Fifth coach accused of child sex abuse at Celtic Football Club

As clear as day that an extensive paedophile ring operated under the noses of Celtic FCs directors and management for years

Also its now being covered up by Scottish politicians and media

I’ve felt all along that the political-media axis in Scotland will continue to douse and smother the flames to ensure there is no Penn State style scandal that could ruin Celtic Football Club.

The national media is more interested in abuse that took place in English football so it’s difficult to see this ever having the sort of fallout it really should.
I note on the article link, on the times website there is a completely separate story today about 60 clubs being hit with abuse cases and, of course, they have a pic of Ibrox on the headline. Does anyone have access to this as it seems to need a subscription
Which is worse?

The original abuse or the present Scottish Government's continued coverup and blocking of survivors getting justice here?

As far as I see it, the longer this goes on and the more of them who are exposed, and the greater the level of cover up which is put in place, both those things start to cross lines as levels of evil
I note on the article link, on the times website there is a completely separate story today about 60 clubs being hit with abuse cases and, of course, they have a pic of Ibrox on the headline. Does anyone have access to this as it seems to need a subscription

Open it in an incognito window and you'll see it
Utterly mental just how widespread this has been.

Why the media are not permanently camped outside Parkhead asking tough questions is beyond me.
I note on the article link, on the times website there is a completely separate story today about 60 clubs being hit with abuse cases and, of course, they have a pic of Ibrox on the headline. Does anyone have access to this as it seems to need a subscription
There will undoubtedly be other cases, with all clubs, including our own. What Celtic are doing is muddying the waters and lumping what went on with the collective.
They might just get away with it you know.

They all knew. They helped cover it up and allowed it to continue for decades. That’a another scandal entirely. “To protect the good name of the club.”
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Another one.
When will people start to sit up and take notice that there is something far wrong there and a full and open investigation is needed.

Simply put, when the snp finally act in a responsible fashion, to govern the country correctly, to protect the vulnerable and do what’s right. Instead they want to protect their catholic vote and clearly are exerting their political influence to protect their agenda.

You need no more proof than a government initiative to investigate historic sex abuse against minors - whilst removing sport clubs and religious entities from the scope.

The snp are scum, celtic back then were scum and celtic today are scum.
And the sordid revelations continue this is a national scandal aided and abetted by those in power who are wilfully looking the other way so as not to upset their base support
How any bears who voted for this crowd last week can sleep at night you should be ashamed

No real bear votes for the snp. It’s that simple. They stand for the complete opposite of what our club stands for and they want us gone.
Not sure what to say other than, hideous.

How are people wired that way and why are many involved with that club and/or with that cult? What goes? Cant be a coincidence!
There was a paedophile ring operating within Celtic FC and hundreds of kids were molested. Their supporters don't care that kids were raped, they only care that it has been exposed. They'd prefer if it remained covered up.
Not quite mate.

They'd rather more kids were abused.
They'd like thousands of child victims.
Just not at the piggery though.

They know they are bang to rights, all they want now is an 'equaliser'.
Not sure what to say other than, hideous.

How are people wired that way and why are many involved with that club and/or with that cult? What goes? Cant be a coincidence!

Simply put, the ties between the celtic football club and the Catholic Church reach into the deprived. It’s no coincidence that hundreds of priests are beasts and are allowed to get away with it and (how many) scum coaches have done the same and are probably hoping for the same outcome.
Not quite mate.

They'd rather more kids were abused.
They'd like thousands of child victims.
Just not at the piggery though.

They know they are bang to rights, all they want now is an 'equaliser'.

That is spot on. They’d rather find out more kids were abused and hope it’s the case than hold their hands up.

Just see their foaming at the mouth when the Neely situation reared it’s head.
Simply put, the ties between the celtic football club and the Catholic Church reach into the deprived. It’s no coincidence that hundreds of priests are beasts and are allowed to get away with it and (how many) scum coaches have done the same and are probably hoping for the same outcome.
There must be something at some point that makes these “people” believe its ok. Who or what is telling them this? How do they end up wired this way? I cant get my head around it!

There must be something at some point that makes these “people” believe its ok. Who or what is telling them this? How do they end up wired this way? I cant get my head around it!

Nor can I. A sign of sanity if nothing else.
I’ve felt all along that the political-media axis in Scotland will continue to douse and smother the flames to ensure there is no Penn State style scandal that could ruin Celtic Football Club.

The national media is more interested in abuse that took place in English football so it’s difficult to see this ever having the sort of fallout it really should.

This story was run in the Record in May.

