Match Thread ** Celtic v Rangers - 12:00 Sunday 29th - Sky Sports **

I will tell you something. Stevie g seems to have already sanctioned to major signings for us. One he will not do is wasting 1m on Murphy. He will get someone better from his u18s at Liverpool to do a job
Best or not. He ain't that good
Like all the bears we have at the club
They are pretty rank and would not get in my local junior teams 11
Murty should resign and all of those players should really look at themselves!

They are not showing anything like what we require at Rangers and they should be embarrassed!
5 nil feels like a victory after them scoring 2 in the first few mins of the second half. I was genuinely fearing double figures at that point.
This is how bad it has become. I just hope it’s not a record breaking hammering we get when we play them now. I don’t know how this gets sorted but I don’t trust 1 single player in that squad to be part of any solution. It’s a team of cowards and losers.
Well, that's a relief (and how sickening does it feel to actually say that). I thought we were heading for 7 or 8 and it could easily have been.
It’s a fûcking shocking state of affairs when the only positive was those bead rattling bastards took their foot of the gas.

What a bunch of fucking charlatans.
Pretty sure that is the record margin in any league game between us since 1890. Hang your heads in shame Rangers.
Our arses collapsed today.

To all bears out and about today, don’t give the cunts the satisfaction.

Up the road safe and NO SURRENDER.

Next season needs to be a big one!
Wonder if Murty thinks that will impact his chances of getting the job full time :mad::mad::mad:

Hate that lady's front bottom.
We'll thank %^*& that's over. That was the last chance saloon lads and ye just let they bastards come in and wreck the joint without putting up a fight yet again. Get tae %^*&. Overhaul seriously required from top to bottom. Where does it start and who's gonna start it? Well %^*& knows.
Beat 5-0 at the piggery, lucky to escape with a 5-0 defeat!!!What a fcuking disgrace
The players, Murty, King & the Board should all hang their heads in shame

And we’ve got directors saying we’re ahead of the curve.

Living on a different planet from you or I.
Murty has to leave now, same as Warburton, same Shoite formation every single match , no game plan, no plan A never mind a plan B. He is utterly spineless and it transmits through the whole squad.
If there was ever any doubt, that performance ended a few careers today. Embarrassing. Hopefully Gerrard has the ability to instill some passion and pride. Along with basic coaching and tactics because these are all missing.
To top off the season from hell I now fully expect us to be relying on them to beat motherwell so we get in Europe
Tiny consolation that we never suffered a record defeat with that clown in charge.

He needs to be gone immediately, he’s probably enjoying the atmosphere again, the dick.

I don't think I ever wanted him to take over but the second he said that, he was done for me. Can you imagine any of their managers ever saying anything like that about us?
How we have managed to avoid a record defeat these last two games is the only saving grace.

Not much to cling to i know but it could easily have happened.
Arfield is a good start he is better than anything we have. Gerrard won't spend his budget on sub standard players?

i heard the same shite last year about dorrans

the current level is spinless pathetic bastard

so being better than that doesn't mean a thing

and stevie g hasn't even been announced so how can he have sanctioned it?
%^*& me that was brutal... I’m not even surprised tbh as our lot are rank, it’s defo looking like finishing 4th
The shite that went down recently between Wallace, Miller and Murty, was probably just the tip of the iceberg, No doubt it has contributed towards the collapse in morale that has taken place in the Rangers squad. The truth is they were probably defeated before they walked out onto the pitch.
One thing that is non football related is how time and again these unbiased commentators quote Celtic songs
Don’t really remember them doing it when we were pumping the tims
Let Jimmy Nic lead these wankers to 4th place , cannot see they have a single point in the last three games in them, Murty can %^*& off tonight, just a pity he cannot take 90% of the squad with him. Thank %^*& I am away down south for a few days tomorrow.
Typical FF, absent players always become World beaters.

He had a handful of decent performances and instantly became the saviour of the club. He is a teenager people would be wise to remember that.
Of course. And i got banned for saying i thought the boy was not that great. Maybe the wording could have been better. But he is not that great ;)
I’m relieved that is finished, it could have been far worse.
Everyone of those cunts should handing their months wages to charity.
Absolutely terrible again. Far less painful than the 2-3 defeat at Ibrox however which, for me, totally punctured our confidence and led to this crumbling we’ve witnessed.

The makings of a squad are there, albeit no one barring possibly Holt get passmarks today. We need a manager to make a few additions, get rid of some bodies and to squeeze a bit extra out of the resources we have at our disposal.

Today was abysmal but sadly expected. We need to try and raise something to win these last few games. Murty likely going to be shown the door or resign today, you’d hope. So we need to limp on and get a new manager sorted asap.

For me, a rookie with no experience is not the answer, but I’ll support whoever we appoint.