Gers fan in the dock

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If it was methadone Micks twin sister then she deserves all she gets.
Your typical "look at me I'm a Rangers supporter" that turns up at this type of celebration, out their faces on %^*& knows what shouting shite that gets the rest of us tarred as morons and racists.
Not even to any Pakistani who might have been at the celebrations?
I’m pretty sure “Abdul”was in the footage that was widely shared on social media that led to the charge- the very same “Abdul” that was punched and subjected to sectarian abuse - then in a separate incident also thrown in the fountain by the Tartan Army in London during the Scotland game against England
From the video I seen it looks like she joined in a song initiated by an idiot who who unfortunately has an affinity with our team.

He is Pakistani, he's very well known and it doesn't take too much googling to find him singing his usual bizarre ditty

Infact he's even mentioned by name in the newspaper report in the OP
I know who he is, and doubtless her defence lawyer will be making similar points, but I can't see them sticking. Many hours community service await her, or maybe worse.
A RANGERS fan who allegedly sang a racist song during the team's title celebrations will stand trial on Christmas Eve.

Shelby Hennessey is alleged to have chanted the song near Ibrox Stadium on May 15, 2021.

Rangers fans celebrated the team's title win outside Ibrox in May's title win outside Ibrox in May
Rangers fans celebrated the team's title win outside Ibrox in MayCredit: AFP
Hundreds of jubilant Gers fans gathered at the grounds to party after the club's Scottish Premiership title win.

Prosecutors claim the 28-year-old behaved in a threatening or abusive manner which would cause a reasonable person to suffer fear or alarm.

The charge alleges Hennessey sang a song which contained "racially offensive lyrics".

Brian Matthews sells stake in Rangers-themed pub – months after it was targeted with Celtic graffiti

It is stated that the alleged offence was racially aggravated.

Hennessy pleaded not guilty to the charge at a hearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court today.

Prosecutor Monique Cooney said: "There is no opposition to bail and there will be no special conditions set.

"The Crown seeks trial dates."


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Kevin Corr, defending, said: "Bail on the standard conditions will be accepted."

A pre-trial hearing was fixed for November while the trial was set for December 24.

Hennessey, of the city's Cranhill, was granted bail meantime.
I was deeply offended by members of the tartan army singing “if you all hate the English “ why was these people not arrested?
A RANGERS fan who allegedly sang a racist song during the team's title celebrations will stand trial on Christmas Eve.

Shelby Hennessey is alleged to have chanted the song near Ibrox Stadium on May 15, 2021.

Rangers fans celebrated the team's title win outside Ibrox in May's title win outside Ibrox in May
Rangers fans celebrated the team's title win outside Ibrox in MayCredit: AFP
Hundreds of jubilant Gers fans gathered at the grounds to party after the club's Scottish Premiership title win.

Prosecutors claim the 28-year-old behaved in a threatening or abusive manner which would cause a reasonable person to suffer fear or alarm.

The charge alleges Hennessey sang a song which contained "racially offensive lyrics".

Brian Matthews sells stake in Rangers-themed pub – months after it was targeted with Celtic graffiti

It is stated that the alleged offence was racially aggravated.

Hennessy pleaded not guilty to the charge at a hearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court today.

Prosecutor Monique Cooney said: "There is no opposition to bail and there will be no special conditions set.

"The Crown seeks trial dates."


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Perthshire brute sent ex horror Snapchat clip of him PUNCHING her dog

Man rushed to hospital after Glasgow park stabbing as police seal off scene

Kevin Corr, defending, said: "Bail on the standard conditions will be accepted."

A pre-trial hearing was fixed for November while the trial was set for December 24.

Hennessey, of the city's Cranhill, was granted bail meantime.
This is no doubt the girl was was filmed singing that moronic song which was actually started by the equally moronic Abdul. Its typical that there are various videos of him singing it online and there's no issue with it. This stupid lass simply joined in with him singing it and she is now up in court.

