Kerryfail Meltdown - It's the hope that kills you

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News reaches Dimitri...


"Ross County 1 Celtic 0"

Every Bheast win keeps Lemmon in a job,so it seems reasonable to me to suggest that there are those at the crimescene who will be hoping for a Celtic defeat at our hands, and those who will back Lemmon for the day in the full knowledge that they are instrumental in keeping him longer :D :D:))
Anyone find this idiot to see what he’s saying now?!?!
He is just an example of why people in Pompeii were making shopping lists for the day after Vesuvius had stopped spewing its volcanic ash.
It is the same reason why I do the lottery and tell the wife that the new house is in the bag.
Smile and give the lad a break, even as you fizz up the champagne. B-D
We are nothing if we are not humble in victory and steadfast in defeat.

Well, ... sort of. :)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):)):))
These 55 smiles are in no way indicative of any triumphalism, no Sireee, ... not in any way.


Luke Bolton and Shankland will score a few I suspect. Utd will win on Sunday, their defence is susceptible even with Tavpen, Utd win on Sunday the points difference is 12 then 6 with the 2 games v them, they will drop 6 points in 6 games, of that I have no doubt, especially considering 2 games are away to Livi and one of Aberdeen or Hibs. We are still in with a shout here, let’s get behind the team now.

This fruitcake will seriously have to re jig his calculations to make his team champions.

What a fud.
That is funny for so many reasons.

Obviously they have wanked over their "domestic success" but surely a team wants to strive for more. And with free access to Champions League riches, and £100 million worth of assets (?) then they should have invested and strolled through the Europa League year on year.

Obviously I haven't paid enough attention to them. But I didn't realise they were that shi.t
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