Scott Brown and Kamara

I think refusing to say the name Morelos when talking about our goal (who scored it) shows what a sad, pathetic and moronic man he is.

pandering to the same scummy sellick fans who have refused to accept Kamara was racially abused and abusing our players of colour on social media
His interview after the game ruined it IMO. It was something he was told to do, he’s a bitter bitter prick and it showed in abundance after the game he’s hurting massively.
I do think it was a publicity stunt from Brown. The fact he even refuses to say Alfie’s name in the post match interview is embarrassing beyond belief.
I wonder what their fans made of that. Are they lauding him giving it “aww haha brilliant Broony” or are they being realists and saying “%^*& off Broony, you realise by doing that you’re basically just letting the entire Rangers support know how much that goal hurt you”.

It also has zero effect if you do it away from a camera.
I’d love to see this sort of common sense catch on. But realistically there’ll always be a handful who’re too busy cynicism and looking for staunch points to see the bleeding obvious.
I do think it was a publicity stunt from Brown. The fact he even refuses to say Alfie’s name in the post match interview is embarrassing beyond belief.
Listen mate. Since Alfie's been in Scotland we have seen Brown ragdolled, kicked in the hee haws, left flat on his face, clipped round the ear, nutmegged and subjected to numerous other acts of ridicule and torture by El Buffalo.
Maybe he thinks if he says his name out loud then he will appear again, like Betelgeuse, and torment him some more.
Cut the poor wretch some slack, FFS.:shh::shh::shh:
It only doing the decent thing , yes it was a great gesture but only what you would expect and not headline news which no doubt it will be turned into

It's on the front of a few papers this morning. Making out how wonderful a gesture of support etc.

Makes me sick. He is captain of the most racist club in the whole country. They might as well play in white hoods!
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This, ffs.

The same people who say "he probably just doing it for the cameras" are the same types of people on the other side saying that "Maybe Kadula didn't say anything racist".

What he did was a kind gesture and an appreciated gesture. For me I would like to believe it's real.

Don't be fucking scumbags just assuming the worst of a good act.
what a load of utter tosh :D
Can't beleive folk on here claiming it was a stunt for the camera/PR.
It was a very respectful gesture and support for a fellow professional.
That will have been seen all over Europe.
UEFA will see the fact that even our most bitterest rivals back us against the SP filth.
Of course it was partly for the camera but that’s kind of the point as it’s a public show of support. Good on them for that.

Reality is he wouldn’t have done it if it was Alfie that had been racially abused on Thursday and that’s quite sad.