No-one cares about Manchester City?

There's a red bull feel about them.

Their fans and atmosphere on the biggest nights is embarrassing. They're only anywhere near the top prizes because they're being bankrolled by an entire state. If not for that, they'd be a yo-yo team going back n forth between the Premiership and Championship.

Folk that have jumped on the bandwagon will call it 'jealousy" but football fans are right to be resentful considering City were getting battered 8-1 at Middlesbrough before the Saudi's picked them for sportswashing.
The number of Clubs they are buying is sad to be fair, respect to Breda fans for opposing it. They actually reckon the Club they have bought in Brazil could change Football in that nation as well now:

That’s stretching reality Ferguson had greater spending power than anyone else and now City have. Next will be Newcastle and we’ve had Chelsea.
I hope City win it they are still a proper club and British too that’s good enough for me.
That's comparing apples and oranges.

Man United were able to spend millions that they generated through being the biggest club in the world, arguably.

Man City aren't even in the top 3 supported clubs in the North West of England and can only spend that money through cheating.
That's comparing apples and oranges.

Man United were able to spend millions that they generated through being the biggest club in the world, arguably.

Man City aren't even in the top 3 supported clubs in the North West of England and can only spend that money through cheating.
I’d have a look at their finances and their debt if I were you.
That's comparing apples and oranges.

Man United were able to spend millions that they generated through being the biggest club in the world, arguably.

Man City aren't even in the top 3 supported clubs in the North West of England and can only spend that money through cheating.
You might want to have a read at their debt.
Will it show anything that I said is wrong?
They borrowed massively to do it and I’m taking zero away from the on field achievement. All I’m saying they weren’t whiter than white either is the reality of the modern game.
That’s stretching reality Ferguson had greater spending power than anyone else and now City have. Next will be Newcastle and we’ve had Chelsea.
I hope City win it they are still a proper club and British too that’s good enough for me.

British in what sense? The owners are foreign. Majority of the players and management are foreign. Majority of the support will be foreign. They play in Britain. I'll give you that. This question of identity is going to affect more clubs than Man City though, including our own.

Ferguson's United CL team in 1999 cost £40m to put together - 75% of which went on three players (Stam, Yorke and Cole). It is no way comparable to the sheer scale of Man City's spending.
You might want to have a read at their debt.

Debt that is repaid.

Not fake sponsorships and side contracts with managers to circumvent FFP rules.

The playing field was already skewed. The limited regulations in place prevented further abuse but this mob think they can get away with whatever they want.
They borrowed massively to do it and I’m taking zero away from the on field achievement. All I’m saying they weren’t whiter than white either is the reality of the modern game.

Anyone can borrow money. They were able to borrow more because of their strength of brand / income streams / ability to service higher debt repayments.

Man City have more money because their owners put billions in through shell companies and via anonymous tax havens to circumvent the already-limited financial regulations that exist in football.

The only way to compete with that is for other clubs to also commit fraud and rip off football fans in the process.
It’s not fake. You can be unhappy at the source of their wealth but money doesn’t guarantee anything, they’ve still got a coach and a squad that is at a level seldom seen in football.

Correct, because if did guarantee success then City should be racking up CL trophies every season!
The other part of my post was that I felt all 3 Italian teams would lose all 3 finals which looks like happening.

So I’ll ask you again what part of my post was “pish” which is what you replied to me?
Stop fucking making things up.
I replied pish cause you said it will be the most one sided final ever.
I never said Inter would win and I never said anything about 3 italian teams losing.
Another doughball on here who see's what they want.
You'll fit in.
Stop fucking making things up.
I replied pish cause you said it will be the most one sided final ever.
I never said Inter would win and I never said anything about 3 italian teams losing.
Another doughball on here who see's what they want.
You'll fit in.
You seem unhinged.

I said I thought all 3 Italian sides would lose all 3 finals.

That looks like transpiring. I also think it’s reasonable to think Saturday could be one of the most one sided CL finals,and I’ll stand by that as well.

My post wasn’t “pish”,it was your own stupid knee jerk post that was.

I’ll now know just to avoid you altogether, good to find out early.
It’s jealousy. People pretending it’s human rights issues, it’s oil money blah blah blah.

