Kerryfail Meltdown - It's the hope that kills you

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One poet I especially liked was the one who taunts his Rangers supporting war veteran pals ( apparently) that he bought some WW2 Medals and now he owns part of WW2?

Where do you even start with that? Waterboarding or just straight up firing squad?
We are trying to save water and bullets would cost money. Just throttle the bastard
Away on a plastic pitch tonight in the howling wind and sleet against a Killie team fighting for their lives. Meanwhile Lennon has publicly shamed Griffiths, Edouard’s mate has escaped and Duffy is a cert to start. What could possibly go wrong for them?
You forgot to add who the ref was.
Just as well we have a generous points advantage...
Cheating lady's front bottom
I love it. If I could've chosen to have an ex player of theirs to have his legacy absolutely destroyed, it would have been Lennon.
Definitely. He was that generations broon. If we can do the same to broon in 10 years time that’ll be great. But I’ll settle for him watching us lift 55 and their fans raging every time he’s on the team sheet for now.
Desmond has a son Brett who went to Gonzaga (private school in Dublin). It is very much a rugby school. It could well be him.
I love it. If I could've chosen to have an ex player of theirs to have his legacy absolutely destroyed, it would have been Lennon.

You just know in 30yrs time he will be propping up a shitehole bar with less coin than teeth, telling future mhiddens about how it "wisnae ma fault". While they make faces behind his back and take the table furthest away from him. That makes me happy.
Anybody seen their bains car crash interview today?
Fair play to a couple of journos trying to get some answers. One asking why they’re more affected than other clubs by no fans, then basically telling him it’s a pish excuse.
He’s obviously shit scared to say anything in case he just gets punted back out the team but it’s telling when he says it’s been chaotic. Most other things are possibly as he’s too scared to have an opinion.

Anybody seen their bains car crash interview today?
Fair play to a couple of journos trying to get some answers. One asking why they’re more affected than other clubs by no fans, then basically telling him it’s a pish excuse.
He’s obviously shit scared to say anything in case he just gets punted back out the team but it’s telling when he says it’s been chaotic. Most other things are possibly as he’s too scared to have an opinion.

still using the line that its effected them more than any other club. covid isnt the reason there scout network is non existent and its not the reason there players are not fit lol
I don’t think we did, when Warburton’s team assembled for around a £1million beat theirs that cost around £100million in the cup semi at Hampden they took notice and action. They sacked Delia and appointed Rodgers.

However although he was dominating domestically which is totally understandable given the starting position he had over our managers, he wasn’t improving them.

He lost 7-0 to Barcelona his first season, 5-0 at home then 7-1 to PSG his second season then third season failed to qualify for the Champions League at all.

He seen the improvements we were making, realised he wasn’t getting the financial backing he would have needed and jumped ship. It also suited celtic financially getting rid of a big spender and replacing with a yes man on the cheap.

They certainly panicked when they appointed Lennon, who failed spectacularly at Bolton winning only 18 out of 79 matches and then at Hibs. Let’s be honest he is only there because of what he is, amazing the goodwill generated by their fans for someone who would spit on a Rangers scarf and openly call us dirty orange bastards. Someone the authorities are scared to challenge.

They are now suffering from years of downsizing and a scatter gun approach at buying players with a priority of making them profits not to improve their team as they can not survive without Champions League money without a Forster, Van Dyke, Dembélé to balance their books.
In Rodgers second season, they had there lowest winning points total in the last 20 years at least, a points total that celtic could beat this season.
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You just know in 30yrs time he will be propping up a shitehole bar with less coin than teeth, telling future mhiddens about how it "wisnae ma fault". While they make faces behind his back and take the table furthest away from him. That makes me happy.
I'm more likely to be knocking around in 30 years time than him. And I'm 62.
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There we go folks.

The SPFL and the SFAs bias towards us has drove fans away from football in this country:))

He also thinks Scottish football is doomed due to said bias.

