Match Thread ** Celtic v Rangers - 12:00 Sunday 29th - Sky Sports **

I put the first two goals down to Dorrens. He’s been as bad as a man down.

The 3rd goal, Forrest actually ran in a straight line! I’ve never witnessed a team as poor as this. How we’re even in the fight for second is astonishing in all honesty!

I said it earlier in the thread, but I actually don’t care anymore. This team have done that to me. I don’t care! What a shambles.
Some eejits on her saying we have no problems with full backs and wingers??????

They have our defence all over the shop, they weaken our midield and can’t hold the ball causing constant breaks.

Gerrard has an impossible job unless he has at least 30 mill. None of that starting 11 I think are good enough for Rangers.

I hate our board for inflicting these shit managers on us and their utter shit signings.
King about to up the cash.
Murtys poor tactic choosing poor players , Murtys fear and lack of confidence has rubbed off on our squad and we have developed an inferiority complex we need to hire a born leader and winner to drag this squad from utter oblivion.
Even if you take ability out of it.

They are fitter, faster, stronger. That can't happen

Pushed off every fuckin loose ball all over the park. Disgusting

Bunch of charlatans
It's like watching Septic TV with these pair of muppets commentating.

Another absolute embarrassing performance. Do our team do any weight training? We constantly get brushed and held off the ball.

The only weights these players use are the ones they are using to tie around this clubs neck with their performances,
It’s largely his fault but the board and players themselves take large sections of the blame too
The board definitely, but Murty sets up the team dictates the tactics, picks the players, for instance how does he think that Cummings can play as a lone striker? He must be the only man on this planet that thinks that way, also would someone explain to me Windass role? But yet again this fkn idiot learns nothing.
If he comes out after the game and says we win our next 3 games and we've achieved our target or some pish I'll scream
Anyone who thinks a single one of these players, management or coaching team should be at Ibrox beyond F/T needs to take a serious look at themselves. We are 3-0 down at half time against an average Scum side and have barely laid a glove on them in the last 180 minutes of football. That is how bad we are, and I feel physically sick at what we are allowing ourselves to become.

No more excuses for any of them, none of them are good enough and most of them don’t even have any fight or desire. They individually and collectively are a shambles. Murty out by mid-afternoon, get Bomber in for the rest of the season to administer a few we’ll-deserved kickings and then a 100% clear out in the summer. Nothing less is acceptable.

And let’s just hope the filth get complacent in the second half or this could be record-breakingly ugly
The absolute worst thing about this is our attitude when we don't have the ball.

Virtually every chance they've had has begun with one of their fuckwits sprinting and his marker jogging.

When we create space their defenders are running full speed to close it down and get tight. Ours jog to get in a position somewhere roughly in the vicinity. The last goal 5 guys "ran" towards Forrest and not one got close enough to make a challenge, and only Cummings who was wrong side and Holt who was miles away were actually running full speed.
How come it seems to get fuckin worse every time? Thought 2 weeks ago it can’t get any worse but every time they manage to out do themselves. Actually lost for words. SICK OF THIS PISH IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT.
They always keep the ball down, have men running and triangles to pass to. We have guys running randomly, run out of options and lump the ball to nobody. They get many players into our box and surroundings quickly. We get two players max into their box and either lose possession or fanny about passing until we lose possession. Absolute basics.

Entirely down to Murty. He won't change his flawed tactics that leave the front man isolated. We shouldn't be playing Windass, we can all see that. Murphy & Candeias shouldn't play at the same time, again we can see this. Dorrans looks white, but I'll reserve judgement until he is allowed to play attacking midfielder with some more defensive minded players with him. As for defence and keeper I suppose Murty hasn't had many options but selling Wilson was insane.

I'd like to see us play 352 next year if we keep Tav and John with three new centre backs.
If Graham Murty is in charge for our next game the board should be out for dereliction of duty. If they need to throw money at Gerrard to get him in, do it. If the deal isn't over the line yet then get JN in charge until is.

If this shyster is standing in our dug out after this then any last bit of goodwill I had for the board is gone.

He should have been booted after the semi final this was written on the wall plain to see , Murty should have walked and the board should have made it happen. To allow this clown to remain in place nearly greeting after every match was criminal
Fūcking disgrace to the Jersey. Every one of them. And folk think a virgin manager is the answer . Pathetic .
I really hope Gerrard has signed a contract with us before watching that.
With all the positivity the last couple of days, you would think it would have inspired some of our players. But, %^*& all. Disgusting.

Our players want it handed to them.

Halliday and Holt have gone out to try and prove a point, and Gods knows they have tried. I am frankly embarrassed by the rest.
Midfield once again over run
We have 2 versus there 4 - the under20's coach just doesn't learn
Quicker he leaves the building the better

The personnel he has picked is 4-2-4 in my opinion
I just feel badly let down. These players have downed tools. 7k Bears at that shithole being subjected to this. It's a fucking disgrace.
I really hope Gerrard has signed a contract with us before watching that.
With all the positivity the last couple of days, you would think it would have inspired some of our players. But, %^*& all. Disgusting.

I was hoping the background chat would've seen them raise their game.

Far from it :(
There's several in front of him today that have been far, far worse. Whole backline, Dorrans, Cummings. Holt our only one with pass marks. At times he needs a bollocking, but is an easy target as per. Murty and his tactics, despite all that's went before in previous games, has learned %^*& all.
He has touched the ball about three fu(king times and two of those were to give it back to The Mhankies.
Our team have shat themselves ever since they beat us with 10 men, never recovered from it at all.

Mentality is a major factor in football and that mob have that over us until we are able to do something about it.

Over to you Dave King & the rest of the board....
I'm actually at the stage where I can't even identify with these imposters wearing our strip. I'm angry but i have zero sympathy for anyone out on that pitch, they deserve to lose by 6 or 7 today
This is not Murty’s doing. One man doesn’t make this level of fcuk up. This is a top to bottom shambles. All the speculation about Steven Gerrard this week basically meant Murty had no chance of getting the squad turned around.
He’s made the worst of a bad job, it’s not entirely of his doing but he’s played a large part. Or do you think he’s done a decent job?
Last game was the worst performance I've ever seen this could be worse,that is the worst rangers team I've seen in my lifetime