It’s jealousy, jealous it’s not their club, just admit it.

Its embarrassing trying to pretend otherwise, there’s club all over the world who are dodgy or being abused by owners but they don’t get a moments thought because they aren’t at the elite level

Not one of our fans make a peep about human rights if we got bought over by a Sheikh and we ended up winning the Champions League

It's all envy.
because most of us in the UK are entirely comfortable in our Orientalism and belittling anything associated with Arabs and/or muslims?

I know I have a deeply prejudiced view of the Gulf states so maybe it is just projection on my part.
it’s going to be the most 1 sided CL final in history .3 Italian teams in the finals and all of them lost wonder if that’s ever happened before
I do think it will be all over by half time myself, Barcelona beating Man U in 2009 probably the last one that was pretty one sided? Not really sure before that, probably one in the 90s.
I don't think any team that is as dominant as them is ever loved. Neutrals tend to want drama & competition.

Some clubs capture a romanticism of the game for some neutrals, like Real or AC Milan but City don't have that same history in Europe.

If City had come from nowhere through endeavour and hard graft rather than employing the best manager in the world and going after the best talent with an open chequebook things might be different.

Again that view is slightly unfair because City did claw their way back up the divisions when Qatar was something you coughed up.
Real have consistently bought success, even 60 years ago and Milan spent big bucks on the Van Basten team. No difference to City bar inflation imo.
I had a problem with the megabucks in the top leagues, especially the EPL, for a long time.

Ultimately there's heehaw you can do about it so you might as well either try to enjoy the class of football on display or just ignore it altogether.

I've enjoyed watching the likes of KdB and Haaland and the brand of football Guardiola gets them playing so %^*& it. Might as well get the bitterness out the way and enjoy it.
If the Arabs had decided to buy Accrington Stanley instead, it would be Pep Guardiola’s Accrington Stanley featuring Erling Haaland against Inter Milan in the Champions League Final.
They just happened to pitch up at City. Like an American baseball franchise.
I do find something inherently unlikeable about City, regardless of the on-field product.

To be fair, I used to feel that way about Man Utd as well when they were dominant under Ferguson.

There's a definite sense with City that their success lacks an authenticity due to how transformative the Saudi investment was, as they simply wouldn't be anywhere without it.

But, equally, that's the nature of things and similar could be said of a rash of teams and clubs.

I suspect what I feel looking in on the EPL towards them isn't much different to how non-Rangers/Celtic fans feel looking in on Scottish football and seeing us dominate relentlessly over the decades.
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And? As I said in my post, you can be unhappy at how they’ve got the money but there’s nothing fake about that team under Pep.
So if they are found guilty of effectively cheating you deem that ok as you like the football they play
Doesn't really country the posters claim. Just because you spend all the money doesn't mean success. How many clubs outspent Chelsea last season?
So if they are found guilty of 115 instances of breaching the rules (effectively cheating that’s ok
Might be the lack of a identity besides the club that spends millions to buy players like they're toys.

They had an identity, and their core fanbase is still the same, mostly from the Eastern half of Greater Manchester. The problem is that it's hard to reconcile Man City's present as Arab-owned Champions League finalists and imperious dominators of English football with most of their history as a middling team with the odd peak in the form of a League or Cup title and the odd valley in the form of a relegation.
I get there’s a hardcore support that were there from the beginning and fair enough im sure they are lapping it up after watching United dominate for decades.

To me they just feel plastic and soulless like a business, Im definitely not a fan and i hope Inter win on Saturday.
You seem unhinged.

I said I thought all 3 Italian sides would lose all 3 finals.

That looks like transpiring. I also think it’s reasonable to think Saturday could be one of the most one sided CL finals,and I’ll stand by that as well.

My post wasn’t “pish”,it was your own stupid knee jerk post that was.

I’ll now know just to avoid you altogether, good to find out early.
What do you mean seem unhinged? I've been unhinged for years.
No one cares? What a roaster. Their potential treble has been discussed for months now constantly in all forms of media.

