Celtic face threat of multimillion pound compensation claim(The Times)

Within that Tim blog they make mention of Neely, Dunn, Chalmers and Watson. Now I am only aware of Neely, can anybody tell me who the others are and what crimes they have committed. I take it these are names that they have picked out of thin air and are attempting to throw mud at in an attempt to deflect?
My point was that they claim separate entity in the first instance.
If that is the case (clearly it isn't) then they should happily see it backed up legally in court.
The fact they are getting so desperate as to threaten victims shows even they don't believe it.

Surely if they truly believe there is no case to answer, they want the chance to clear their name?
Understand GG. They neither want court or a public inquiry. However I think the separate entity claim is being tested in court as we speak, whether they want it or not.
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As damning as the "Separate Entity" facts are in these articles, I'm not sure if that's really the only issue anymore. The issue is what, in the case,Jack McGinn (et al) did or didn't do as firstly the chairman of Celtic and secondly a human beings. To me, the Celtic angle clearly demonstrated as a given - but what of the Whytes, Kellys and McGinns. What is their personal responsibility in all of this?
I know its not important, but i was feeling a bit down the other day so i watched a couple of Tommy Sherridin videos to cheer me up. There was one about prince Andrew, and he was going on about how he showed no remorse for something he has supposedly done. And i thought, what about what your team have done? Is it the Catholic way and he just cant help himself
Can anyone tell me the names of all the abusers from the Boys club? I'm struggling to remember them, i know of Torbett, Cairney and Strachan but I know there was a few more.
Within that Tim blog they make mention of Neely, Dunn, Chalmers and Watson. Now I am only aware of Neely, can anybody tell me who the others are and what crimes they have committed. I take it these are names that they have picked out of thin air and are attempting to throw mud at in an attempt to deflect?
They will be telling you next that Torbett was at Rangers before leaving to go to celtic
Jacobite, we heard the rumours and one of our team was very actively, regularly, and strongly contacting them warning them of the deal they were considering entering, and the
implications of it mate.

They have no excuse, just like Adolf Dassler had when he joined
the Nazi Party 3 months after Hitler became chancellor.

I think we know who the right wingers & Nazis are in this
So true, Grigo. So true.
Lots of new members all of a sudden asking questions on this thread recently

I’d be very careful of these new members as we all know Hollicom and certain mentally challenged fans are feeling twitchy knowing what’s coming
They refuse to believe that they can be brought to justice. They thought they had it all sealed up and by phuck I sometimes worrried about how watertight they seemed to be. Now it’s their time to feel fear. Hell mend them.
Not one iota of hard evidence from the mentally challengeds,despite their forensic paranoid research. As usual it's all in timmys head.
I knew John and know his family well. All it will take is for one of them to be identified making these claims to be held to account, a very dangerous game which could put a legal spotlight on them. Trust me they are watching. Utter scum behaviour, which is causing some real hurt to anyone who knew John.
Lots of new members all of a sudden asking questions on this thread recently

I’d be very careful of these new members as we all know Hollicom and certain mentally challenged fans are feeling twitchy knowing what’s coming
Anybody can set up an account and fire up a rangers picture as an avatar or use an uber staunch user name to look good, but as you say, be wary.
ive had dealings with press guys before years ago around 2012 debacle and have had family members deal with them, untrustworthy bastards. They were lurkers on here who looked the part when it came to looking like a rangers fan on a rangers forum, all they did was fish for info and use it second hand etc.