Still you will have halfwits going up to him to get a selfie with him.
Seen the video, pleading not guilty is a bold strategy that Cotton will have to wait to see how it plays out.

Can't be selective in which racists we want punished severely.
She is only guilty of joining in singing the same song the moronic Abdul was singing. Other were singing it as well and he was encouraging them.

He is an utter cockroach that brings nothing but embarrassment to the club.
"which would cause a reasonable person to suffer fear or alarm."

these people shouldn't have been within a mile of the celebrations, so what's the issue?! ;)
I think someone needs to have a word with Abdul before someone ends up getting the jail. People are stupidly joining in with him thinking it is all a big joke. He was at his antics in Belfast at the 12th and a lot of people were getting selfies etc. Interestingly one bandsman called him a f**king wanker probably due to negative publicity this brings to our fans.
Stupid? Yes.

Criminal? Hardly.

I would have hoped she'd get a bit more support on here from "her own". Drunken woman sings stupid song when her team wins the league that has people genuinely unsure who exactly is to be offended by it.
I think someone needs to have a word with Abdul before someone ends up getting the jail. People are stupidly joining in with him thinking it is all a big joke. He was at his antics in Belfast at the 12th and a lot of people were getting selfies etc. Interestingly one bandsman called him a f**king wanker probably due to negative publicity this brings to our fans.
People are adults and responsible for their own behaviour. Adbul needs proper help
You mentioned both Fear and Concern? Do you not think a Pakistani hearing someone sing about P*kis might feel concerned? After what has happened recently, after what happened to Glen, I have zero sympathy for anyone who sings songs with racist words. Some people seem to want to turn this woman into some sort of martyr.
What racist terms were used? You have changed the narrative because you are easily offended. How do you know a Pakistani would be offended? What has Glen got to do with it? He was abused because of the colour of his skin. There are a large number of people of Asian origin around Ibrox I think they would have heard the term Paki, in the West of Scotland, as in short for Pakistani, quite a lot in their life and view it not as an insult but more of an acceptance of them and their origins.
I could be wrong about that, but I would be interested to know from our own supporters with Pakistan origin say.
Maybe he needs proper help? If he is vulnerable he should be getting looked after not derided as some sort of super villain. A lot more dangerous people walking our streets than Abdul
As I said , in my unqualified medical opinion granted, that he does need help, the last thing he needs is encouragement to sing those types of songs / be some kinda source of amusement for some in our support who run up to him for a photo / video as that girl seems to have done.

for his own sake , (& Rangers reputation) hes best well away somewhere getting some treatment / counciling
If it is a criminal offence for a Pakistani to sing that song why are scum fans arrested for singing about being part of a F....n army?
I didn't realize they are, but its the same principal anyway. I know there is inconsistency, but I'd rather not defend what this woman was doing, or try to downplay it. I criticise others for sweeping stuff under the carpet, I'd rather rangers fans called out racism for what it is, especially after the support we gave Kamara earlier this season.
Or concern

Someone using a derogatory way to describe a section of society is indefensible. Grow up
Im not defending it. Im saying it doesnt strike fear or concern into anyone. In gact why not ask the Pakistani that was next to her if he was frightened or concerned.
When scum fans sing songs at games that are deragtory to us are you concerned? Hope you are ok and are able to cope....
Singing that you'd rather be Pakistani than a tim strikes fear into Pakistanis? Ok

To me, It’s implying that being a Pakistani is bad, but isn’t as bad as being Celtic fan or Catholic? Which is pretty insulting to Pakistanis and of course catholics if it was meant that way.

So if I was a Pakistani rangers fan, I would be pretty gutted hearing that.
What racist terms were used? You have changed the narrative because you are easily offended. How do you know a Pakistani would be offended? What has Glen got to do with it? He was abused because of the colour of his skin. There are a large number of people of Asian origin around Ibrox I think they would have heard the term Paki, in the West of Scotland, as in short for Pakistani, quite a lot in their life and view it not as an insult but more of an acceptance of them and their origins.
I could be wrong about that, but I would be interested to know from our own supporters with Pakistan origin say.
It is very much a rascist word.
The song clearly means, tim's lowest of the low. (no arguments here)
P*** still low but not quite as low and more preferable to being a Tim.

