Neil Lennon Taking 55 Well

Fair to say on the strength of that i would be surprised if he ever was offered a decent post in football again.
Lennon is a complete cvnt. Too fuckin lame to enjoy a drink with any level of maturity. Zero to do with mental health and everything to do with being an abject clown.

If I saw Lennon in that state every day of the year I wouldn't be surprised and I'd care even less.

Fvck every last ounce of that bigoted tramp and fvck everything he ever has or ever will stand for.
This is nothing new from him.
Below is from around 13 years ago when he was still a Celtic player FFS.
I think it's safe to assume that between then and now nothing much has changed but his waistline.
I don't know if he's what's termed an alcoholic or not, but he certainly puts it away and turns into an even bigger arsehole when he does.
Took a look over at Kerryfail to see how they were taking it.

Of course they're ripping whoever posted the videos. I suppose they didn't watch all the way to the end when the guy called him a ginger coont. :D
See aww this fake concern ye get for the mentally challengeds or people you have no positive emotional connection to I just can’t understand it, maybe im a cold hearted lady's front bottom but ye Cannae even laugh at folk ye don’t likes misfortune now without folk trying to guilt trip ye, I blame social media and folk wanting to outdo each other.
I'm not being funny here but it's an insult to folk struggling with mental health problems to excuse someone over indulging in drink citing mental health issues.
I agree , the guy is just drunk and had a few too many. Why must everything be about mental health. If it was I would have been sectioned every Saturday night stumbling out of the Tunnel with the amount I drank.
Oh dear what a pity what a shame nevermind
So a known bevy merchant gets steaming on the first night out for months. Why would anyone feel bad for him?
Its funny how steaming he is as hes making a fool of himself but thats about it.
The guy is a fucking classless tramp of a human being, a drain on society and the streets would be a far better place without this oxygen thief breathing our air.

How anyone can sympathise with such a toxic, disgusting and vile individual is beyond me. He has brought it all on himself and contributed massively to the bitterness in our country.

Was there ever any such issues when Mowbary, O'Neil, Delia etc were in charge of them? NO was there %^*&, this excuse of a human being has 1 person to blame and that's the man in the mirror. U reap what u sow.
judging by some of the posts on here,it seems that if you declare you have mental health problems, then you have carte blanche to be a total kunt towards us, and we should just take it and not bite back, I'm sure these same posters takes everybody else's well being into account before deciding if they should laugh and make fun of a person in everyday life too about mental.
lennon's default seems to be just a mean and spiteful person, if all someone ever does is treat you like the shit on their shoes, then the inclination to find out the reasons why goes out the window, lots of people have mental health problems, you just don't know about it, and they don't behave like a bellend with it, so fook him, whatever his problems are does not give him the right to behave however he wants with no consequence or exempt him from ridicule.
All I see is a drunk man on a blowout.

It just so happens to be a drunk man that I can’t abide, but I genuinely don’t see why he is deserving of anyone’s concern or sympathy?

The panty-wetting will no doubt continue in the media tomorrow.
Exactly! No one was concerned ( probably should have been ) when he was blitzed in the showers of a football stadium accepting a job!

Or the countless pressers this year where he has been on it, %^*& um!

if he comes out tomorrow and says he is alcohol and he needs help my stance and thoughts would change However at the moment all I see is a overweight Jakey who has broke the law, left his home region to go to another country for a pint and get smashed and I have have no issues with that because if I didn’t kids and work then I would be down their myself but hey I have a family and shit that means more to me than firing on a trackie, asking my creepy weird fat pal with his strange we walk to chum me on a 2 hour drive to get smashed, am sure he will wake up and get back on it