if anyone doesnt know who they accused are by now, they haven’t been paying attention and jumping on a bandwagon, or are being very fly and looking for someone to say something they shouldn’t be... this is a tactic being used very much by mentally challengeds right now.
Be wary of these fuckers
As damning as the "Separate Entity" facts are in these articles, I'm not sure if that's really the only issue anymore. The issue is what, in the case,Jack McGinn (et al) did or didn't do as firstly the chairman of Celtic and secondly a human beings. To me, the Celtic angle clearly demonstrated as a given - but what of the Whytes, Kellys and McGinns. What is their personal responsibility in all of this?
I had heard a couple of rumours about Chris Whyte but think he left just after Fergus took them over. They all knew but their involvement will differ from covering up to participation imo.
Anybody can set up an account and fire up a Rangers picture as an avatar or use an uber staunch user name to look good, but as you say, be wary.
ive had dealings with press guys before years ago around 2012 debacle and have had family members deal with them, untrustworthy bastards. They were lurkers on here who looked the part when it came to looking like a Rangers fan on a Rangers forum, all they did was fish for info and use it second hand etc.

if anyone doesnt know who they accused are by now, they haven’t been paying attention and jumping on a bandwagon, or are being very fly and looking for someone to say something they shouldn’t be... this is a tactic being used very much by mentally challengeds right now.
Be wary of these fuckers
It’s a very delicate operation but I think we can have enough confidence in the team right now. They’ve come a long way and a little euphoria is understandable. Your message is of course 120% sound Paulski. Be vigilant.
I knew John and know his family well. All it will take is for one of them to be identified making these claims to be held to account, a very dangerous game which could put a legal spotlight on them. Trust me they are watching. Utter scum behaviour, which is causing some real hurt to anyone who knew John.

Well said Wullie. A disgrace mate.
Great work lads. So many individual pieces of evidence.
Can I just play devils advocate for a minute ?
Would there be a way they could get a smart legal team to wrap up all these individual examples into one parcel, then treat it as one point ( I.e. The separate entity point ) that could be argued and overcome ? Thus rendering all those damning bits of info as defeated in one fell swoop ?
Obviously this is legal stuff but I would not put it past them to get the top lawyers available to work on every sneaky angle they could.
It’s a very delicate operation but I think we can have enough confidence in the team right now. They’ve come a long way and a little euphoria is understandable. Your message is of course 120% sound Paulski. Be vigilant.
Full agree J, the work the team are doing just now and in the past is bearing a hell of a lot of fruit, the rot is certainly coming to the forefront.
We are starting to see the very well orchestrated evil workings of the enablers and apologists. They all work very well together, all say the same stuff, work in unison to try and deny the facts and convictions.

the evidential facts and judicial convictions tell a very ugly, very different story and more is coming out.

it’s great work and long may it continue
Great work lads. So many individual pieces of evidence.
Can I just play devils advocate for a minute ?
Would there be a way they could get a smart legal team to wrap up all these individual examples into one parcel, then treat it as one point ( I.e. The separate entity point ) that could be argued and overcome ? Thus rendering all those damning bits of info as defeated in one fell swoop ?
Obviously this is legal stuff but I would not put it past them to get the top lawyers available to work on every sneaky angle they could.
No chance of that. Each case is a separate entity.
Great work lads. So many individual pieces of evidence.
Can I just play devils advocate for a minute ?
Would there be a way they could get a smart legal team to wrap up all these individual examples into one parcel, then treat it as one point ( I.e. The separate entity point ) that could be argued and overcome ? Thus rendering all those damning bits of info as defeated in one fell swoop ?
Obviously this is legal stuff but I would not put it past them to get the top lawyers available to work on every sneaky angle they could.

They will try of course, in fact one of the posters on this thread sent us stuff behind the scenes that might be their proposed angle.

So we’re focusing on that for instance as a possible contingency plan if they do.

If this was done in USA it would cost them hundreds of millions of dollars. Penn State is 300m or so for one paedophile.

So of course they’ll have the top lawyers this dodgy country can buy & you can assume nothing will be below them in terms of tactics. We already know that from the football side of their cult.

