Celtic face threat of multimillion pound compensation claim(The Times)

They have no reason for the delay. I’ve personally witnessed the correspondence that certain victims have received and it shows how inept the SFA are on this.
We will open them up when this is actually printed, and show the members of the panel. We will show their previous employment and one of the individuals future employment.
We know who they are. Once it is printed then Spotlight will show the correspondence as we believe it will be a complete whitewash.
So that Lieswell can cherry pick the parts that don't suit and have them removed.

We have seen some stinking whitewashes in this demented state but this will top the lot.

It is disgraceful that this report has been delayed, for what is it now , the fourth or fifth time in a couple of years? I'm not sure, but it is not right that survivors have to wait even longer. The stress of waiting will add to the issues some of them already face as they push for an enquiry.

The treatment , and continued stance of ignoring and trying to silence the survivors is an affront to our ideas of a civilised society.
The sharing the burden attitude adopted by government and sporting authorities is a screen protecting tactic to protect one club. While every case of abuse is abhorrent and unacceptable, the epicentre of depravity over decades lies with Celtic FC and its associates. They have to implicate whoever to deflect from their nightmare.
The sharing the burden attitude adopted by government and sporting authorities is a screen protecting tactic to protect one club. While every case of abuse is abhorrent and unacceptable, the epicentre of depravity over decades lies with Celtic FC and its associates. They have to implicate whoever to deflect from their nightmare.

That’s my frustration, the comment about them & other clubs looking at their controls.

There is #thepaedoclub, and then there are others who are not in the same league, even though Kenny Waugh the Hibs chairman protected his club by hiding Neely’s behaviour.
It's an attempted whitewash of the decades long paedohiders and enablers from parkhead to try and associate other clubs in along with their sordid deeds to somehow water down their major paedophilic ring that operated there.
BJK but so did many others the paedophiles were protected by their vile club, and a host of others including people at the SFA who also knew.
Bump back to page 1.
Graham Spiers has retweeted this.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The author of a report into sexual abuse within football claims he is being kept in the dark by the sport’s authorities over their failure to publish his findings.<a href="https://t.co/rdjSClOkWp">https://t.co/rdjSClOkWp</a></p>&mdash; TimesEditorScotland (@magnusllewellin) <a href=" ">October 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Graham Speirs is a cock, who is belatedly trying to save face in this whole episode.

Too little too late Stinky.
They have no reason for the delay. I’ve personally witnessed the correspondence that certain victims have received and it shows how inept the SFA are on this.
We will open them up when this is actually printed, and show the members of the panel. We will show their previous employment and one of the individuals future employment.
We know who they are. Once it is printed then Spotlight will show the correspondence as we believe it will be a complete whitewash.
I don't know if the report would be covered by FOI regulations, suppose it depends if the actual remit for the report came from the Scottish Government, but would there be the possibility to request the original report once the redacted/whitewash version has been released? It would make for interesting reading, seeing what has been removed.

Similarly, would we be able to find out who had access to the report before publication, and who requested what detail to be removed? We all know the answer, but they must be held to account, with full disclosure of every part of the process. If certain individuals have demanded the removal or amendment of the report, then that makes a mockery of the whole thing.

They commission an independant review, then change whatever parts that make them (or Celtic) look bad or accountable? It is a total disgrace. The SFA are effectively getting to mark their own homework. It is like asking a criminal to investigate himself, decide what evidence is submitted, then decide himself whether he is guilty or innocent.

One would think Martin Henry still has a copy of his original report, but then again I am guessing he has been lined up for a 'safeguarding' position at the SFA afterwards to keep him sweet? I am hoping, but not expecting, this guy to have some morals, and stand up to the SFA if they have changed his report. It is interesting though that he seems to be passing the buck to the SFA on the delay though, rather than stay completely silent on the delay.
I don't know if the report would be covered by FOI regulations, suppose it depends if the actual remit for the report came from the Scottish Government, but would there be the possibility to request the original report once the redacted/whitewash version has been released? It would make for interesting reading, seeing what has been removed.

Similarly, would we be able to find out who had access to the report before publication, and who requested what detail to be removed? We all know the answer, but they must be held to account, with full disclosure of every part of the process. If certain individuals have demanded the removal or amendment of the report, then that makes a mockery of the whole thing.

They commission an independant review, then change whatever parts that make them (or Celtic) look bad or accountable? It is a total disgrace. The SFA are effectively getting to mark their own homework. It is like asking a criminal to investigate himself, decide what evidence is submitted, then decide himself whether he is guilty or innocent.