I wonder how he and all those fans that have abandoned the game due to bias in our favour have felt this last 10 years watching the filth get every single decision going and winning every single trophy, whilst we have been absolutely battered from pillar to post by everyone in the game including the authorities.

Their recent treble seen them get a cup with an offside goal, a cup that shouldn’t have even been played and an unearned league that was handed to them via zoom following a corrupt vote that required clubs to be bribed. Yet they want to talk about being the victim of corruption.
soro now in the firing line :D

Think a lot of folk over-egged the pudding on Soro. This was based on a run of games which included home fixtures against Kilmarnock, Ross County, Dundee United and away to Hamilton. Two of those teams have sacked their manager. All of those teams are in the bottom half of the table. Two of those teams take up the bottom positions. As one of the more objective posters I did urge caution. So it is worth re-visiting his performances since.

Booked for persistent fouling in Rangers game so that he became ineffective in the game.
Booked early in the Hibs game so that he again became ineffective.
In the 6 games since our easy run or form we have won once. We have conceded numerous goals.
The only game we won was against a team rooted to the foot of the table.
On Saturday he was dreadful against a pacey St Mirren team. Missed a tackle for the first St Mirren goal and then chucked tracking the runner. 2nd goal poorly positioned - should have been in front of the man.
On the 60th minute I was concerned that there was a mistake on his birth certificate. It looked like a 42 year old player chasing the St Mirren player who beat him on the half way line. Again Soro chucked it.

Very worrying.
No longer a superstar? All gone a bit Laxalt
See that rocket Ronnie O’Connor got his account suspended after threatening to gas the fans that put up the Lennon banner lol

They are really losing the plot although that c.unt definitely lost it years ago B-D
An unemployed mentally challenged junky getting in some early accountancy knots...

"Can anyone tell me why in their accounts it's " the group" "the company" but when it comes to their liabilities it's the club.
Seem like the company for the good stuff or income, the group for almost everything else but the poor club hold all the liabilities"

I absolutely love how Rangers have wiped out their tiny inbred mutant brains.


There we go folks.

The SPFL and the SFAs bias towards us has drove fans away from football in this country:))

He also thinks Scottish football is doomed due to said bias.

I wonder how he and all those fans that have abandoned the game due to bias in our favour have felt this last 10 years watching the filth get every single decision going and winning every single trophy, whilst we have been absolutely battered from pillar to post by everyone in the game including the authorities.

Their recent treble seen them get a cup with an offside goal, a cup that shouldn’t have even been played and an unearned league that was handed to them via zoom following a corrupt vote that required clubs to be bribed. Yet they want to talk about being the victim of corruption.
There is a kernel of truth on those statement but as usual they have let their blinkered approach deviate from the truth

there has been a exodus of rangers fans attending Scotland games over the sfa treatment of our club. This can be linked back as far as Duncan Ferguson, Souness’s bans etc

made really good sense for the sfa to alienate one of their biggest fanbase and the impact of this strategy can be seen in low attendances at games and the hatred towards Rangers openly displayed by the tartan army
Rangers announce new drinks sponsorship, Britvic 55 yee ha ye ha. get the stuff bought, ask for it next time we are allowed in bars, start pestering the makers for Advertising BRITVIC 55
Someone is going to have to explain the glove to me?
It will be swept under the rug just like sharkgate
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They had a poorer points total in 1998 when they won it (our 10IAR) We've been poorer in 1990, 1994, 1995 and 1999 when we won it .
You're correct re last 20 years.
I maintain that Brenda started to see the fall and realised that Liewell and the support had no interest in anything but the 10.
Credit to Brenda for realising celtic football club are a f ucked up organization.
Some half-wit Celtic fan/keyboard warrior threatening folk and challenging them to meet up for a fight, and posts pics of his gloved fist at the designated meeting point. Then he gets the pish royally taken out of him. Went on for days. Hilarious stuff. Jist of it is here...

Someone said to the melt "Get a job" replied he didnt need to as the merch was flying off the shelves.

Had a look at the fanny is selling merchandise but saying the profits are going to charity so rattling them for money too
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