Just Us Tims best podcast on youtube

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That Rangers fan who tagged his employer on Twitter should be ashamed of himself. The host is clearly an idiot but there was no way he meant it as a racist insult.

I know I'll probably get "Tims have been getting bears sacked for years" replies but it still doesn't sit right with me.
The guy who done it is an attention seeking fucking idiot (regardless of my views on this)
Gutted to see them go. Always a highlight of the weekend throughout lockdown, listening to them torturing themselves over another beating to some diddy side.

I always thought they were just harmless neds who got carried away in the heat of a game. The bloggers etc are the ones to keep an eye on.
Tears welling up listening to that !! I dont think the guy was being racist, but he chose the wrong week to say it!

Unfortunately for him, that's what comes with denigrating our support every day of his life.

As some point, there'll be an occassion where the wrong thing is said at the wrong time.

I could believe that he wasn't being racist (though given his views, generally, it wouldn't be a stretch to believe he's got it in him) and he was simply calling all Rangers fans monkeys because he thinks we're primates.

However, I don't see why he gets a pass on that front. Denigrating a group of people continually because you just don't like them falls in to the bigotry / racism / just generally hateful category.

He seems the sort to have a bee in his bonnet about what he perceives as anti-Irish racism but loves to call us Orange Bastards and Monkeys

I've got not one ounce of sympathy for him.
Poor form that he lost his job. Don't believe it was meant as a racist comment however it's an indiciment of the climate we live in these days.

I reckon thinking it's fine to publicly call Rangers fans whatever you like with impunity is just as much of an indictment of the current climate in Scotland.

It speaks volumes that he reckoned going on the internet and calling us all monkeys is just a part of life.

I wouldn't have gone after him myself but I'm pretty fed up with what is seen as fair game about us (Irvine Welsh being a case in point) but we're criticised (compare the wording in the papers with the 55 celebrations with the likes of Hibs exuberance in 2016) for similar ourselves.
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Tagging the guys work was poor form. As much as I hate them, I take no pleasure in seeing a guy lose his job especially as I don't think he was being racist.
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Tagging the guys work was poor form. As much as I hate them, I take no pleasure in seeing a guy lose his job especially as I don't think he was being racist.

At what point will people grasp it was probably less about an ambiguous “monkeys” comment and more his constant sectarianism.

Whatever people think about “modern Scotland”, no employer is going to ignore it if they’re made aware an employee is openly and brazenly indulging in Sectarian slurs on YouTube.
Jesus, there will be an emergency meeting at YouTube HQ right now. Their entire business could be on the brink of collapse as the worldwide phenomenon that is Just Us Tims closes down.

Good riddance ya bunch of scum bags, enjoy the title party next month :))
I watch rangers podcast, cjnovo, heart and hand, blues brothers. They are all good because they talk about rangers, are objective and don't stoop to name calling.

That's the issue with the tims podcast, they can't help calling us huns or orange bastard.

That is the difference between us a them mate.

They use the reference Huns and Orange Bastards in every day life normal conversations wether it’s light hearted or hatred conversations.

I won’t be a hypocrite and say I don’t call them this and that but it’s certainly not in mixed company and or normal conversations.

The Hun word in particular f*cking sickens me because there is brain dead people who actually use it to describe themselves because that mob use it so often.

I slaughtered one of my mates years ago when referencing himself as one and it’s only in the last few years he acknowledged that it’s disgusting how much they use it as discrimination against anything leaning towards a hint of anything Protestant.
Is it true Jamesybhoy will be on a 55 special edition episode of heart and hand?

I have no sympathy for the c*nt.

The hatred in his voice and the stuff he thought was acceptable to say on camera just makes you think what would the animal be saying off camera and in his own company he’s a wrong yin.
I just took him as a daft, harmless ned. The appeal of that podcast for me was because they couldn't hide their anger and don't have the intelligence to articulate their feelings so just blurted out with a load of abuse and then got it straight back in the comments from Rangers fans.

There are so many deeply unpleasant folks on both sides that get up to stuff like this and they have a lot more in common than they'd like to think.
That is the difference between us a them mate.

They use the reference Huns and Orange Bastards in every day life normal conversations wether it’s light hearted or hatred conversations.

I won’t be a hypocrite and say I don’t call them this and that but it’s certainly not in mixed company and or normal conversations.

The Hun word in particular f*cking sickens me because there is brain dead people who actually use it to describe themselves because that mob use it so often.

I slaughtered one of my mates years ago when referencing himself as one and it’s only in the last few years he acknowledged that it’s disgusting how much they use it as discrimination against anything leaning towards a hint of anything Protestant.
We really should resume singing go home ya huns at them every time they darken our door as they are given free reign to use the h word in a derogatory fashion
But then again we would see the double standards that we often witness here as was evident in the faux outrage to the famine song
Tagging the guys work was poor form. As much as I hate them, I take no pleasure in seeing a guy lose his job especially as I don't think he was being racist.
No he deserves everything he got. Constantly calling Rangers fans and players sectarian names and even making up lies and calling Allan McGregor a racist.
Can you tell me what difference is between calling a black player ‘a monkey’ and a British Protestant ‘a hun’ or ‘an orange b’stard’ please?
No he deserves everything he got. Constantly calling Rangers fans and players sectarian names and even making up lies and calling Allan McGregor a racist.
Can you tell me what difference is between calling a black player ‘a monkey’ and a British Protestant ‘a hun’ or ‘an orange b’stard’ please?
Do you think people on here or twitter etc who call Celtic players/supporters "poets/mentally challengeds/***'s" should lose their jobs?

