Fifth coach accused of child sex abuse at Celtic Football Club

Anyone would think that the drip-fed reporting, charges and prosecutions are a deliberate attempt to distance each individual and so a credible ' Pederast Ring' .
A group of individuals, all around the same age, at the same Club, at the same time and yet that utter coward Jackon at the Record, along with Spiers and English at the BBC say NOTHING about the biggest Paedophile scandal in world sport?

They are all utterly reprehensible and words fail me for the call centre worker masquerading as the Scottish Justice Secretary for his continued failure to address this?
I’m fully aware it has been reported in the Scottish media, both in print and on the television, but disproportionately so.

At what other major UK football club has there been five men accused of sexual assaults on young players stretching back decades?

It’s the biggest abuse scandal in British sport.

Do you feel that’s been represented in the media?

That's a strange question to ask, HH.

Of course I don't. I put the Record story up in response to you saying, "The national media is more interested in abuse that took place in English football so it’s difficult to see this ever having the sort of fallout it really should."

If the link between McCafferty and Bennell can be proven, that shifts the focus on Celtic FC's decades-long cover-up of child sexual abuse in Celtic Boys Club from being a purely 'Scottish problem' to being another element in a UK-wide paedophile ring. I understand also, that McCafferty's trial in May revealed that one of the boys he assaulted had also been assaulted by Frank Cairney during a Celtic Boys Club tour to New Jersey in 1989.

It is in the public domain that boys were sexually assaulted by Celtic Boys Club office holders in Scotland, England, on the European mainland and in the US. Join the dots and a clear picture of a national - maybe even international - paedophile ring soon emerges.

It's not just the biggest scandal in British sport. This dwarfs anything that happened in Penn State. This is the biggest scandal in WORLD sport, and I just wonder if the full extent of all these horrific crimes - and those who perpetrated them - will ever be known.
Forget for a moment that this is Celtic FC.
This is about the disgusting behaviour of trusted adults physically and sexually abusing children. Four adults have been tried, convicted and sentenced accordingly in a court of law.
Any right minding person would agree that their actions were dispicable.
The fact that three well established institutions(for want of a better word) want to sweep this under the carpet. Those being the Catholic church, Celtic FC and the SFA is an utter disgrace.
Until recently the Scottish media spoken and written wanted to bury it too but, finally a few brave souls have broken ranks and these people are being vilified because they dare correctly to bring Celtic to task.
If we as a society are to protect our children as we should then we have to bring all these wrong dooers to task, regardless of where they are.
It's a heinous despicable crime and SHOULD NEVER EVER BE SWEPT UNDER THE CARPET.
So it's motivated by revenge because the player was dropped. But he also as no recollection of the player accusing him. Which is it? Beast.
He also says that he had no inkling of any allegations against the boys club, well I can tell you that's a lie as I know this guy and I have had arguments with him about the abuse at the boys club and so have others, he would just say that we were lying then walk away. So he did know as we never let him forget it.
So it's motivated by revenge because the player was dropped. But he also as no recollection of the player accusing him. Which is it? Beast.
That stood out immediately to me also. This is typical for people that are lying; they are so desperate to clear their names they make little errors like this, grasping at any excuse not matter if they contradict themselves.

There's a certain politician here in the US that does it all the time.
He also says that he had no inkling of any allegations against the boys club, well I can tell you that's a lie as I know this guy and I have had arguments with him about the abuse at the boys club and so have others, he would just say that we were lying then walk away. So he did know as we never let him forget it.
Dogs in the street have known all about these allegations since at Least 1976.
Scotland is now a profoundly corrupt country, where all its major institutions, be it politics, the judiciary, the media, etc, are hopelessly compromised. It is a banana republic where the victims of this paedophile cult at the Piggery will rarely if ever receive justice and criminals receive State protection.
They have missed Neil Strachan from their list.

*** Warning*** This link is vile tough reading, due to the level of abuse, but one sentence is hidden away in it...

"Strachan quit as secretary of Edinburgh-based Celtic East Boys Club after he was caught. The abuse had gone on for two years."