Whilst there may have been better match ups in recent champions league finals, I cant wait to watch it this weekend. There's so much on the line, if City win a historic treble the history books awaits. But imagine they lose? 2 final defeats for peps city team, pep himself 12 years since he last won it. City may well never get a better chance at winning it - imagine the fallout if they get beat?

No feelings towards either team, but can't wait.
Same no love for City but they have a great manager and great players.
I hope they win
I wonder how we would feel if the Saudis bought St Mirren, spent £50 million a season on players and won everything for the rest of time while playing in front of crowds of 6000. I have every sympathy with fans outside city, chelsea, newcastle etc
I find them dull as f*ck, as a club, the football is great, appreciate it for what it is etc and so on

but the rest of it is p*sh, they aren't a club I don't want to see do well, I am happy when I see the likes of Man U, Liverpool or Arsenal get beat, it has that comedy edge to it.

When City win or get beat it is just neither here nor there to me, the whole thing just lacks much emotion.
Man utd outspent everyone else for decades but apparently that was fine. Even now their spending pretty much matches that of city. Some clubs are held to different standards it seems. Who cares about the source of wealth, its irrelevant.
So it’s acceptable to take funds from a rogue state and be likely found guilty of breaching FFP numerous times
It’s the scum from a council estate that sponged off the government and then won the lottery, now running about shoving their fancy expensive toys in everyone’s face.

Every big club has a story, something that made them famous and sets them apart. All the money in the world can’t buy prestige
Scum from council estates, that's nice of you. Your no Rangers fan or you wouldn't be calling so many of them, council estate scum. Hope I never bump into the likes of you. Sickening description of people who don't have as much as others. Something used too much on here.

Before you say I'm talking about man city, I've always been from council estates, but I have respect for decent people, no matter their background and their are many decent people in the estates.
I hope Man City win to gain 'The Treble' so equalling Man Utd's achievement of 1999. Don't think old Alex Ferguson will be too enamoured at that. He had a right crabbit expression on his face during the match at the FA Cup Final last Saturday.
It will show that they've spent millions that they didn't have. Is that not cheating?
Not unless it’s against FFP regulations.
If you breach FFP rules it’s classed as cheating.
City are facing 115 charges from EPL of breaching the rules.
If the borrowing is within FFP rules it’s not cheating.
I hope city win , they had years of being absolute shite , then the sheikh invested and well here we are , it will also shut their neighbours up a bit
They may be a lot of things but boring isn't one of them.
Best team on the planet at the moment

In your opinion - Messi might have been the best player in the world - but watching him passing it into the corner of the net for 4-0 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Tragic just how many people are acting like City have all the financial muscle in football when Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich are all scrapping by signing bosmans.

I hope City win the treble. They spend their money properly unlike their counterparts across Manchester and west London.
Doesnt really matter about the source of funding. Arsenal, Mn utd and liverpool dominated because they outspent their rivals. I quite enjoy the frustration of the so called "big clubs" down there knowing they are miles behind despite their millions of plastic fans from the far east. Lets face it, the whole EPL set up is hard to relate to when you have clubs like crystal palace and fulham able to outspend Ajax and Benfica. Man city are only the distillation of what money has done to that league and i grudge their fans nothing after decades of having to put up with their smug prick neighbours. Let them all take it.
Of course, it matters what's the point of sponsorships in football if one club just sets up fake companies and sponsors themselves.
I hope Man City win to gain 'The Treble' so equalling Man Utd's achievement of 1999. Don't think old Alex Ferguson will be too enamoured at that. He had a right crabbit expression on his face during the match at the FA Cup Final last Saturday.
You can't compare the 2. For obvious reasons.
The detailed weekly analysis we get on their fans on here suggests someone cares about them. The final on Saturday should be fun too, 100 pages on how bad their support is with a little bit of commentary on the game thrown in every now and then.

United fans will care too, they’ll be shitting themselves this City side will be looked upon more favourably than their treble winning side.
Many of the 99 United team were home grown, class of 92 players, not just bought by a rich consortium playing football manager for real. Managed by a guy who was almost sacked for his lack of success but went on to build the most successful dynasty in modern football. That's why the utd team got respect that this city lot won't. A club bought and bankrolled by a questionable nation state with unlimited funds and the accusation of financial doping hanging over them.