One would think Martin Henry still has a copy of his original report, but then again I am guessing he has been lined up for a 'safeguarding' position at the SFA afterwards to keep him sweet? I am hoping, but not expecting, this guy to have some morals, and stand up to the SFA if they have changed his report. It is interesting though that he seems to be passing the buck to the SFA on the delay though, rather than stay completely silent on the delay.
Every organisation is subject to data protection and I think FOI requests
They have no reason for the delay. I’ve personally witnessed the correspondence that certain victims have received and it shows how inept the SFA are on this.
We will open them up when this is actually printed, and show the members of the panel. We will show their previous employment and one of the individuals future employment.
We know who they are. Once it is printed then Spotlight will show the correspondence as we believe it will be a complete whitewash.

What is astonishing and also disturbing is the complete lack of media and political outcry at any delay at all in publishing this. The SFA seem to feel they are under no pressure what so ever to release this.
I think its safe to say that these reports are purely a means to prevent a landslide into oblivion for RC instutions up to their neck in child abuse. The Scottish RC church report rejected every recommendation from an independent advisor (ex mod of COS) which at the time was lauded as proof of transparency in confronting the issue head on. These reports are a not only a white wash they are a damage limitation strategy. Here reported below from the USA detailing why.

Every organisation is subject to data protection and I think FOI requests

Had a look into it, and I don’t think the SFA are covered by FOI legislation. The act relates to public bodies that the Scottish government has jurisdiction on, and the SFA do not appear to be on the list.

The original request for a review apparently came from John Swinney in 2016, no doubt to avoid any finger pointing from the SNP’s decision to omit religious and sporting institutions from their own review.

Therefore, I think an alternative, legal avenue may be required to get a copy of the original unedited submitted report from Martin Henry, if deemed necessary by the victims or their lawyers to do so. Or it might be as simple as actually asking Martin Henry outright what has been omitted, given his name will be massively associated with the report. Again, I suppose that depends on whether Martin Henry is ‘in’ on any potential whitewash. Hopefully we will find out in the coming weeks/months when the report is issued. They can’t delay it forever.

Had a look into it, and I don’t think the SFA are covered by FOI legislation. The act relates to public bodies that the Scottish government has jurisdiction on, and the SFA do not appear to be on the list.

The original request for a review apparently came from John Swinney in 2016, no doubt to avoid any finger pointing from the SNP’s decision to omit religious and sporting institutions from their own review.

Therefore, I think an alternative, legal avenue may be required to get a copy of the original unedited submitted report from Martin Henry, if deemed necessary by the victims or their lawyers to do so. Or it might be as simple as actually asking Martin Henry outright what has been omitted, given his name will be massively associated with the report. Again, I suppose that depends on whether Martin Henry is ‘in’ on any potential whitewash. Hopefully we will find out in the coming weeks/months when the report is issued. They can’t delay it forever.

Also contact MSPs as a matter of long overdue importance for survivors and the Scottish public. I believe Ruth Davidson has recently got the ball rolling on this.
Had a look into it, and I don’t think the SFA are covered by FOI legislation. The act relates to public bodies that the Scottish government has jurisdiction on, and the SFA do not appear to be on the list.

The original request for a review apparently came from John Swinney in 2016, no doubt to avoid any finger pointing from the SNP’s decision to omit religious and sporting institutions from their own review.

Therefore, I think an alternative, legal avenue may be required to get a copy of the original unedited submitted report from Martin Henry, if deemed necessary by the victims or their lawyers to do so. Or it might be as simple as actually asking Martin Henry outright what has been omitted, given his name will be massively associated with the report. Again, I suppose that depends on whether Martin Henry is ‘in’ on any potential whitewash. Hopefully we will find out in the coming weeks/months when the report is issued. They can’t delay it forever.

Who can't and they will given half a chance.
Also contact MSPs as a matter of long overdue importance for survivors and the Scottish public. I believe Ruth Davidson has recently got the ball rolling on this.
I think Scottish Labour and the Tories have the SNP, and Sturgeon, in their sights at long last.

the Covid care home manslaughter and when she knew; the Salmond case, her husbands involvement, and when she knew of reported cases before the referendum; the Derek McKay issue; that idiot Ferrier and her Covid jaunt (the witchy looking one with the rotten teeth); the Kirsten Thornton bullying issue; Useless trying to shoehorn his relatives into seats; and the Exam fiasco/education review delay.

It is all piling up, and the CSA issue is another on the list. I suppose it depends on whether the SNP’s opponents want to, or need to, go down that route as well, given the sensitivity of the issue.
I have to say that having watching Some of the comments made by victims and their families over the past few years one victim has been standing out in his determined fight for justice.
That man is Gordon Woods
It certainly looks like no matter the level of abuse he gets from the puddle drinkers he will never back down and neither he should.
This man has absolutely no fear and gives no fucks
I absolutely tip my hat to him and hope he gets all the support he deserves in his fight for justice
We should all be backing and helping this man
If the Scottish Govt can dictate to the SFA regards COVID19 restrictions and can have the season stopped then that sounds like jurisdiction to me unless of course the Justice minister plays his usual silent card and let's the SFA carry on regardless.
Technically the government could force the SFA’s hand on the review in any way they see fit. But they won’t, for obvious reasons. They effectively washed their hands of it by giving it to the SFA to handle in the first place.