Barry Bennell Cost Me Millions Says Victim Of Paedo Coach - 28 May 19
A Scots survivor of evil paedophile Barry Bennell says the coach cost him a career as a rich football star. The victim - who does not wish to named - says Bennell targeted dozens of Scots boys he called his 'specials', adding: “I could have been a millionaire and now I am left with nothing.

The former Manchester City youth player was one of Bennell's main victims, suffering a sustained, horrendous ordeal at his hands when he was just 12. The victim says the abuse cost him the chance to be an elite football star – and that compensation for loss of earnings should run into millions.

Ex-youth coach Bennell – one of Britain’s worst child abusers – was convicted of 43 charges relating to 12 young players between 1979 and 1990 while at City and Crewe Alexandra. The victim suffers Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after his ordeal. He revealed Bennell would groom kids from north of the border and take them to football tournaments at resorts down south for sexual abuse.

He said: “
He was like a pied piper, a star-maker who would promise everyone the world. It turns out he was actually the Jimmy Savile or Gary Glitter of football – the worst of the worst. I am a grandad now and I would love to get even just half an hour alone with him. All the mums loved him and fancied him as he was this glamorous football expert with the hairdo, flash cars and fancy clothes.

He would bring kids from all over Scotland. I think about that all the time and what happened to them. He called us his ‘specials’ – we thought then that it was because we were the best players destined for the top tier of football. But all the time it was because we were the focus of his sick, perverted abuse. I wish he had been caught before he could force himself on these kids.

At one of these tournaments, he tried to rape me when were at Butlins. That was the worst thing. I couldn’t take any more. I could have played for the national team, for Manchester City, Celtic, Rangers, you name it. But I didn’t want to kick a ball again.

I’d get my football kit on then get on the train and ride up and down the line for hours, then go home so my family wouldn’t catch on to the fact I wasn’t going to training or matches. I ditched all my trophies and awards, I couldn’t even look at them.”

An alleged paedophile ring involving Bennell and former Celtic kitman and Celtic Boys Club coach, Jim McCafferty, is being investigated. The Scottish and English FAs are examining a 'partnership' between Jim McCafferty and Bennell. Earlier this month, McCafferty (73) was jailed for abusing boys over a 24-year period.

The victim – now in his late 40s and from Glasgow – said: “
Bennell must have touched me in an inappropriate way thousands of times. I didn’t know what to do. I was 12 and it was something I never told anyone about. Even years later, I never told my wife about it. I don’t doubt for a second Bennell was connected with other paedophiles operating in Scottish clubs.

Bennell was jailed for 31 years. It was his fourth conviction for abusing boys. In March, Manchester City FC launched a compensation scheme worth millions of pounds for survivors of historic sex abuse as an alternative to going through a lengthy court process.

Youth players abused by Bennell could get upwards of £100k each. It is intended that survivors will also get a full apology from the club. Last year, Celtic boss Neil Lennon said he felt angry that two pals and ex-team-mates were sexually abused by Bennell. Lennon played alongside Andy Woodward and Steve Walters, two of Bennell’s victims, at Crewe Alexandra.

Bennell’s Scots victim said: “
Bennell has ruined my life. I had the world at my feet. I would have been an elite professional footballer and he took all that away from me. I have been left with PTSD, sleeping rough and my marriage has fallen apart. Sometimes, even something as innocent as a song from the 80s like Kool and the Gang would trigger me.

If I was driving, I’d need to pull over, walk about and try to stay calm. Other times, I’d go on a five-day bender and smash my hands or head through walls. I could have been a millionaire and now I am left with literally nothing. Where is my apology and compensation for loss of potential earnings? Manchester City have set up a compensation scheme but Celtic have tried to sweep the whole thing under the carpet.

Crewe Alexandra have admitted responsibility for some of the abuse by Bennell. They have paid compensation, but City have been delaying and I have not seen a penny. The fact Bennell is in jail is not the end for me. This never ends for me.

Are we also to believe that a club set up by a priest and the RC Church in 1888 only started to abuse and rape kids 70yrs after its formation?

For over 30 yrs Supporters of our club have talked and tried to highlight what went on at that Club - Only to be shouted down as 'point scoring bigots' .
Those in the media who penned articles attempting to suppress this sordid, horrific situation need dragging by the collar in front of a Judge ... Maybe because of the utterly lenient sentences handed down already, it should be an English Judge brought up specifically for trials concerning CFC, its associates and all involved in this undoubted cover up ?
That is spot on. They’d rather find out more kids were abused and hope it’s the case than hold their hands up.

Just see their foaming at the mouth when the Neely situation reared it’s head.
It's no coincidence that the usual media trash have desperately tried to drag out the story of the one boy who was a victim.

There's never any questioning of Hibs failing to report him, there's no asking why the police don't seem to have acted in spite of his dad being an officer.

