Kyogo the cheat

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I think it’s time to start a campaign to introduce helmets with face guards into football. It’s the only way to protect Kyogo and stop these on-field attempts on his life which are clearly fueled by jealousy at his pyoor brullyunt skills and/or racism (delete where applicable)
Surely three weeks in a row (probably more) will warrant a comment from Keevins and the papers.

If not... It's as if there is a system in place for surpressing bad news about one club.

I wonder why that could be? Tick tock
Surely three weeks in a row (probably more) will warrant a comment from Keevins and the papers.

If not... It's as if there is a system in place for surpressing bad news about one club.

I wonder why that could be? Tick tock
Nothing is ever said about the cheating pr1ck
I dunno who cheated more, him or Johnny Hayes. Hayes running through late on with players to pass across to just decided to slash it out of play for some reason. Then again at the end Bates heads the ball and Hayes just let's it go out for a corner and walked away. Mental stuff.
He doesn’t need to do it

Because as a player he’s frightening

Imagine read a thread which is literally littered with so many videos of him play acting and cheating, in such a short space of time in Scottish football and your take from this is to compliment him

Absolutely mental. %^*& this horrid little cheat, really hope other teams start to wise up to the blatant cheating and this pathetic little tit is highlighted about how pathetic he actually is.
It's such an embarrassing thing to do, not even in gameplay and going down soft but actually going out to specifically dive and try and get other players sent off. He is no sportsman. I would have loved to see him try that shit on Souness.
He kicked Bates on the back of the calf off the ball, also injured Ramirez then dived or over exagerated a foul at least 4 times after that and didn't even get spoken to once. The bit that annoys me the most though is his feigning concern for said players after he's done them some damage. The way he was carrying on you'd think it was his own players on the deck. I'm starting to build a real dislike of him. He'd get away with his behaviour for about 5mins at us then he'd be getting universally called out, our own support included.
Just about to ask if any1 has the video of the kick
even the Clyde 1 folk used a rather disparaging tone when they noted that he’d went down again today
This wasn't the incident that I thought it was going to be.

Approx 25 mins gone in the match, the ball is in the hands of Joe Lewis (Sheep keeper), the wee Japanese runs from behind him, and glances off him as if trying to instigate significant contact.
It ended up just a glance, anything more and I am positive he would've collapsed to the ground again.
One thing which ensured Christian Eriksen is alive today is the absolute speed and urgency in which the players, and subsequently the ref noticed he was in trouble.

We’ve all seen players make a meal of being fouled. But that’s now 3 separate occasions (at least) that he had went down as if he is in serious danger.

Refs have a hard enough job when controlling a game, the absolute last thing they need is this horrid little cheat going down as if he is in grave danger and in need or urgent medical attention - when ultimately he isn’t.

Fifa/Uefa etc had an opportune moment to highlight how serious play acting and faking injury’s could be, and I’d hate for a player in Scottish football to collapse and for a referee to hesitate for even a split second to make sure the player wasn’t just doing a Kygo.

I understand the above may read like an extreme example, but what he’s doing is beyond gamesmanship it’s blatant cheating that he’s now doing in every single game.
The sooner he is nailed properly the better, charlatan and cheat, fits right in at the stadium of screams!
No place in Scottish football
He could have been shown a red card. Kicked Bates off the ball. It should be one for the compliance officer as l assume the referee and his assistants missed it. If Alfie did similar there would be a campaign to get him banned.
Next time the SFA try and cite a Rangers player for an off the ball incident our board should kick off big time.

That's several times this season already that Kyogo's tried to get opposition players sent off by faking injury without a word of condemnation from the SFA or media.
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