The issue is whether Joe Public, ie the victims, lawyers or the campaigners on this forum can force this through FOI, in terms of the SFA releasing the unedited report. I don’t think they could, without taking legal action. However, all of that is probably unhelpful speculation on my part, until we see the actual issued report and also whether Martin Henry or others confirm how much has been redacted. I am sure the gents on this forum, and others, campaigning tirelessly will have already thought these scenarios through and planned accordingly.

Regardless of what the review states anyway, it will be the courts that decide matters. Everyone can see right through the separate entity nonsense, as would every judge in the land. The SFA have no legal say or authority in terms of what the law decides. The review may have an influence, likely for the better given the comments in the interim review, with regards any future lawsuits. But any judge would give short shrift to a blatant internal whitewash.

The main benefit of the review being published is that Useless and his cohorts can no longer hide behind it, even if they do try and palm it off as a Scottish football issue where lessons are to be learned going forward.

A former senior figure at Celtic FC’s feeder club will face charges of sexual abuse within weeks.

Frank Cairney, 84, served as general manager of Celtic Boys Club from 1974 until 1991.

The Crown Office confirmed that Mr Cairney, of Uddingston, South Lanarkshire, has been charged and is involved in a live case. It is understood that the charges relate to the alleged sexual abuse of young people. A Crown Office spokeswoman said: “Frank Cairney has one live case that is scheduled to call at Glasgow sheriff court as an adjourned first diet on October 30.”

Mr Cairney took over as general manager of Celtic Boys Club in 1974, replacing Jim Torbett, the founder of the feeder club.

In 1986 Mr Cairney contributed an article to a souvenir brochure produced to mark the 20th anniversary of Celtic Boys Club.

He wrote: “We have helped to make a lot of young boys happy. It makes me even happier to think we are fulfilling a role in their development. I will have special thoughts for every boy who has represented the boys’ club during the 20 years of our existence.”

Mr Cairney resigned from the boys’ club in 1991 after leading 20 teenagers and five adults on a summer tour to New Jersey. He was present at Parkhead when Tommy Burns, his former protégé, was presented as the new Celtic FC manager three years later.

On July 29, 1994, the Celtic View, the club magazine, lauded Mr Cairney as “one of the great unsung heroes of the Celtic story”. Burns, who died of skin cancer aged 51 in 2008, said Mr Cairney had brought him to the boys’ club as a teenager and had been his confidant and mentor ever since, adding: “He’s given 30 years of his adult life championing the Celtic cause.”

The 1994 report said: “Frank was brought into the Celtic set-up by [the manager] Jock Stein and [the chief scout] John Higgins. He was entrusted to set up the system which would help the under-16s on to the next step of the ladder.

“That system has paid off with one of those raw recruits becoming the man in charge of the club.”

Four years earlier the publication offered congratulations to Mr Cairney on his “20th year on the Celtic staff”.
The fact that both the Scottish football authorities and the Scottish government have turned a blind eye to this, is absolutely shameful. The Scottish government, especially, have let the victims and their families down badly, when they should be holding an enquiry to what took place at Celtic over the course of many years.
If a person accused of these crimes, were to confess all when arrested, asking for other unreported incidents to be taken into consideration, that would be 1 trial and 1 sentence (possibly more, but probably to run concurrently) that would allow any kind of public enquiry to publish their findings. By continually denying, dragging victims through court, it stops more open scrutiny. Are people being used as pawns, even at such a late stage of life?

I'm just sounding off, reading it back I sound mental, but these cult members...
Four years earlier the publication offered congratulations to Mr Cairney on his “20th year on the Celtic staff”.

So he was a Celtic FC employee, with his salary paid by Celtic FC.
What a terrible situation for survivors and families to be constantly be put though by this inept mob on panal,its nothing short of outrageous!

Publish the report and have a grain of dignity you shower of shît,survivors are in mental state and this won’t and dont help.

Action needs ramped on them on this 4 ball that have ran this report,they out to be ashamed and a blatant disregard for survivors well being and mental state.

And this is why there should be a full public inquiry. Get everything orchestrated by these sick minded Paedophiles out in the open. The victims, who have had their lives devastated by the actions of these monsters, that knowingly operated within the safety of Celtic Football Club deserve it.

Goodness, how they deserve it and it's a travesty that the powers to be in Scotland do not see it fit to pursue one.