Edit: pre filter obviously :D
Deserves all he gets.

The one comment he made about monkeys to me was never racist and taken out of context in some circles, but that won't be all he's been bulleted from his work for.

Spend 10 minutes watching any of his other episodes and you'd quickly lose count of the number of sectarian or otherwise offensive comments he makes towards Rangers fans, protestants and in turn a large proportion of Sky's customer base.

The lady's front bottom should have been unemployable years ago. It's finally caught up with him.
Haha. Thread is only going to go one way now. I'd just like one of the posters above who thinks he got what he deserved to tell me if, in their opinion, calling a Celtic fan or player a sectarian name should be a sackable offence?
Don’t believe the guy should have lost his job.
However you are an idiot if you do a live recording of yourself whilst blootered in the immediate aftermath of a highly charged football match. Talk about asking for trouble.
Don’t believe the guy should have lost his job.
However you are an idiot if you do a live recording of yourself whilst blootered in the immediate aftermath of a highly charged football match. Talk about asking for trouble.
That was the beauty of it for me :D

Was hilarious watching them torture themselves.
Feel sorry for Brian, he spoke well in that video, a lot better than he did in any podcast I watched.

No one certainly deserved to loose their job for a throwaway comment said through drink that wasn’t meant to be racist in the first place.

I used to work in the same place as Brian. He wasn’t a bad lad for one of them tbf. A bit daft at times but not a complete banger like his cousin James.
Haha. Thread is only going to go one way now. I'd just like one of the posters above who thinks he got what he deserved to tell me if, in their opinion, calling a Celtic fan or player a sectarian name should be a sackable offence?
It shouldn’t be but it would result in it.

Edit - thinking about it, yes it should be. If I was broadcasting over the internet, calling Celtic fans “f*nian bastards” and Celtic scum etc., then there is now way that an employer would want me as the face of their company.
He deserved the sack.
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I used to work in the same place as Brian. He wasn’t a bad lad for one of them tbf. A bit daft at times but not a complete banger like his cousin James.

That's the thing, the boy James clearly wasn't the brightest, you'd have to be as daft as him to get offended by anything he said. I was more impressed he managed to get that p*shed drinking Coors Light to be honest.

Absolute coward's behaviour though tagging in his employer, no surprise it was that attention seeking clown Chris McLaughlin.
He knew what he was doing with that specific comment at that specific time.

If you’re going to go out there and put your face on show, you’ve got to be more careful and clever than that.

Not an ounce of sympathy to be honest, but I wouldn’t point and laugh at the guy for it.
Haha. Thread is only going to go one way now. I'd just like one of the posters above who thinks he got what he deserved to tell me if, in their opinion, calling a Celtic fan or player a sectarian name should be a sackable offence?

No. We've probably all said things at games or on twitter etc that are questionable, but for one occurrence I wouldn't agree with someone being punished like that. As I said earlier, I highly doubt he's got the sack for one monkey comment, which clearly wasn't racist.

The difference between someone making a one off comment and setting up a YouTube channel where you repeatedly use the same slurs against a wide section of the local population is stark though. The guy is clearly a bigot and unable to control himself. Was there not previous posts in here saying his kid was taken off him for that reason?

A company like Sky will have clear details about what is acceptable behaviour on social media. He's clearly fallen foul of that and won't have any room for complaint on the punishment received.
No. We've probably all said things at games or on twitter etc that are questionable, but for one occurrence I wouldn't agree with someone being punished like that. As I said earlier, I highly doubt he's got the sack for one monkey comment, which clearly wasn't racist.

The difference between someone making a one off comment and setting up a YouTube channel where you repeatedly use the same slurs against a wide section of the local population is stark though. The guy is clearly a bigot and unable to control himself. Was there not previous posts in here saying his kid was taken off him for that reason?

A company like Sky will have clear details about what is acceptable behaviour on social media. He's clearly fallen foul of that and won't have any room for complaint on the punishment received.
He won't have a leg to stand on with his employer. He's a simpleton, and his comments about McGregor were beyond the pale. Its the absolute hypocrisy that annoys me. Guys who chuck about similar abuse on here on a daily basis getting all indignant when it happens the other way. It's the same on their side too. It's the most childish rivalry in world football sometimes.
I watch rangers podcast, cjnovo, heart and hand, blues brothers. They are all good because they talk about rangers, are objective and don't stoop to name calling.

That's the issue with the tims podcast, they can't help calling us huns or orange bastard.
You look at rangers podcasts they have ex players on as guests and heart & hand they have great content so much so they are allowed into games , press conferences asking gerrard questions then you look at the celtic podcasts and its all orange bastards this , huns that and they go full sevco moonhowlers can you imagine ex celtic players guesting on just us tims lol
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