Celtic face threat of multimillion pound compensation claim(The Times)

Bill Young officially peddling the point scoring shit.


I Just don’t get the point scoring nonsense
Talking about this subject and bringing it to peoples attention regardless of your motives has to be far far better than keeping it quiet and ignoring what is a massive issue

Celtic FC and their fans just want this to go away and always have
They don’t want to talk about it or acknowledge it’s even taken place which is exactly why these reptiles get away with their crimes for so long
Bill Young officially peddling the point scoring shit.


Its not point scoring bill , if it wasnt for sum msm and a fair few lads on here this would just get covered up AGAIN ,lf you really want the victims to get justice then help the many who are trying to achieve that, an if you wont then shut the fck up an get tae fck
If Adidas give them a contract we should all turn up to a specially picked place with our old Adidas gear and burn it in a big bonfire
The problem with this type of action is that it needs to be widespread.
International, if possible.
It‘d be a good thing to do but it needs to be more than just Rangers supporters taking it on themselves.
I get that somebody has to and nobody else is stepping up but, to the outsider, we’re just getting at septic and not for the victims.
My own email to Adidas. I'd hate to have to stop wearing my Specials.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to display my displeasure at the reported deal between Adidas and Celtic Football Club, as reported by the Sun on Wednesday 4th March 2020.

As Celtic continue to distance themselves from accusations of historical child sexual abuse, despite the public record showing otherwise, I despair at the thought of a worldwide brand such as Adidas associating itself with the club. This association would tarnish the Adidas brand and forever link the three stripes to the abuse of young children in Scotland.

I hope that if the article reporting this tie up is true, that Adidas waste no time in re-thinking the strategy behind such a tie up.

Best wishes and warmest regards,
Bill Young officially peddling the point scoring shit.


I’m just waiting on one of them suggesting an amnesty for the abusers if they own up so this can be put to bed because of point scoring.

These cants ignore the parts we have been saying all along that if a beast worked within our club he should be hunted found and put in prison as a beast is a beast and not a tool for point scoring.
Just thought it strange my justice for victims post has disappeared. The legal companies are in agreement - nothing is going to court until at least the autumn until a new law is passed in Scottish Courts.
The SFA are just wanting to play the long game - not one person in Glasgow has a spine and willing to put their reputations or money where the mouth is. Nobody. Thompsons or Lindsays or any other firm are full of shit. Keoghs have emailed my solicitor to say they have been instructed by the SFA insurance company to deny all claims.
Good news. I sent Andrew Truley Director of Football at Adidas located in England a few links on Linkedin. I can see he viewed my profile. Keep at them troops.

Thats a good link. Can see many other people at adidas who are connected to him and if the emails are firstname.lastname@adidas then be able to blitz them. I'll hopefully get time over next couple days to go through them all and get a list made up.
Just thought it strange my justice for victims post has disappeared. The legal companies are in agreement - nothing is going to court until at least the autumn until a new law is passed in Scottish Courts.
The SFA are just wanting to play the long game - not one person in Glasgow has a spine and willing to put their reputations or money where the mouth is. Nobody. Thompsons or Lindsays or any other firm are full of shit. Keoghs have emailed my solicitor to say they have been instructed by the SFA insurance company to deny all claims.
So we keep fighting sir. I’m sure by the autumn there will be far more publicity on this also. I actually don’t trust anything or anyone within the SFA. They need to be investigated thoroughly for their failures also.
You and me both know we have the correct people fighting this and bringing it to the forefront and to the public. We will stand with you to the end and beyond.
It is so important that we get this independent inquiry so that every victims voice can be heard. We also know there are apologists within the government and other authorities that we have been in contact with. They also have to answer questions.
I need you to know this. We won’t give up on you or any other individual that has been affected by this. We stand with you.
So we keep fighting sir. I’m sure by the autumn there will be far more publicity on this also. I actually don’t trust anything or anyone within the SFA. They need to be investigated thoroughly for their failures also.
You and me both know we have the correct people fighting this and bringing it to the forefront and to the public. We will stand with you to the end and beyond.
It is so important that we get this independent inquiry so that every victims voice can be heard. We also know there are apologists within the government and other authorities that we have been in contact with. They also have to answer questions.
I need you to know this. We won’t give up on you or any other individual that has been affected by this. We stand with you.
Well said sir. I stand with both of you.
It's not only about justice for the victims; it's protection for future generations. If football fans outwith SepCo hadn't made this such a public issue who's to say how many more children would have been abused in such an evil fashion by paedophiles lurking in football clubs. The mainstream media and those in authority have clearly failed them. For those of you who have campaigned on behalf of the victims and young footballers in the game now and in the future, I would wear the point scoring label as a badge of honour.

A victim of sexual abuse at a Fife children’s home run by monks has been awarded more than £300,000 in damages.

The man was raped, beaten and molested at St Ninian’s School, in Falkland, when he boarded there in 1979 and 1980.