So that could be 7 from Hugh Birt & Gerry McSherry’s list of 14 ? Or is it ?
They have missed Neil Strachan from their list.

*** Warning*** This link is vile tough reading, due to the level of abuse, but one sentence is hidden away in it...

"Strachan quit as secretary of Edinburgh-based Celtic East Boys Club after he was caught. The abuse had gone on for two years."

Vile does not even come close and they try and deny Strachan. But they tripped themselves up in their own matchday publication at the time, as the VBs found out.


So that could be 7 from Hugh Birt & Gerry McSherry’s list of 14 ? Or is it ?

Spot on Grigo.

Birt & McSherry might not have known about all of them. Strachan operated out of Edinburgh.

The tactics operated by Shame FC and the Scottish Natz Government are the exact same: The named perpetrators are mostly in their 70's & 80's, keep ignoring the problem, hope that they die and this all goes away.

Another alleged paedophile linked to Celtic and Celtic Boys Club. That makes it 5 in one year alone, with 4 already convicted!

The paedophile ring, and that's what we're dealing with here, was given carte blanche to sexually abuse young players at Celtic FC and CBC as senior people within that club chose to look the other way.

Lynnes Malley ( pronounced line us ) is a name I haven't heard in almost 55 years!

Lynnes Malley was a well known name in Govan when I was a wee boy growing up there. He lived next close to Broomloan Road Primary, my first school ( and also the first school of Sir Alex )

A small, dishevelled man, parents would advise their children to steer well clear of him - I had no idea why.

Maybe I do now.
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Saville went there, you have to ask why as did RC priests. Leaflets should be printed and distributed with all the pictures of saville and Big Jock and others calling for justice, naming the SNP as part of a cover up. Evil persists when good people do nothing.
I’d be surprised if there isn’t even more than that, place is/was infested with beasts.
Appreciate Scotland is now run by a cult who hate us and all things British so no forensic investigation will occur. However is it not worthy of some consideration that now 5 coaches are investigated the picture of Saville at park head and the allegation that some kids were sent to Man City or Crewe to be ‘coached’ by Vennel (?) who has been convicted. All that seems a whole lot of coincidence or am I way off?
Appreciate Scotland is now run by a cult who hate us and all things British so no forensic investigation will occur. However is it not worthy of some consideration that now 5 coaches are investigated the picture of Saville at park head and the allegation that some kids were sent to Man City or Crewe to be ‘coached’ by Vennel (?) who has been convicted. All that seems a whole lot of coincidence or am I way off?
The documentary that will air from early to mid next year will no doubt show the links between Bennell and the beasts at Celtic.
I thought there had already been five. Hard to keep up with this disgusting vile club. Only in rancid Scotland could this be met with no punishment, and anyone who suggests otherwise be a bigot. A very strange place where the only decent people seem to be Rangers supporters.

Oh wait, that sounds like point scoring, I'm a bigot. Three hail Mary's. Better be careful the priest is behind me. If he does anything they'll just cover that up and hide him in the Vatican.

Rancid club and rancid religion who have so much in common. Abuse a child, confess to the priest rather than the police, everything's okay now.

They should all be locked up including those complicit in the cover up.

Oh forgot, I'm not allowed an opinion because I'm a Rangers fan (Thank God).
nothing will ever come of this, only in this vile little country are the victims demonised and hunted by absolute scumbags who think they are lying, a press pack that won't report on it, won't investigate or expose it and a government that refuse to hold a public enquiry into it, disgusting people, disgusting crimes and those doing %^*& all about it for the sake of their football teams reputation are no better than the scum of the earth that abuse kids.
With all the "me to" happening in America how can the justice system, the Scottish government, the media and families of victims ignore this
Peter Lawwells words it's a "delicate matter", try despicable disgrace, the magnitude of abuse carried out is endemic. If I hear the words to protect the good name of club again, let's talk accountability, responsibility or being pro active in compensating the victims?
Get this and the cover up out in the open. I can imagine normal countries would be disgusted by the whole thing

It may shame the Nats into an enquiry if it might stop their dream of rejoining the EU
That's a strange question to ask, HH.