All there is is a desire to paint this as equal to the filth at the piggery.
Fully independent public inquiry into Celtic, The PF Office, The Police, The Media, The politicians, The SFA and the Football League (in whatever guise) now required.

Who knew?
When did they know?
Why was this never investigated properly?
Why did it take until 2018 to see prison terms finally getting handed out?
Why have survivors never seen justice or compensation?
Why have the politicians and football authorities ignored this scandal for so long?

The list of unanswered questions just goes on and on. It really is long past time to get this disgrace properly and publicly investigated and victims finally placed as the top priority, not the reputation of a disgraced business.
Is it just me or is there some of trend here ? Not just one but 5 individuals cited and there will be any number of boys who never speak of it through fear - was the 1967 E.C win a catalyst to sell the dream to young boys and threaten to shatter that dream if they spoke up ?
This story was run in the Record in May.

Barry Bennell Cost Me Millions Says Victim Of Paedo Coach - 28 May 19
A Scots survivor of evil paedophile Barry Bennell says the coach cost him a career as a rich football star. The victim - who does not wish to named - says Bennell targeted dozens of Scots boys he called his 'specials', adding: “I could have been a millionaire and now I am left with nothing.

The former Manchester City youth player was one of Bennell's main victims, suffering a sustained, horrendous ordeal at his hands when he was just 12. The victim says the abuse cost him the chance to be an elite football star – and that compensation for loss of earnings should run into millions.

Ex-youth coach Bennell – one of Britain’s worst child abusers – was convicted of 43 charges relating to 12 young players between 1979 and 1990 while at City and Crewe Alexandra. The victim suffers Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after his ordeal. He revealed Bennell would groom kids from north of the border and take them to football tournaments at resorts down south for sexual abuse.

He said: “
He was like a pied piper, a star-maker who would promise everyone the world. It turns out he was actually the Jimmy Savile or Gary Glitter of football – the worst of the worst. I am a grandad now and I would love to get even just half an hour alone with him. All the mums loved him and fancied him as he was this glamorous football expert with the hairdo, flash cars and fancy clothes.

He would bring kids from all over Scotland. I think about that all the time and what happened to them. He called us his ‘specials’ – we thought then that it was because we were the best players destined for the top tier of football. But all the time it was because we were the focus of his sick, perverted abuse. I wish he had been caught before he could force himself on these kids.

At one of these tournaments, he tried to rape me when were at Butlins. That was the worst thing. I couldn’t take any more. I could have played for the national team, for Manchester City, Celtic, Rangers, you name it. But I didn’t want to kick a ball again.

I’d get my football kit on then get on the train and ride up and down the line for hours, then go home so my family wouldn’t catch on to the fact I wasn’t going to training or matches. I ditched all my trophies and awards, I couldn’t even look at them.”

An alleged paedophile ring involving Bennell and former Celtic kitman and Celtic Boys Club coach, Jim McCafferty, is being investigated. The Scottish and English FAs are examining a 'partnership' between Jim McCafferty and Bennell. Earlier this month, McCafferty (73) was jailed for abusing boys over a 24-year period.

The victim – now in his late 40s and from Glasgow – said: “
Bennell must have touched me in an inappropriate way thousands of times. I didn’t know what to do. I was 12 and it was something I never told anyone about. Even years later, I never told my wife about it. I don’t doubt for a second Bennell was connected with other paedophiles operating in Scottish clubs.

Bennell was jailed for 31 years. It was his fourth conviction for abusing boys. In March, Manchester City FC launched a compensation scheme worth millions of pounds for survivors of historic sex abuse as an alternative to going through a lengthy court process.

Youth players abused by Bennell could get upwards of £100k each. It is intended that survivors will also get a full apology from the club. Last year, Celtic boss Neil Lennon said he felt angry that two pals and ex-team-mates were sexually abused by Bennell. Lennon played alongside Andy Woodward and Steve Walters, two of Bennell’s victims, at Crewe Alexandra.

Bennell’s Scots victim said: “
Bennell has ruined my life. I had the world at my feet. I would have been an elite professional footballer and he took all that away from me. I have been left with PTSD, sleeping rough and my marriage has fallen apart. Sometimes, even something as innocent as a song from the 80s like Kool and the Gang would trigger me.

If I was driving, I’d need to pull over, walk about and try to stay calm. Other times, I’d go on a five-day bender and smash my hands or head through walls. I could have been a millionaire and now I am left with literally nothing. Where is my apology and compensation for loss of potential earnings? Manchester City have set up a compensation scheme but Celtic have tried to sweep the whole thing under the carpet.

Crewe Alexandra have admitted responsibility for some of the abuse by Bennell. They have paid compensation, but City have been delaying and I have not seen a penny. The fact Bennell is in jail is not the end for me. This never ends for me.