One of his attackers, Brother John Farrell, was jailed for five years in 2016, but the other, headmaster Brother Ryan, died in 2013.

The survivor, known only as Victim T, said the Congregation of Christian Brothers tried to buy him off with a cheque for £82,000 last year but a sheriff has now ordered the religious organisation to pay him nearly four times more.

Victim T now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and hyper-vigilance.

He said: “Those monsters robbed me of a childhood, a living and the ability to simply connect with other people.

“I now hope to move on with my life and hope other victims out there find justice as well.”

During his two years at St Ninian’s Victim T suffered repeated and horrific attacks.

At weekends Brother Ryan would get drunk, enter the boy’s bedroom and rape him.

Brother Farrell would also drink and molest him.

St Ninian’s is one of the institutes that have featured in the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, chaired by Lady Smith.

Brother Farrell was convicted of three indecent assault charges and although Brother Ryan died before he was investigated it was ruled his attacks did occur.

Victim T said he broke down when he heard the Sheriff Kenneth McGowan’s award of £317,000 but the case was about more than money.

He said: “Justice needs to be seen to be done for it to have any merit in society so for me it’s not enough to receive compensation – the Christian Brothers need to be held accountable and need to be exposed for the hypocrisy of their public words and private actions.”

In his judgement Sheriff McGowan said: “The severity of the abuse in this case and the damage suffered by the pursuer justify an award near the top of the scale for cases of this nature.”

His action in the Court of Session in Edinburgh was led by specialist abuse lawyer Kim Leslie, who previously won a £1 million case against the Church of Scotland and secured damages against Celtic Football Club.

Ms Leslie, partner at Digby Brown Solicitors, said: “I have the utmost respect to our client for finding the strength to step forward – not just to help convict Brother Farrell but hold the Christian Brothers accountable as an entity.”

St Ninian’s School closed in the early 1980s and the building in Falkland Estate is now home to Falkland House School, which has no links with the previous occupant.
I had assumed we'd reached rock bottom but no...the latest is "Aye but were they technically employees of Celtic FC?".

Yes, that's right....scouting, coaching, foreign trips, photographer etc. Unrelated to the club. I mean what the actual f***!?!?!
Their perception of humanity is so far away from mine, they would be as well being alien's. Thankfully I have been retired for a while now and I have little or no contact with them.
Get Kim Leslie heading this up for all victims.
On waiting to get their
HI Bill - good luck with your MP - I met mine last year but they don't want to get their hands dirty. I have recently received an email from my solicitor who met yours this week. they are going to wait until the law changes in Autumn however Keoghs have been instructed to deny all claims by the sfa insurance company. I am going to call Alyson Evans today to see if they are full of crap or have been threatened with breach of contract by their insurance company. Mark Cooper of the report is interested
I’ve been watching Humza on Twitter since the Alex Thomson segments. Not one word about the systematic child abuse at his beloved club or one reply to any of the victims or family members.
The man has been an absolute disgrace on this issue showing no support whatsoever.
A few weeks ago he reported me on Twitter for asking a genuine question, which was followed by a 2 day ban.
I honestly do not know how that individual can sleep at night. Like the rest of his party, they have done nothing but brought shame to Scotland. They openly share a platform with Sinn Fein/IRA and turn their back on the majority of their electorate.
Each one of you below, for your ignorance should hang your heads in shame. You are a disgrace.

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Thats a good link. Can see many other people at adidas who are connected to him and if the emails are firstname.lastname@adidas then be able to blitz them. I'll hopefully get time over next couple days to go through them all and get a list made up.

I'm going to have a troll through Linked- In as well but for starters has anyone contacted this guy?

Sebastian Bell, PR Director, Europe & London
On waiting to get their

HI Bill - good luck with your MP - I met mine last year but they don't want to get their hands dirty. I have recently received an email from my solicitor who met yours this week. they are going to wait until the law changes in Autumn however Keoghs have been instructed to deny all claims by the sfa insurance company. I am going to call Alyson Evans today to see if they are full of crap or have been threatened with breach of contract by their insurance company. Mark Cooper of the report is interested

Great work M. Outstanding !
Yes stored in a cupboard that wasn't opened for 20 years,aye right.
This has ben discussed earlier in the thread, but it would be interesting to know if the images still exist or if they have been 'lost' over time.I can see no good reason to destroy them, especially when there are youngsters involved and particularly since they have been unidentified.Who knows, it may even assist some of the present day claimants.Perhaps a FOI request could establish their whereabouts.If ever there was a call for a cold case review it's this one.
This has ben discussed earlier in the thread, but it would be interesting to know if the images still exist or if they have been 'lost' over time.I can see no good reason to destroy them, especially when there are youngsters involved and particularly since they have been unidentified.Who knows, it may even assist some of the present day claimants.Perhaps a FOI request could establish their whereabouts.If ever there was a call for a cold case review it's this one.

The official club photographer was convicted on the evidence.
Let’s assist Malcolm Rodger and other victims on their fight for justice. Let’s show them that they don’t stand alone.

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