And no I am not Pakistani origin but know plenty, who will tell you it is rascist.
In fact I believe there was one on the threads originally who made his views of this tart clear and those who excused her.
As I said , in my unqualified medical opinion granted, that he does need help, the last thing he needs is encouragement to sing those types of songs / be some kinda source of amusement for some in our support who run up to him for a photo / video as that girl seems to have done.

for his own sake , (& Rangers reputation) hes best well away somewhere getting some treatment / counciling
Rangers arent anything to do with Abdul. He supports us thats all.
What racist terms were used? You have changed the narrative because you are easily offended. How do you know a Pakistani would be offended? What has Glen got to do with it? He was abused because of the colour of his skin. There are a large number of people of Asian origin around Ibrox I think they would have heard the term Paki, in the West of Scotland, as in short for Pakistani, quite a lot in their life and view it not as an insult but more of an acceptance of them and their origins.
I could be wrong about that, but I would be interested to know from our own supporters with Pakistan origin say.
I am not easily offended. I've got as thick a skin as you can imagine. There was a poster on here, a Muslim Asian, I think Pakistani, who posted something tearing strips off Abdul, which got a record number of Likes, so that is one view.

But, in all fairness, if you honestly do not consider the word "p*ki" to be offensive, then there's no point in discussing it with you. If you were in charge of a group of lads at work, for example, would you really use this word to them. "Right, could you two p*kis come here please, and help me tidy up". You'll not go far.
I think someone needs to have a word with Abdul before someone ends up getting the jail. People are stupidly joining in with him thinking it is all a big joke. He was at his antics in Belfast at the 12th and a lot of people were getting selfies etc. Interestingly one bandsman called him a f**king wanker probably due to negative publicity this brings to our fans.
I said it for Months before this video came out it was only a matter of time before someone would be jailed for copying it. It hasn't deterred him. He still wants to sing it especially when he is being encouraged to do so by young neds.
He is a cancer to the Club and to the Loyal Orders he wants to latch on to.
I am not easily offended. I've got as thick a skin as you can imagine. There was a poster on here, a Muslim Asian, I think Pakistani, who posted something tearing strips off Abdul, which got a record number of Likes, so that is one view.

But, in all fairness, if you honestly do not consider the word "p*ki" to be offensive, then there's no point in discussing it with you. If you were in charge of a group of lads at work, for example, would you really use this word to them. "Right, could you two p*kis come here please, and help me tidy up". You'll not go far.
Not easily offended,, aye ok Billy.
Im not defending it. Im saying it doesnt strike fear or concern into anyone. In gact why not ask the Pakistani that was next to her if he was frightened or concerned.
When scum fans sing songs at games that are deragtory to us are you concerned? Hope you are ok and are able to cope....
I imagine it could.

If they sing something that could get them jailed then I wont wail and moan about them getting jailed for it.

Nice trying to compare a football rivalry to being derogatory about a race.

Hope you are able to cope with your strange views.....
To me, It’s implying that being a Pakistani is bad, but isn’t as bad as being Celtic fan or Catholic? Which is pretty insulting to Pakistanis and of course catholics if it was meant that way.

So if I was a Pakistani rangers fan, I would be pretty gutted hearing that.
Well you aren't so stop be offended on their behalf.
A Pakistani was standing next to her singing the same song, didnt seem gutted.
Byw I am not defending the woman or the song but the charge of striking fear and concern into people is laughable
Im pretty sure in the video she's with other rangers fans and she's wearing rangers apparel

Looks like she heard wee Abdul singing his 'party piece' and joined in

She looked absolutely blitzed on the video I saw online
Thats exactly what happened. It could easily have been any number of the young neds that were joining in with him singing it.
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