Humza Useless coming on Radio Scotland at 8am - Old Firm game

I’d say he’s best ignored but in actual fact he’s a dangerous man who can hide very well in plain sight.

This is a man who sent condolences to the family of a man who was connected with the men who killed Kris Donald, who refused to condemn CFC and their separate entity and the abuse ring thats spanned decades, a man who refuses to speak in public when the real issues arise, yet he’s happy to go on the airwaves and speak out against rangers.

This is a man who’s a well known Celtic fan. His integrity and impartiality should always be called into question. He shouldn’t even be anywhere near a position of power, let alone a radio microphone to spout his well concealed hate.
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I won't hold my breath, but someone needs to ask him what action will be taken against those spouting anti-protestant, anti-English hate or anti-British hate.

I guess we need to box clever by reporting every tweet or post on social media that mentions "Orange bastards" or "English bastards" etc

Or is that ok "just cos"?
I hope they ask him why he wasn't on radio in December threatening all sorts of postponements for the January OF game after THREE seperate public gatherings that ended in violence at Parkhead in November as well at the Hampden shenanigans from the Celtic support.

What makes last weekend so different ? We know and Humza knows.
I won't hold my breath, but someone needs to ask him what action will be taken against those spouting anti-protestant, anti-English hate or anti-British hate.

I guess we need to box clever by reporting every tweet or post on social media that mentions "Orange bastards" or "English bastards" etc

Or is that ok "just cos"?
Funnily enough I believe that sort of abuse wasn't included in the bill. Funny that.
This is all a convenient distraction, avoids anyone talking about yet more sex scandals in the Nats, plus gets the support of the middle class

A horrible man in a horrible party
This is all a convenient distraction, avoids anyone talking about yet more sex scandals in the Nats, plus gets the support of the middle class

A horrible man in a horrible party
^^^ this^^^
Gave them a wee chance to deflect from their problems with the fat sexpest.Not heard a single word about it since last Saturday.More deflection this morning.Expect lie after lie.Wont listen to him.Narrative is already set.Selic left wing and good.Rangers right wing and evil.That pretty much covers their usual pish.Hope he’s asked if blm gatherings and selics mini riots caused a spike in covid cases.
They can cancel it at their peril.

The protests it would instigate from both sides would vastly eclipse numbers gathering for any victory celebration.

And any protest would undoubtedly just become an excuse to have a go at the police / authorities.

The only sensible option is to play the game.
Yet another attempt to distract from the snp shitshow and in fighting. Also makes good headlines, and paints us in a bad light. No mention of the fighting outside Sharkhead. He’s desperate to say and do anything that detracts from our success. He’s hurting bad but this is a deliberate politically motivated action with an election coming up.
We all know who he supports and where he will be getting guidance from. I don’t suppose the media would introduce him as the C@ltic supporting justice minister? Didn’t think so.
Deflect mode on they cancel this we are under a dictatorship and Sky will cancel their contract actually I think he has no intentions it's just to deflect from the crap the SNP are in.
I can't imagine anyone on this forum votes SNP. Even Mental Ray
Let’s be honest, if only mentally challengeds voted snp then they would not be in power. A hell of a lot of folk including Rangers fans vote for this shower of republican filth. I can’t understand it. Maybe not on this forum apart from a few lurkers. Maybe recent events might change a few minds

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