I’m fully aware it has been reported in the Scottish media, both in print and on the television, but disproportionately so.

At what other major UK football club has there been five men accused of sexual assaults on young players stretching back decades?

It’s the biggest abuse scandal in British sport.

Do you feel that’s been represented in the media?
I’m fully aware it has been reported in the Scottish media, both in print and on the television, but disproportionately so.

At what other major UK football club has there been five men accused of sexual assaults on young players stretching back decades?

It’s the biggest abuse scandal in British sport.

Do you feel that’s been represented in the media?
I would go further and say it’s THE biggest child abuse scandal in WORLD sport.
Tbh I don’t know , team is stale , manager doesn’t seem to know his best side , total apathy from top to bottom in the club. Crowds are well down , I’ve only been to 3 games I think , seen more Thurso fc matches - actually more enjoyable to watch.
brora are coasting to the title since cove are no longer in the hfl, I’d say this will continue for a decade
Shame, do like to see Academy do well. Sadly where I'm living the now it's Shinty or f.uck all.
There was a paedophile ring operating within Celtic FC and hundreds of kids were molested. Their supporters don't care that kids were raped, they only care that it has been exposed. They'd prefer if it remained covered up.
Exactly. Why they don’t go after the individuals involved to redeem themselves well there can only be one reason.. it’s still going on
Regrettably I think we all know that 5 is far from the final figure where that club is concerned. There was a serious problem at that club for decades and still there is people in power in this country who have no desire to find out exactly what happened and why it was allowed to go on for so long.

Its absolutely heart breaking that people are still suffering to this day because they have not recieves any sort of proper justice. Scotland have failed these lads and it is absolutely unforgivable.
Still they wait, still they wait, for in their sick fùckin minds, the more kids to come forward from 'other' clubs the better it is for them - 'See it happened everywhere, not just Parkhead'

They are Animals, the whole sordid Club, its staff and those associated with the cover up.
6 , 7, 8 at least now but not a peep from Klackson about the 'undeniable ring' .
Throw in the Cardinals, Priest's and the likes of Saville pictured at that place and this should be worldwide news.

This is being hushed from the very top of society and Government - Its the only rational reason?
A bit of a contradiction. He says it was sour grapes cause the lad was dropped. Then says he doesn't remember him. WTF.
What exactly are the SNP doing about this, hoping their shouts of an independence referendum 2 drowns out the cries for a full inquiry into this in the hope it will go away.
They have missed Neil Strachan from their list.

*** Warning*** This link is vile tough reading, due to the level of abuse, but one sentence is hidden away in it...

"Strachan quit as secretary of Edinburgh-based Celtic East Boys Club after he was caught. The abuse had gone on for two years."

There will undoubtedly be other cases, with all clubs, including our own. What Celtic are doing is muddying the waters and lumping what went on with the collective.
They might just get away with it you know.

They all knew. They helped cover it up and allowed it to continue for decades. That’a another scandal entirely. “To protect the good name of the club.”

Not disputing how disgusting their actions have been. I’m just very curious as to why the article would have a picture of Ibrox given that they have a separate story about another Celtic coach. Deflecting or diluting the impact of the bigger story perhaps. Still, at least the Times is making an effort to expose them more than any other media outlet.
Every other Saturday they were rows of priests in their stand. None of them have featured in this evil cabal. It’s mind blowing what went on there.
I keep going back to the same thing. A sporting organisation with at least 5 active paedophiles, where 1 teenage player got tortured and murdered in his own home by a supposedly random beast turning up at his home while his mum is out for the night, yet no one in authority finds that a little suspect. Bearing in mind it's a known fact one of the 5 convicted coaches had been on the phone to the boy that very day.
Its incredible and quite frankly a stain on our society.
I would go further and say it’s THE biggest child abuse scandal in WORLD sport.

If there are more still to be named and the abuse can be proven to have been covered up by successive Celtic boards, men who conspired to keep a lid on what they knew to be a paedophile ring, then considering the stature of the club - whatever we want to say about them, they are undoubtedly one of the biggest names in British football, former European champions, etc - it's not mere hyperbole to suggest it's approaching that magnitude.

I highly doubt it will ever be reported as such.
Unfortunately most who have worked or follow that sordid sham of a club are Catholic. This cult has normalised the horrendous abuse of kids worldwide from Africa to North America and Australasia to Europe. Yet they still roll up to mass delivered by a dirty beast. So it's no wonder they collectively shrug their shoulders at a few hundred Scottish kids being molested. They are not normal people. Their forums will have thousands of pages about our tax cases, but nothing about disgusting criminal abuse of kids. Close it down!