Of course I don't. I put the Record story up in response to you saying, "The national media is more interested in abuse that took place in English football so it’s difficult to see this ever having the sort of fallout it really should."

If the link between McCafferty and Bennell can be proven, that shifts the focus on Celtic FC's decades-long cover-up of child sexual abuse in Celtic Boys Club from being a purely 'Scottish problem' to being another element in a UK-wide paedophile ring. I understand also, that McCafferty's trial in May revealed that one of the boys he assaulted had also been assaulted by Frank Cairney during a Celtic Boys Club tour to New Jersey in 1989.

It is in the public domain that boys were sexually assaulted by Celtic Boys Club office holders in Scotland, England, on the European mainland and in the US. Join the dots and a clear picture of a national - maybe even international - paedophile ring soon emerges.

It's not just the biggest scandal in British sport. This dwarfs anything that happened in Penn State. This is the biggest scandal in WORLD sport, and I just wonder if the full extent of all these horrific crimes - and those who perpetrated them - will ever be known.

Sorry, I think we’re in agreement yet there are parts of your post that still feel a little contradictory.

I’m not actually in favour of Celtic being lumped in with a nationwide UK abuse scandal. If that happens it could provide them and their apologists with the opportunity to spread the blame much wider thereby shifting the full glare of attention away from CFC.

The coverage has been insubstantial from my perspective given the extent of known abuse and the strong suspicion of collusion by successive Yahoo administrations, although we should acknowledge that this is an ongoing investigation that’s still to reach the courts.

Had the degree of abuse occurred at Man City or Chelsea for example, I think we would have see it called for precisely what it is already.
The Natsis have already pre empted you, Double time.
It's not about them. It's about how they are perceived in Brussels, London, Washington, etc

An indy Scotland is not going to foster healthy relations if they behave like a tin pot dictatorship. If they get a reputation for covering up abuse while welcoming immigrants from all over, do you think the EU will welcome them into their open borders system? Scotland could be easy access to Europe for certain types
It's not about them. It's about how they are perceived in Brussels, London, Washington, etc

An indy Scotland is not going to foster healthy relations if they behave like a tin pot dictatorship. If they get a reputation for covering up abuse while welcoming immigrants from all over, do you think the EU will welcome them into their open borders system? Scotland could be easy access to Europe for certain types

Forget Brussels and elsewhere.

What should concern you is how they are judged at UEFA.

Twenty nine zillion paltry fines, piled on top of each other, has to be worrisome.
Sorry, I think we’re in agreement yet there are parts of your post that still feel a little contradictory.

I’m not actually in favour of Celtic being lumped in with a nationwide UK abuse scandal. If that happens it could provide them and their apologists with the opportunity to spread the blame much wider thereby shifting the full glare of attention away from CFC.

The coverage has been insubstantial from my perspective given the extent of known abuse and the strong suspicion of collusion by successive Yahoo administrations, although we should acknowledge that this is an ongoing investigation that’s still to reach the courts.

Had the degree of abuse occurred at Man City or Chelsea for example, I think we would have see it called for precisely what it is already.

I think you're lumping (good word!) two separate things together, HH.

Celtic FC's culpability in not only doing nothing about the decades-long paedophile activity on their watch, but their active (and proactive, in some cases) cover-up of these crimes is there for all the world to see. That alone should see them punished to extinction. Then, as you say, the collusion of friendly politicians - and journalists, religious orders, members of the police and legal profession - has enabled this situation.

The fact that they felt emboldened enough to extend this criminality beyond their rancid club can be attributed entirely to this collusion. That is a separate issue, and one that is beyond the influence of the Scottish enablers to cover up. In an ideal world, all of the enablers mentioned above would be accountable for what they've done. Sadly, that's unlikely.

But I'd settle for the victims and their families being acknowledged, compensated and assured that their pain and suffering has helped ensure that nothing as egregious as this can ever happen again.
Absolutely sickening.

The sporting wing of the RC Church in typical fashion has closed ranks, throw in a compliant Government and media and you have a horrific scandal being ignored.

“ Celtic will carry out an internal investigation”

That’s a direct line from Rome.