Child Abuse in the magnitude committed at Celtic Football Club and still no public inquiry. So many people in a position of power, that should be well and truly ashamed of themselves, but they're not and that is quite simply disgusting on so many levels.
It looks like we’ve caused a bit of mayhem on the new thread. The reason it has been locked is that there can be no mention of any previous convictions. This could affect the upcoming case. Can everyone please be mindful of this.
I also seen on another thread someone asking why this is being discussed on a football forum? If you want me to fuckin spell it out for you then contact me privately or openly and I’ll educate you on young footballers lives being destroyed. What a fuckin stupid thing to say. I’ve seen some clowns in the bearpit but that comment beats them all.
It looks like we’ve caused a bit of mayhem on the new thread. The reason it has been locked is that there can be no mention of any previous convictions. This could affect the upcoming case. Can everyone please be mindful of this.
I also seen on another thread someone asking why this is being discussed on a football forum? If you want me to fuckin spell it out for you then contact me privately or openly and I’ll educate you on young footballers lives being destroyed. What a fuckin stupid thing to say. I’ve seen some clowns in the bearpit but that comment beats them all.
I apologise for the language I used in the above post. If the poster wishes to speak to a victim or family member on why this is being discussed on a football forum, then I’ll gladly set it up.
That club is responsible for ending young footballers dreams. This is why it has to be discussed. They have continued to cover it up and hide behind the apologist Scottish devolved government. We will continue to bring these bastards before the authorities. Those that know us know what we’ve achieved. There’s more to come. If people don’t want to see our work then we will gladly remove ourselves from follow follow.
I apologise for the language I used in the above post. If the poster wishes to speak to a victim or family member on why this is being discussed on a football forum, then I’ll gladly set it up.
That club is responsible for ending young footballers dreams. This is why it has to be discussed. They have continued to cover it up and hide behind the apologist Scottish devolved government. We will continue to bring these bastards before the authorities. Those that know us know what we’ve achieved. There’s more to come. If people don’t want to see our work then we will gladly remove ourselves from follow follow.
You're the last person that needs to apologise on here mate . The work you and others have done is astounding and you had every right to go after that poster
The accounts dont have individual salary details.

But when you start digging it is clear to see that Celtic Boys Club coaches and staff were not paid by CBC raising money doing back packing at Tesco or bottle stalls in a shopping centre.
However, his national insurance contributions will have a paper trail as will his HMRC declarations. It really should not be difficult for a lawyer to get their hands on this evidence for any trials involving him or others.
I apologise for the language I used in the above post. If the poster wishes to speak to a victim or family member on why this is being discussed on a football forum, then I’ll gladly set it up.
That club is responsible for ending young footballers dreams. This is why it has to be discussed. They have continued to cover it up and hide behind the apologist Scottish devolved government. We will continue to bring these bastards before the authorities. Those that know us know what we’ve achieved. There’s more to come. If people don’t want to see our work then we will gladly remove ourselves from follow follow.
The work you do is absolutely tremendous . Please DON'T remove yourselves from FF . The vast majority ( 99.99999 .... ) who follow this thread are fair minded , " normal " people who want to see justice done . Please don't let one ( or a few ) arseholes get to you .
Deep breaths and Keep up the Great Work ; And , Please keep us up to date .
Thank You .
The work you do is absolutely tremendous . Please DON'T remove yourselves from FF . The vast majority ( 99.99999 .... ) who follow this thread are fair minded , " normal " people who want to see justice done . Please don't let one ( or a few ) arseholes get to you .
Deep breaths and Keep up the Great Work ; And , Please keep us up to date .
Thank You .
Here here
I apologise for the language I used in the above post. If the poster wishes to speak to a victim or family member on why this is being discussed on a football forum, then I’ll gladly set it up.
That club is responsible for ending young footballers dreams. This is why it has to be discussed. They have continued to cover it up and hide behind the apologist Scottish devolved government. We will continue to bring these bastards before the authorities. Those that know us know what we’ve achieved. There’s more to come. If people don’t want to see our work then we will gladly remove ourselves from follow follow.
Correct and also whats now been proved and maybe not spoken about as much is the fact of
Celtic Football Club are responsible for the care of any young boys they sign and they take under their wing FACT
Celtic Football Club were responsible despite many people knowing of moving these young boys onto Celtic Boys Club and into the care of paedophiles FACT
So Celtic Football Club are to blame for ruing a young man's life forever and should face the highest punishment whatever that may be FACT
I apologise for the language I used in the above post. If the poster wishes to speak to a victim or family member on why this is being discussed on a football forum, then I’ll gladly set it up.
That club is responsible for ending young footballers dreams. This is why it has to be discussed. They have continued to cover it up and hide behind the apologist Scottish devolved government. We will continue to bring these bastards before the authorities. Those that know us know what we’ve achieved. There’s more to come. If people don’t want to see our work then we will gladly remove ourselves from follow follow.

You have no need to apologise to anyone on here or in life if anything the apologies should be coming your way,keep up the good work my man with your team you're doing a fantastic job despite the opposition to you all.

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