex players that went into coaching some who themselves came through the boys club. Hay,Mcstay, Aiken, Lennox and Clark. Dalglish who worked with mccafferty , how many skeletons did they decide to not talk about. Many victims are no longer with us, may they rest in peace. I hope that horrible institute gets what is long overdue in coming to them.
The link to the Sun above has an interesting statement:

yet no-one called the Police. Three numbers - 999

i say it many times over
when the initial reports came out - the Yahoos used Stein literally kicking Torbett down the street as a badge of honour
they themselves confirmed that he knew and didn't act on it other than to save the name of the club

since then they have backtracked in light of the modern reporting of it
coupled with the revelations that Stein stood for pics long after the booting out incident
That extends to their friends in the mhedia who, you better believe, would take an entirely different attitude if they thought they could bring Rangers into it to even things up. They would leave no stone unturned if it was us, thereby confirming the mhedia are part of the problem.

You can bet it's been happening regularly in each and every country where the church of Rome has an unholy hold on the authorities of that country.

Said it here once before. The first recorded case of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church was in the fourth century. That's how much experience they have of covering it up. I am confident that the truth will come out if there is a threat to their religion. Keep at it guys. You will get justice in the end.
It would be interesting to see the very short list of coaches that weren’t involved in physically assaulting young players.
From where I’m sitting it would appear to have been a bit of a closed shop at beast fc in terms of employing coaches in that era.

“Dozens”, but more likely hundreds of kids were physically abused at celtc, but meanwhile supporters of this rancid club howl “what about Neely, blah, blah, blah.”

Message to Spiers... How about you address this ridiculous case of “whataboutery”?

Note to any lurking beast.

Not one single child was ever physically abused at RFC.
Not one, nada, zilch, zero.
The SNP decided not to have inquiries into abuse at sports clubs and religious bodies.

That fact alone has hindered any investigations. Any.normal person would have to ask why they chose this path?

For me, that is one of the most disgusting decisions ever. It is no different from the individual who opts to ignore the truth in front of them.
The SNP decided not to have inquiries into abuse at sports clubs and religious bodies.

That fact alone has hindered any investigations. Any.normal person would have to ask why they chose this path?

For me, that is one of the most disgusting decisions ever. It is no different from the individual who opts to ignore the truth in front of them.
Let’s just allow for that being a genuine judgement at the time they , whoever it was , decided .
Wouldn’t you later look at the evidence flow and think , uhhhm , there is quite an issue here . -erhaps this needs added to the scope of the Enquiry .

the fact they have not seen this as a misjudgement tells you , well me anyway , it was knowingly descoped for other reasons . Politics over Justice .
The SNP decided not to have inquiries into abuse at sports clubs and religious bodies.

That fact alone has hindered any investigations. Any.normal person would have to ask why they chose this path?

For me, that is one of the most disgusting decisions ever. It is no different from the individual who opts to ignore the truth in front of them.

Every man and his dog knows they should be the first organizations on the list. Horrendous and very suspicious decision.
The SNP decided not to have inquiries into abuse at sports clubs and religious bodies.

That fact alone has hindered any investigations. Any.normal person would have to ask why they chose this path?

For me, that is one of the most disgusting decisions ever. It is no different from the individual who opts to ignore the truth in front of them.

I’ve been saying the same thing for years. They are terrified of losing the catholic vote, it’s as simple as that.
Said it here once before. The first recorded case of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church was in the fourth century. That's how much experience they have of covering it up. I am confident that the truth will come out if there is a threat to their religion. Keep at it guys. You will get justice in the end.

We should also remember the Roman Church is a religion based version of the Roman Empire.

Regardless of what that did for the world it was one of the more depraved societies, even in those ancient times.

The Roman Church has a lot to answer for and the fact its adherents cannot, or more likely will not, acknowledge what a despicable, sordid excuse for a religious body it is, really is beyond the bounds of imagination for any right minded person.