Separate entity being proven will be a big part, but not all of this, given certain people were employees, and they will throw the kitchen sink at the argument.
Very soon their will be no where to run, no where to hide, the fact that this spans many decades, involves so many different custodians/management teams and officials. A lot of sleepless nights . The truth will out, justice is coming, what part did you play or did you try and distance yourself? Maybe say nothing and hope it all disappears. Not this time.
Can anyone tell me the names of all the abusers from the Boys club? I'm struggling to remember them, i know of Torbett, Cairney and Strachan but I know there was a few more.
Ya fud. Lily only has one L.
And if you really want to find ALL the abusers then that could take some time.
If you look on Google you can easily find the fiends who have been charged and served prison time for their heinous crimes against children.
I suggest you get back to kerryfail street or whatever fekkin place you escaped from. Goodnight
The SFA are also going to find themselves in very deep shit in the not too distant future on a separate but related matter.
Apologies for going off topic. Is there any way of looking at a posters historical posts. I'm a member of a certain forum and when you click on the members name you can view every post they have ever done. Just asking.
Apologies for going off topic. Is there any way of looking at a posters historical posts. I'm a member of a certain forum and when y
Apologies for going off topic. Is there any way of looking at a posters historical posts. I'm a member of a certain forum and when you click on the members name you can view every post they have ever done. Just asking.
ou click on the members name you can view every post they have ever done. Just asking.
Full agree J, the work the team are doing just now and in the past is bearing a hell of a lot of fruit, the rot is certainly coming to the forefront.
We are starting to see the very well orchestrated evil workings of the enablers and apologists. They all work very well together, all say the same stuff, work in unison to try and deny the facts and convictions.

the evidential facts and judicial convictions tell a very ugly, very different story and more is coming out.

it’s great work and long may it continue
The plan to take it out of Scotland is what will neck them. In Scotland they seem to have it sealed but the rest of the world may think that child rape should never be excused in the pursuit of a political dream. In fact any right minded individual would think this way too but Scotland has a surplus of ignorant people right now.
The amount of inner rage the author of that article is failing to suppress is notable. He and other celtic fans can howl away about pointscoring Rangers fans having pushed this to harm celtic, keep it up, it highlights to the world how big a lowlife you are. I prefer the opinion of a victim who will more than likely be eternally thankful for our help in giving them a voice and a glimmer of hope that justice and closure may be achievable. With regard to costs to celtic I do know that an apology to the victims from them now is hollow and empty. To deny them a sincere apology is the reason that I hope they get hit for a fortune. It is fek all to do with football, it is only just and fair.
They act like someone over here across the pond; accuse their 'enemies' of exactly what they are doing. They can't even fathom that a group of people would want what's fair and just in a situation because that doesn't even register in their minds.

They went for the jugular with Rangers re: the EBT's even though it was not illegal at the time and their own club was doing it. So they naturally assume that we are up to the same as they are always up to; embellishing and screaming for something that isn't right.
Everything that comes their way will be absolute karma. Disgraceful organisation

They know they are on the hook and this is why the wagons have been circled. There is a bigger picture where incidents have occured at multiple major clubs - including our own unfortunately as we know - but it is hyper-concentrated in one particular place which we also already know.
We really are getting under their skin. I’m not even reading that shite. Deny and deflect at its best no doubt. And now the Irish Republican terrorist loving filth are calling us far right. It’s obviously down to their education.
We must remember something here. Child abuse is acceptable within their religion. That’s been proved worldwide. The bastards will come at us stronger now. We say bring it on. We’ll take you on head on. We have the evidence to back it.
Laugh at the scum. Don’t give them any air time on here either. It’s what they want. The world is about to know what that club stand for and how the Scottish government chose to ignore it. Some of their members even defend the club to this day.
I read the first paragraph and had had enough.

You're completely right, as usual BN. We shouldn't even give them the air time on here by pasting any of the shite they write because it's pure fictional drivel.
They know they are on the hook and this is why the wagons have been circled. There is a bigger picture where incidents have occured at multiple major clubs - including our own unfortunately as we know - but it is hyper-concentrated in one particular place which we also already know.
Incidents is a very general word, all encompassing and doesn't even begin to take into account the vast difference between an offensive comment at one club and DECADES OF systematic sexual abuse of children under the care of the other club.

I think we all know which club is which.

No offense to you but I just felt that this point should be made very loudly and clearly.
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